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Vince Marciano

There has been a lot of talk in the junior mining industry of late about the 600 or so zombie companies with negative working capital still trading on Canada's growth exchanges. Tony Simon, co-founder of the Venture Capital Markets Association, wants to get rid of them, so investors can have an easier time focusing on the few junior exploration companies that are actually doing good work. Mr. Simon has been very effective getting his message out recently, with multiple national media mentions, and even a plug on ZeroHedge. He first posted his zombie study here, and it quickly became one of the most read articles on CEO.CA ever.

Vince Marciano, editor of Junior Exploration Channel and host of the Stateside Report, is tired of the zombie TSXV company meme. As an investor trying to outperform the market, Stateside wants even more zombie companies, commenting via CEO Chat yesterday evening:

"The less companies the less advantage I have investing. I like zombies since the more press releases that come out the better the chance the lazy investor may miss an opportunity. Taking the zombies away makes the arm chair investor's job easier. Wouldn't it be great to only have 20 exceptional companies trading on the TSX-V? Not in my book. If everyone knows and likes a story where is the opportunity to uncover a situation others don't see? No leverage. No chance to outperform. Keep the zombies alive so real investors have to spend real time going through all of the garbage to find the real winners. Zombies rule!"

Personally, I love Stateside's attitude and learn a ton about little-known exploration companies by watching his Youtube channel and talking to him in CEO Chat. He's full of great ideas and you should follow him.