How many posts have I made in 2023 so far? Looks like over 1,500 from some rough work I did privately. Here are all the posts as scraped from CEOca ([name]=@newton )


@dcurtis Time for my year end physical , I gotta get a new Doctor,my old doc ,boy is he a bad Doctor . He tells me Ok I have good news and bad news , waddaya want first ? I please Doctor Vinny Boombatz give me some good news . He says Your insurance is paid up . So I says"So whats the bad news " I haven't found out yet , but it's gonna be expensive , @newton

. No Respect 0 from #jokes, 24 Dec 2022, 10:31

@Newton 200 new pics up on the cloud yesterday, too. Fun stuff @Westcoast_wizard. Thanks @911mining

Ho ho ho

1 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 10:25

@Newton Ha! 0 from #jokes, 25 Dec 2022, 10:26

@Newton Did you hear the one about the silent movie star who started doing "Talkies" ? Something something junior mining companies from the 80s in the 20202s? 0 from #jokes, 25 Dec 2022, 10:26

@Newton #JamesAllen

"We find the Good by being good, the True

By being true, the Real by dissolving

Our fond illusions, thereby, piercing through

Shadow, and knowing substance. By resolving

We can attain, and by attaining, know ;

And, knowing, who shall cause us grief or harm ?

What trembling victim of the world's vain show

Shall pierce the armoured heart, or fail the arm

Of him whose shield is Wisdom ? What event,

What circumstance, not mutability

Can shake the Changeless ? And whoso hath blent

In knowledge, fearing nothing, hating naught ;

His heart and mind Love-fashioned, Wisdom-wraught.

JAMES ALLEN;Knowledge.p+ 18 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:12

@Newton Shoutout #Zerohedge 2019 June

@Newton thanks #recurpost 1 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:16



On its primary page for This Is Spinal Tap, the IMDb displays the user rating for the film out of 11 stars (e.g. 7.9/11) instead of the standard scale of one to ten.[14][15][16] However, only 10 rating stars are actually shown on the page, and user ratings can only be submitted up to 10 stars. Other IMDb pages display the rating out of 10.[15]

0 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:18

@Newton #joke @dcurtis? 0 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:18


Light Jacket Day / The Perfect Date is a mock holiday celebrated on April 25th and based on a line from the 2000 comedy film Miss Congeniality, in which a beauty pageant contestant mistakes a question about her ideal romantic rendezvous for her literal favorite day of the year.


2016 January 18

Proxima Centauri: The Closest Star

Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA

0 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:19

@Newton Let's find gold @carbon8ed 0 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:19


@911mining what do you think? 0 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:21

@Newton @grassroots video of doing this gold work at KLM project please thanks ? 1 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:22

@Newton Do we care about these rocks yet @carbon8ed? People, ideas, things -- people are the most important. Then ideas. Then things... George Doriot #memes

0 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:25

@Newton No @carbon8ed they are not.

This is not from a KLM project. It is from a spot nearby the KLM project (JONTHANS POND). Can we find a QP to sign our release of videos and pictures of this kind of thing at our project? Please thanks

#NewtonDeals 0 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:26

@Newton #newtonmaps

@grassroots please can you tell me coordinates where that tweet was from so I can add it to this map? If you'd like. Okay if not thanks 0 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:31

@Newton Pretty prolific area all around @carbon8ed. The challenge is how to show the work in a way that makes sense in 2023? All the digital content from @911mining has been helpful for me. What's next starting from scratch with a gold story? Potential to fund exploration work with shares-for-services agreements? Small scale stuff can have big impact at early stages, they say "show me" eh? #Bullish 1 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:34


Nerdmode Resources! Yes, please #ThankYou 2 from #klm, 21 Sep 2022, 15:03 1 from #klm, 25 Dec 2022, 23:35

@Grassroots @Newton 0 from #klm, 26 Dec 2022, 10:43

@Newton The mining promoter who went to heaven @dcurtis?

"Maybe it's true!"

1 from #jokes, 27 Dec 2022, 11:40

@Newton Thanks for sharing the location @Grassroots. That is a neat area with the stretched-out lakes indicating big lateral movement? Something similar at other hot spots around the big faults? Amazing also to see the lack of snow from recent surface sampling work. #Bullish 0 from #klm, 27 Dec 2022, 12:37

@Newton Respect MOZ big new chapter of story here with permanent camp 1 from #moz, 27 Dec 2022, 12:39

@Newton Hello from another shade of green @dcurtis 0 from @dcurtis, 27 Dec 2022, 12:46

@Newton Big @groover 4 from #nine, 27 Dec 2022, 12:57

@stocklor @Newton, been on site 9-10 times now. Have a dozen pals working their, dozens more going. The new bridge is funky. Happy, Healthy New Year. All the best with your new venture!! 3 from #moz, 27 Dec 2022, 13:07

@Newton with the XRF ! 0 from #epl, 27 Dec 2022, 18:24

@Newton POLICY 1.3

SCHEDULE OF FEES 0 28 Dec 2022, 00:20

@Newton #Copper #Newfoundland Thanks to the vendors for working hard on this "GREY" project out of the gate. Signed LOI at end of June and crew was out start of July, with results by the end of the month? Call it "small and simple" as a negative if you want, but I say "effective" eh! 0 from #klm, 28 Dec 2022, 00:40

@Newton Who's gonna fight a snake @dcurtis? (old green) 0 from @dcurtis, 28 Dec 2022, 00:42

@Newton Multi-billion dollar company @juniorminer. Leader in new cohort of new USA-based high tech mining companies. For example, LGO in Brazil as a turnaround story. Note #Whittle connection ("how do you have a model of an operating mine for vanadium that doesn't have magnetics in the block model?" something like) part of LGO success story, but Whittle are external consultants so rarely mentioned. Star factor with c-suite of LGO and NB #bullish 2 from #nb, 28 Dec 2022, 00:47

@Newton Hello VAND! Is there potential for an ABXX collaboration here? "Physical Vanadium Corp" what is even that? 1 from #vand, 28 Dec 2022, 00:48

@Newton @caberg is there a LNG angle to ABXX ? 1 from #abxx, 28 Dec 2022, 00:48

@Newton "Jr Mining goals for 2023: make more, spend less"

Good goal! 1 from #klm, 28 Dec 2022, 00:50

@Newton @dcurtis gorgeous

50B company possible? 3 from #ivn, 28 Dec 2022, 00:57

@Newton I have to look out for the shareholder’s interests, and I’m the largest shareholder. ~ Carl Icahn 1 from #klm, 28 Dec 2022, 01:03

@Newton Best wishes to all for 2023 3 from #klm, 28 Dec 2022, 01:03

@dcurtis 50B company possible? Asks @NEWTON Probable IMHO . KK is the best , kipushi zinc and platreef on track . Ivanhoe is a juggernaut . Better than good 2 from #ivn, 30 Dec 2022, 02:17

@Newton Hello @TCB77! 0 from @tcb77, 30 Dec 2022, 09:40

@Newton Why is above a nickel better @dcurtis? What happens if you divide by zero? 0 from #klm, 30 Dec 2022, 09:47

@Newton #Twitter fun thread thanks 0 from #klm, 30 Dec 2022, 09:58

@Newton Yo! 0 from @robby, 30 Dec 2022, 15:28

@Newton @Goldfinger I've got one for you... @goldfinger/year-end-post-the-worst-year-for-investors-in-more-than-150-years

One thing I learned in 2022 is that it's important to be bold in the bad times. I think back to this classic little piece from @tommy "11 LAWS OF BILLIONAIRE MINERS & OILMEN" " To our surprise, we found that the best operators in the industry are extraordinarily bullish during bear markets, and extremely bullish during bull markets, too.... So keep an eye out for optimism (but also remain mindful that, in a sector run by unbridled optimists, the truly wise maintain a sense of + 33 more words. Click to expand 7 from @goldfinger/year-end-post-the-worst-year-for-investors-in-more-than-150-years, 30 Dec 2022, 17:18

@Newton Ask Mister Market @Jasperoid? 0 from #ggl, 30 Dec 2022, 17:22

@tommy well said @newton and thanks for keeping that ole report alive! 5 from @goldfinger/year-end-post-the-worst-year-for-investors-in-more-than-150-years, 30 Dec 2022, 19:43

@dcurtis So hard to write jokes .. but sometimes you just here one . . Norm McDondald could tell a joke . It took some time like a fine wine , but with patience and a scene of humor , you got a great joke well told . Am pissing on your leg and saying it's raining , Am I telling you this tin is gold ? , How aboot this fine mahogany that is obviously particle board with a cheap vernier . No , just telling a joke . So there was this miner. cont.. by @Newton. 0 from #jokes, 1 Jan 2023, 20:53

@CriticalInvestor Do you have a rollback planned Peter? @Newton 0 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 08:06

anonymous #NickTate Twenty Golden Rules of Mineral Exploration, by @Newton

@Newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration 0 from #articles, 2 Jan 2023, 13:57

@Newton @Newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration Thank you #NickTate! Transcript:

If you're a mineral exploration geologist and you're in the business of finding ore deposits then there are some golden rules you can follow to help you get there as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here's a list of 20 that I've compiled based loosely on a list by the famous Sig Muessig and his exploration cannons that he developed while he was exploration manager for Getty Minerals when they discovered the giant Escondida deposit. There are a few others from other successful explorers that I've worked with and a few I've learned myself the hard way. This is the headline version for YouTube if y+ 274 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 13:58

@Newton And shoutout #SigMuessig "IQ gets you there, but NQ finds it!" Adding full text here to connect to the Nick Tate article, @Newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration



Siegfried Muessig (SEG 1957, President 1978)

What makes for success in exploration?

Is it money?

Is it superior technology?

Is it the presence of superior scientists?

Is it superior and persistent organizations?

All these attributes are desirable and their presence will enhance the chances of success; but we've all seen examples of well funded, capable organizations that find nothing though they do some of the right things, such as ex+ 2276 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 13:59

@Newton video of Sig himself 1 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 14:04

@Newton Tragedy plus time equals comedy @dcurtis?

Here's one... so this guy spends his adult life studying and participating in a niche segment of financial markets. Crawls through the mud and ends up getting a shell pubco in a hostile takeover. Gets +10% of the shares and a bunch of projects with bullish partners. Then he anonymously contacts one of the Legend Investors that he studied for years and asks him to do a complimentary review of the company. Comes back "one of the worst companies I've ever seen". Classic! 1 from #jokes, 2 Jan 2023, 14:10

@Newton Hi @CriticalInvestor thanks for the question.

Short version: No plans.

Long version: We are able to do one at any time (Ontario companies need shareholder vote for any rollback, BC ones don't) and my public commentary has been that I'd like to have 5-10M shares out after the deal is "fixed" (whatever that means). If we do more than 10:1 in any 2-year period then we need shareholder approval. It's important to understand the constraints we face from TSXV policy. For one thing, they changed policy in June 2022 to allow financings down to one cent with some strings attached (increased disclosure about planned use of proceeds and limits on spending on management and IR). However, there is a + 207 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 15:13

@Newton Thanks @Grassroots for posting tweet from about share counts on different exchanges. It's important to understand timely differences in rules for each exchange as it relates to financing and trading. Also fun to see some discussion about more timeless factors of human psychology

"An old Vancouver Stock Exchange rounder told me a large structure and low share price better communicates early-stage risk. Psychologically investors may perceive a higher priced (yet same market cap) stock is safer. He’d blown up a lot of deals and said the investors in the higher priced ones were by far the angriest with him after the fa+ 13 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 15:16

@Newton PS. Policy document

"the aggregate number of Listed Shares of an Issuer that are issued at a price or deemed price that is less than 0.05 in any 12 month period does not exceed 100% of the number of Listed Shares of the Issuer which were issued and outstanding, on a non-diluted basis, at the beginning of that 12 month period;"

FYI @CriticalInvestor KLM had around 90M shares out 12 months ago and have printed around 45M since then. We've printed 10M for a financing in February ( 0.025 with full warrant at 0.05) and done approximately 33M shares in property deals (1.5M for Little Bay in April, 9M for Lucky Strike in July, then 7M for Grey Copper and 15M + 52 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 15:30

@Newton Shoutout #davidbcollum thanks for the classic annual review. I hope you keep writing them, Dave!

Follow him on Twitter for some fun. I tweeted at him a few times years ago and suggested that he attend the New Orleans Investment Conference #NOIC, which he eventually did. I can only imagine the conversations... 0 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 15:39

@Newton "Several years ago I promised myself I would stop reading about what will happen. I am not sure we ever know what had happened and am clueless about what is happening." classic 0 from #davidbcollum, 2 Jan 2023, 15:45

@Newton @mackvorkian "The answer to the age-old question, “do rising prices cause inflation or does inflation cause rising prices?” is “yes.” Inflation is impossible to discuss without introducing gross distortions. The idea that something so complex as the ebb and flow of prices—something akin to global weather patterns—can be described using a binary vocabulary—inflation or deflation—is bonkers. Even if you throw in a few adjectives to smooth the edges, it still doesn’t work. There is a tribe in Africa that has three numbers: one, two, and many. They were never going to invent calculus. Economists armed with calculus will never be able to describe money flows using only two words. Language corrupt+ 3 more words. Click to expand 0 2 Jan 2023, 16:28

@Newton What next for 2023 @Grassroots?! 0 from #klm, 2 Jan 2023, 16:45

@Newton @CriticalInvestor also worth mentioning that the original team behind KLM also had RUP prior to current team. I don't know details of timelines but have one twist of that story that's worth mentioning -- apparently the new team who took RUP never rolled it back! They were able to get it up to nearly a billion dollar market cap on a significant gold discovery without a rollback. Miraculous? Impressive.

And one other random thing to mention is that RUP and PLY both have a significant shareholder +10% who was an associate of the old KLM team, but he wasn't a major shareholder here in KLM? Again, I don't know the full story there but the first SEDI filings I can find for that person go back to+ 42 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 3 Jan 2023, 01:00

@Newton Heavy reading from Dave Collum "And, by the way, my definition of a correction is that it adjusts asset values and investors’ attitudes significantly. When was our last correction? March 2020? Not a chance. What attitudes got corrected? How about 2007–09? Not in my book. Investors were rewarded for their tenacity. The last real correction was 1967–81. Equity investors lost 70% of their equity gains inflation corrected. You could not give equities away even though, by all metrics, they were dirt cheap, but why take a risk on equities after 14 years of bludgeoning?" 0 from #klm, 3 Jan 2023, 01:43

@Newton Hello TR!

"Over the course of the last year Troubadour has pursued, and continues to pursue, various opportunities to increase shareholder value and complement its current asset base. Some of these opportunities were advanced to the documentation stage, but market conditions have so far prevented the completion of any transformative transaction. The Company will continue to pursue opportunities that fit within its corporate vision with the goal of creating significant value for its shareholders." 2 from #tr, 3 Jan 2023, 01:45

@Newton Pretty quiet time and I think a lot of the MRZ shareholders are not typical CEOca users? 1 from #mrz, 3 Jan 2023, 02:00

@Grassroots @Newton @911mining for 2023 with any luck the magic of a KLM chart going straight up from a new exploration discovery from rule number 19 “drill holes find ore deposits”!!!! 2 from #klm, 3 Jan 2023, 05:03

@400thecat @Newton I think, this used to be popular stock, promoted by such legends as Brent Cook and Joe Mazumdar. This has been a painful position, many people lost patience. The price basically is where it was 10 years ago. There was one such long-term shareholder calling in on the recent webinar, voicing his frustration. 0 from #mrz, 3 Jan 2023, 06:52

@Newton Perfect date! 1 from @carbon8ed, 4 Jan 2023, 02:08

@Newton @dcurtis 0 from #jokes, 4 Jan 2023, 02:15


Thanks @Grassroots and @911mining for setting up this "SHARES FOR SERVICES" agreement with KLM where we can pay for some exploration costs with shares.

I think this is a bullish way to get work done because it matches the amount of shares to be printed with the amount of work that gets done month-month. A couple big limitations are the total amount of spending ( 20K per month) doesn't give much budget for essential activities like drilling and it doesn't cover cash costs like assay lab fees. It's not a panacea but I see it as an important tool for KLM to achieve our goa+ 181 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 4 Jan 2023, 10:22

@Newton @F6 that rare earths from coal ash is a great story. Some chatter with Jack Lifton on the topic from March 2017...


JL: Are you familiar with the DOE project on rare earth from coal material?

PB: No, only the coal ash that I've heard about from the Ucore team.

JL: OK. The coal miners have had a couple accidents in the American east where tailing dams, so to speak, collapsed into navigable waters. They could contaminate drinking water and cause environmental problems. The coal companies are obligated to maintain these enormous mountains of residue and analyze them to make sure everything is OK.

JL: A year or t+ 382 more words. Click to expand 2 from #boardroom, 4 Jan 2023, 10:33

@Newton Follow @Grassroots and @911mining on twitter! 0 from #klm, 4 Jan 2023, 10:35

@Newton Follow the ThePANMANprospector on twitter 0 4 Jan 2023, 10:37

@Newton 7 grams over 50m in Walker Lane eh! impressive 0 from @jjjj, 4 Jan 2023, 10:38

@Grassroots We will show you what Jonathan’s #Gold looks like in the near future @Newton 2 from #klm, 4 Jan 2023, 11:26

@Newton Thank you @Grassroots grateful for the opportunity to work with you 0 from #klm, 4 Jan 2023, 11:34

@Newton Bellweahter etf @dragonnose 0 from #boardroom, 4 Jan 2023, 11:35

@dragonnose @Newton that was a joke. 0 from #boardroom, 4 Jan 2023, 12:17

@Newton Ask @dcurits about #jokes eh @dragonnose? 1 4 Jan 2023, 13:38

@Newton Pretty upsetting @carbon8ed but in line with a familiar refrain I've heard different places that that the biggest haters are often in your own address book. 0 from #klm, 5 Jan 2023, 01:29

@Newton #NewtonNotes

I made a recording with my thoughts on the new shares-for-services strategy at link above. Raw transcript below and audio recording at link above. I will plan to edit the transcript so that it's readable and publish it sometime in the next week. Here's auto-generated text to help explain my thinking with this move.

To public

from Peter Bell

Date. Thursday, January 5th, 2023

Regarding Shares for services Agreements with Kermode

Yesterday we had the news announcing two new shares for services agreements with prospectors, one of them associated with their projects on Vancouver Island. And the other + 8347 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 5 Jan 2023, 01:43

@dragonnose @dcurtis @Newton Haha! 0 from @dragonnose, 5 Jan 2023, 05:32

@dcurtis If I could do it all over again , I would do it as TurdFerguson . @Newton @DAVe4x4 @THRIVe and @CanadianKyle , that kids a hoot . Cheers all , and do not forget , it's only money 1 from #jokes, 5 Jan 2023, 05:51

@Newton #jokes "In a bad year, a junior mining company loses a half-million dollars. In a good year, it loses ten!" Mining exploration sure is a weird business eh 2 from #klm, 5 Jan 2023, 12:43

@Newton @criticalInvestor you asked about share issuance schedule. All at once? No. "The actual amount of compensation in any month shall depend on the services provided in that month as expressly agreed in advance with the company." 0 from #klm, 5 Jan 2023, 12:44

@Newton 3M market cap? 0 from #tig, 5 Jan 2023, 12:46

@Newton "Not sure how this is acceptable under Part 5A of NI 45-106"

Interesting the exchange is allowing them to close these things? CSE versus TSXV difference? 0 from @oops:life-financings-closed, 5 Jan 2023, 12:47

@dcurtis So by that logic @Newton lots of juniors had A GREAT year in 2022 ! Haouch . Another great year and we will be broke . Somehow the ceo will put a positive spin on the crash and burn "We learned a lot about what we didn't know ,,so next time BUZZ no next time for you . Pound Sand

0 from #jokes, 5 Jan 2023, 15:35

@Newton "lose" refering to financial statements, not share price @dcurtis? 1 from #jokes, 6 Jan 2023, 08:17

@Newton Thanks CEOca for letting @ogopogo007 post again! 1 from @ogopogo007, 6 Jan 2023, 08:22

@Newton @newton/rickrule-vric-you-have-absolutely-no-excuse-not-to-make-a-million-dollars-or-more-in-this-market #RickRule 2020 VRIC speech three years flies by. Helpful to go back to this quote...

"If you exert discipline, but show aggression -- particularly if you work. If you read proxy statements, if you read balance sheets, if you read financial statements -- if you pay attention, however fictional they might be, to 43-101 -- then, in the market that we're in, nevermind the market that's coming, you have absolutely no excuse not to make a lot of money. The opportunities that the rest of the world hopes to avail themselves of in a resources bull market will, in some substantial measure, origina+ 324 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 08:42

@Newton NOIC 2018 Rick Rule,

"Another thing to know -- I don't have to explain this to the veteran investors here -- is that resource businesses are the most cyclical and volatile businesses known to mankind. Bear markets, in fact, are the authors of bull markets. I like to say from the podium that bear markets are sales. In fact, they're good things if you're looking to acquire assets. Of course, investors are afraid of bear markets but that's their fault -- not the market's fault! Bear markets are when things are cheap. The idea that you would buy-low-and-sell-high necessitates that you have the courage to buy. It's interesting to not+ 44 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 08:45

@Newton There's a 4-month hold on any shares issued below five cents, which includes shares-for-services at current market price. Please consider thanks 0 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 09:13

@Newton @CriticalInvestor it's also about the willingness of the service providers (and project vendors) to take risk on the quality of their projects and their work. Consider a prospector who simply wanted an all-cash deal with a pubco versus one who wanted all shares? 1 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 09:41

@Newton "Show me the incentives, and I will show you the outcomes." 0 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 10:18

@Newton Rule number three: map the old workings.


"During the 2022 program, initial sampling and mapping was done in the western portions of the 150', 300', 400', 600', and 800' levels of the Orleans Mine. Access to the 960' and 1020' levels is open, but additional ground support and rehabilitation is required before crew can safely enter those workings. There is good air circulation throughout the mine, suggesting that blockages that occur locally in shafts and drifts are relatively limited in size and extent." GGL nice

"Towards the end of mining operations in the 1960s, significant infrastructure was developed around the eastern miner+ 18 more words. Click to expand 0 from #ggl, 6 Jan 2023, 12:10

@TCB77 I don't have any skin in Kermode but I like how transparent @newton is about everything. The average investor doesn't know how much time & money goes into administering a public company but it adds up. Plus remember he was not beginning with a clean slate so you still have shares/sellers from previous management. 0 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 12:48

@Newton Very impressive. @Goldfinger check out #Whittle

The Whittle Consulting Enterprise Optimisation Study and Sustainability Evaluation determined:

• The location of the most profitable ore body in the Plantreef site.

• An optimised scheduling model, with distinct cut-off values defined for each zone.

• Revenue and cash flow were brought forward due to enhanced scheduling, cut-off grades and stockpiling optimisation.

• By the utilisation of dynamic grind and mass pull to flotation concentrate, resource recovery during processing could be+ 65 more words. Click to expand 6 from #ivn, 6 Jan 2023, 13:28

@Newton @ticketyboo did you get answers to your questions? They are both former filing insiders who joined after the hostile takeover. 1 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 15:44

@Newton Thanks CEOca! 1 from #duplicateaccount, 6 Jan 2023, 15:46

@Newton Exciting stuff @agelston 1 from #gldn, 6 Jan 2023, 15:46

@Newton @911mining kilometres of new road to search at Star of the West? Above and behind some of the showings? Hello 2023! Glad to hear you had a productive day out at site today prospecting. Good work. Thank you! 1 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 15:49

@Newton "rule number 16: if it's brown, bag it." @Newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration @911mining when you see some of that vein-age that you're a liking? 0 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 15:54

@Newton Hello @grayfalcon 0 from @newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration, 6 Jan 2023, 15:54

anonymous KLM #NewtonInterviews Prospecting for shares?, by @Newton

@Newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares 3 from #articles, 6 Jan 2023, 16:10

@Newton My first time as a CEO @TCB77 and it's a lot of fun. Grateful to get these shares-for-prospecting agreements in place and keen to turn up the volume.

1 from #klm, 6 Jan 2023, 16:14

@Newton Genuinely happy and successful people don't hate on others.

Fact of life. 0 7 Jan 2023, 00:00

@Newton Thanks for sharing @DrCu

Shoutout SEA "If you are confident of your corporate strategy and your ability to raise money, you welcome shorts and you even lend them your stock. They boost liquidity which helps other shareholders. Just don't let them into financings. Make them work in the market." 1 from #pmet, 7 Jan 2023, 00:34

@Newton Thanks for mentioning @BadMan, I see the CEO replied to my post there. CEO taking shares for services is bullish. "Taking shares for services reduces the cash drain and allows us to put more money in the ground. It also aligns management's interest with shareholders. We have skin in the game. Finally, shares taken by management are "dead shares" that won't trade until all shareholders enjoy a major payday. That keeps the share price up. The only metric that really matters with a junior mining company as an investor is share price and we get it." #bullish 2 from #klm, 7 Jan 2023, 00:42

@Newton #Bullish thanks @Mike_Power! 0 from #sng, 7 Jan 2023, 00:42

@Newton @jeff please can I ask your thoughts? Thanks 0 from #opw, 7 Jan 2023, 00:43

@Newton "align oneself with shareholders and focus on them!"

#classic 1 from @newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares, 7 Jan 2023, 00:49

@Newton Hello @RLGfan how are you doing now? 0 from @rlgfan, 7 Jan 2023, 00:53

@Newton Is it possible to get any info here publicly about which handles were associated with the duplicates in any particular case? Please and thanks 0 from #duplicateaccount, 7 Jan 2023, 00:56


"Comparing yourself to others is one of the root causes for feelings of unhappiness and depression." 0 7 Jan 2023, 01:06

@Newton Sent some pics from 911 to a porphyry guy and he replied, "Great! Now, get some tonnage." Classic. When I studied his project I said, "Great! Now, get some grade." Grass greener on the other side? #jokes 2 from #klm, 7 Jan 2023, 02:20

@Newton Hello @2pac! 1 from #atha, 7 Jan 2023, 03:12

@Newton "This is why I love Canadian assets no locals knows what they are worth!" @carbon8ed sounds familiar! Contrarian bullish 1 from #klm, 7 Jan 2023, 03:13

@dcurtis Is it exhaustive or exhausting , maybe both @Newton . Thanks for a fresh angle 0 from @newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares, 7 Jan 2023, 08:31

@2pac Hey @Newton whats up here? 1 from #atha, 7 Jan 2023, 11:48

@Newton "We need enormous sustained growth in copper and nickel." #RobertFriedland January 2022

A year flies by and where are we? Revenge of the miners! 2 from #ivn, 7 Jan 2023, 14:08

@Newton Is this wifi organic @dcurtis 1 from @dcurtis/big-money-to-be-won, 8 Jan 2023, 03:04


Cool! Thanks 0 from @newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration, 8 Jan 2023, 03:08


If apples can grow on Pinchard Island then anything is possible? #jokes 0 from #klm, 8 Jan 2023, 03:13

@Newton "The Project was mined for gold and silver in the early 1900's and has seen numerous phases of exploration. The last phase of drilling was completed in 2012 and produced a PEA stage resource. 319 drill holes totaling 43,456 m of drilling were completed, with the deposit generally open below 100-150 meters depth and along strike." #JodyDahrouge 0 from #klm, 8 Jan 2023, 03:52


Group of 100 friends all chip in 5,000 and go drill some holes! Shoutout #JodyDahrouge 0 from #mif, 10 Nov 2018

Classic 0 from @newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares, 8 Jan 2023, 03:53

@dcurtis Why does Canadian Post take so long ? You northerners are screwed it seems . Is it true that the mail must be carried by moose ? Canadian Post is dog sled slow . Pick up pace Guys 0 8 Jan 2023, 04:08

@dcurtis Lets make this clear Ewch oddi ar fy nghefn. Nid ydym yn rhoi gynnau i'r plant. Mae'r plentyn yn dwyn ein rhai ni. Stwff drwg.. Less guns would be better IMHO @NEWTON

0 8 Jan 2023, 04:16

@Newton Good work @Mikeymike426! 1 from ~insidexploration, 9 Jan 2023, 06:29

@Newton What is KLM doing in 2023? Let's see...

"Yesterday we had news releases announcing shares for services agreements with prospectors. One of them associated with their projects on Vancouver Island and the other associate with our projects in Newfoundland. That's a cool way to start the year because I see only a few other people using these shares for services agreements. A bunch of people told me that it was impossible to find prospectors who will work for shares. It's surprising to me because it's a basic tool that we have as a public company to print shares in exchange for exploration work... there's potential for the Newfoundland guys to start pumping out some cool videos documenting thei+ 106 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 06:32

@Newton Hello @jolivyer 0 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 06:35

@Newton Hello @Muskokaman 0 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 06:35

@Newton Hello @d2earth 0 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 06:35

@Newton NOB bullish eh @Muskokaman 0 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 06:36

@Newton Hello LIF! Wow 1 from #lif, 9 Jan 2023, 06:36

@Newton Saw your post here. I've been inspired by some of the things happening around that stock in recent years. 0 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 06:45

@Newton "Understand: the future belongs to groups that are fluid, fast, and nonlinear."

KLM has been fluid and fast over the last year. Lots of things changing and moving in different directions. What does nonlinear mean in context of junior mining? Maybe an ability to do multiple things at the same time, jumping back-forth between programs happening in parallel. Or maybe an ability to double-down on things that are working and cut bait when not. I think this is important but I can understand if it makes it complicated for outsiders to keep track of what's happening and understand priorities. Please contact me if you'd like to learn more about what KLM is doing thanks 1 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 06:50

@Newton "To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." Thomas Edison

Do we have that with KLM? 0 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 06:51

@Newton @longputt have you seen this one? Uranium project on offer from noteworthy vendor group 0 from @longputt, 9 Jan 2023, 07:11

@Newton Respect to @GeoMilo for starting work at CMMC recently. Lots of things happening there and they need good people. They are lucky to have him involved 0 from @geomilo, 9 Jan 2023, 07:15

@Jolivyer @newton Hello. Still there. Waiting and watching what will be the next steps... 1 from #klm, 9 Jan 2023, 12:52

@Newton @Newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares

"Normally, we print shares to raise cash and then we spend the cash. That's a couple of steps: find the investors, sell them shares for cash, take the cash, and use it to pay the prospectors for work. Wash, rinse, and repeat. This situation with the shares for services is a little more direct. Prospectors do the work, then they get paid and shares. Either way, we're printing shares but how much we print and when is very different. With shares for services, we print after the work is done and we print in an amount equal to the work that was done. If we do a financing, then we have to raise all the money upfront and sit on the cash. If we're + 28 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 01:53

@Newton @Newton/beginning-of-the-beginning-charts-of-bull-bear-markets-as-a-new-meme

Where are we in 2023? 0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 02:01

@Newton January 2016 I wrote my first article on CEOca about a rare earths company UCU. They had a stalled project in Alaska from the prior rare earths bubble and were making a pivot towards recovery technology by acquiring a private US company. That didn't go well and the CEO has left since then, but hope springs eternal. @Newton/thoughts-on-ucore-rare-metals

I've seen the exciting calculations of "gross metal value" for the basket price of rare earths in various samples of projects at exploration stage and have learned to be cautious. At this point, I find it hard to get excited about rare earthsOnce bitten twice shy? 1 from #york, 10 Jan 2023, 02:07

@Newton @sunofabeach could we see Blair become CEO here? 1 from #york, 10 Jan 2023, 02:07

@Newton @doodoodiligence "what is the problem with paying for services with shares, rather than doing a PP to raise funds to pay for services?"

did you get an answer from anyone else? 1 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 02:21

@Newton "Few things require more creativity than finding a simple, elegant solution."

Are shares-for-services with prospectors part of a simple, elegant solution for problems facing KLM? 0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 02:29

@Newton @jolivyer do you have any requests for next steps? Please let me know thanks 0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 02:55

@Dimebagdave Shares for service, Absolutely love it @Newton . Not only do you get a better bang for your buck so to speak but the boots on the ground will also have skin in the game . 2 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 05:33

@sunofabeach Blair is the Maestro on many fronts as you know @Newton. I believe he feels he can be more effective spreading his knowledge and expertise across the spectrum. For sure he doesn’t need the limelight. Let’s give Bruce a go here, he just took on the roll. I have no doubt Bruce has the management fortitude to ensure he is surrounded by the best people and has the required support to ensure all statements going forward are accurate and timely. A head coach makes line changes for a reason, not because he wants to - he knows it’s his responsibility to build up the team to its highest winningest potential. 2 from #york, 10 Jan 2023, 05:36

@Newton @carbon8ed, fyi Milo @GeoMilo was buying for his own account as an independent director. He does not have a shares-for-services agreement or anything. The shares-for-services deals are with @911mining and @grassroots, our project vendors and prospecting crews. 3 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 06:51

@Newton Okay @sunofabeach. Is there a chance for pictures from site? Videos? It's a beautiful looking area and I'd like to see more of it please thanks 1 from #york, 10 Jan 2023, 06:52

@Newton Well done DYG! " maiden drill campaign at the Thundercloud gold property located 47 kilometres southeast of Dryden, in northwestern Ontario. These are the best assay results ever reported from Thundercloud, and constitute new discovery of wide zones and high-grade gold-bearing quartz veins requiring further delineation."

#bullish 2 from #dyg, 10 Jan 2023, 06:55

@Newton "These 4 near-surface shallow holes were drilled in the southeastern and south-central portions of the known Pelham area. The first hole was drilled on the eastern edge of a magnetic low that may represent a fault boundary, with no significant gold mineralization in it. Holes 2, 3, and 4 were drilled in untested areas of magnetic "highs" identified in the drone magnetic survey conducted in summer 2022. These three holes discovered a new area of very high-grade gold mineralization in quartz-veined mafic metavolcanics and overlying volcanic flow breccias ("conglomerates"). Quartz-veined rocks contained up to 246 g/t Au (7.91 ounces per ton) over a 1.5 m core length. The Company will sample the+ 38 more words. Click to expand 2 from #dyg, 10 Jan 2023, 06:57

@Newton 28m of 13g/t Au okay! 1 from #dyg, 10 Jan 2023, 07:01

@Newton @Rookieinv there is a bug on CEOca about editing posts. If you edit the post on the original channel where you posted it then it will be changed everywhere. But if you edit it on other channels where it appears then it doesn't? 0 from @rookieinv, 10 Jan 2023, 07:02

@doodoodiligence @Newton Yes I did, thanks for checking! 2 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 07:03

@Newton What happened to Newfoundland here @ticketyboo? 0 from #futr, 10 Jan 2023, 07:04

@Newton Is the M&A wave rolling down to smaller companies?

"Superior Gold confirms that it is currently engaged in ongoing talks with Catalyst in respect of a potential transaction, the terms of which are still under discussion. No agreement has been reached and there can be no assurance that any transaction will result from these discussions, and even if a transaction is agreed upon, there can be no assurances as to its terms, structure or timing. The Company does not intend to make any additional comments regarding these discussions or any potential transaction unless and until a formal agreement has been reached or Superior Gold's board of directors has approved a definitive course of action." 0 from #sgi, 10 Jan 2023, 07:13

@Newton "Small distressed Gold producers are the sweet spot in my opinion for value. Superior Gold SGI is a confirmation of my view (up 25% this morning)"

Good follow on twitter here 1 from #sgi, 10 Jan 2023, 07:15

@Newton Renting mobile homes to field crews in the midst of the land rush? Picks and shovels? Shoutout ALS 0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 07:32

@Rookieinv @Newton, I edited the post on the ATHA channel where I originally posted it and it showed up on the nrg and Nbr boards. 1 from @rookieinv, 10 Jan 2023, 07:33

@Newton Impressive to see ALS active!

"New investments completed during the year included equity purchases of Gungnir Resources Inc. (TSX-V: GUG), Marimaca Copper Corp. (TSX: MARI), Callinex Mines Inc. (TSX-V: CNX), Lara Exploration Ltd. (TSX-V: LRA), and Archer Exploration Corp. (CSE: RCHR). Altius also increased its equity exposure to several existing investments including Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSX-V: OGN) (“Orogen”), Adventus Mining Corp. (TSX-V: ADZN) (“Adventus”), AbraSilver Resource Corp. (TSX-V: ABRA) (“AbraSilver”) and Wolfden Resources Corp. (TSX-V: WLF) (“Wolfden”). "


0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 07:33

@Newton If you edit on the board where you posted it originally then the edits should transfer through. But if you edit on another board then change only appears on that board. I think the stuff behind the scenes is a bit complicated 0 from @rookieinv, 10 Jan 2023, 07:36


👀👀 0 10 Jan 2023, 07:38

@Newton Good to see Tom +5M shares now, +3% of BAY shares. Well done! 7 from #bay, 10 Jan 2023, 07:59

@Newton @tinybullstocks +100m of +1% Cu? Impressive

0 from #slg, 10 Jan 2023, 09:08


Thanks for the maps ATHA good news release 1 from #atha, 10 Jan 2023, 09:11

@tinybullstocks @Newton Yes, the 112 meteres of 1.17% is impressive. 3 from #slg, 10 Jan 2023, 09:12


I'm looking at how holes 1 & 2 each hit grade in a couple intervals and then comparing holes 3 & 8 collared nearby but pointed in different directions. Reminds me of classic "Walker Lane" stuff where rocks are all busted up and moved around. Important to keep it simple. 0 from #atha, 10 Jan 2023, 09:20

@Newton Looking at traces of the 2022 holes and thinking about the slope of the surface. Does it matter to be pointed in to the hillside, versus across it? And what about vertical holes? 0 from #atha, 10 Jan 2023, 09:24

@Newton Interesting holes 1 & 2 trace along that dirt road marked on the map, perpendicular to hill? Up-slope from several old pits around a flat area? Topography always seems important to me in this Walker Lane stuff because it can reflect differences in rock types or structural features. Does erosion follow lines of weakness along faults? 0 from #atha, 10 Jan 2023, 09:28

@Newton Hello Adrian Smith! 1 from #acp, 10 Jan 2023, 09:29

@Jjjj @Newton company drilled in different directions as DB23 was drilled with an RC rig and they wanted to understand the orientation 1 from #atha, 10 Jan 2023, 09:33

@Newton "A series of news releases are planned to report the results of work on key objectives including expansion of the 2021 Mineral Resource Estimate (the "2021 MRE"), integration of Platreef geologic models, and field campaigns including geophysical and geological field programs both within and outside defined deposit areas. Additional updates are also expected from on-going carbon sequestration testing and other initiatives the Company is currently advancing." PGE nice work 0 from #pge, 10 Jan 2023, 09:35


Nice table PGE. Gold, gold, and more gold eh!

Interesting story... "Elevated gold values are also demonstrated in high-grade drill results two kilometers east of Pine at the Chrome Mountain deposit area (see May 3, 2022, news release reporting 13.2 meters of 2.31% Ni, 0.82 g/t Au, 0.43 g/t Pd, 0.25 g/t Pt, 0.35% Cu and 0.115% Co), and nine kilometers east at the Iron Mountain deposit area (see May 29, 2020, news release announcing identification of a "gold suite" of pathfinder elements that co-occur in high-grade samples)." 1 from #pge, 10 Jan 2023, 09:36

@Newton Respect #BrunoBarde a geologist who I've known for years now. Cool to see him writing about "building a team" as an important factor for success. I agree this is an absolutely essential part of the junior mining business and am taking notes on his perspective... Advice on assembling and leading a founding and operation team

Characteristics of the Founders:

Experienced in the mining industry

Skilled in developing and executing business plans

Innovative in finding creative solutions to problems

Strong leaders

Able to adapt to change and uncertainty in a start-up environment

Highly communicative and able to effect+ 393 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 23:54

@Newton Hi @singhavon 0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 23:55

@Newton "Supporting Your Business Empower your Team Looking for a new opportunity. How can we help you? Attract and hire your dream Team. Life is what you make of it. We are born for action. We all need mentors. I am a passion-driven entrepreneur. I believe that the present crisis is presenting some outstanding opportunities. Our experience around the world has given us a good knowledge of the exploration business."

I've talked to Bruno about projects in the past and am keen to talk to him again. 0 from #klm, 10 Jan 2023, 23:57

@Newton @harlankerr bullish! 3 from #ivn, 11 Jan 2023, 00:05

@Newton Hello @cal 0 from @cal, 11 Jan 2023, 00:06

@Newton @dcurtis interesting to see this phrasing about "reason to exist" popping up elsewhere online...

"Last year exposed the companies that exist for no reason and the real exploration company." 0 from @newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares, 11 Jan 2023, 00:07

@Newton Bullish is as bullish does @carbon8ed?

"An annual tradition stretching back decades is that I always buy myself something for Christmas. This year was no exception as I acquired a Cu-Au deposit with an indicated and inferred resource estimate of 150,000,000t grading 0.24% Cu, 0.008% Mo, 0.23 g/t Au and 1.0 g/t Ag." 1 from #klm, 11 Jan 2023, 00:11

@Newton MIF more and more! 0 from #mif, 11 Jan 2023, 00:17

@Newton Hello @retiredrick how is retirement? 0 from @retiredrick, 11 Jan 2023, 00:17


What happened Ben Kramer Miller doesn't like OCO anymore? 0 from #oco, 11 Jan 2023, 00:19

@Newton Cool thread with some good insight in the comments 1 from #klm, 11 Jan 2023, 00:31

@Newton When not if @Alwaysthinking? 0 from #gldn, 11 Jan 2023, 00:32

@Newton #Bullish insider buying SCM 1 from #scm, 11 Jan 2023, 00:38

@Newton SCOT good look on this chart 1 from #scot, 11 Jan 2023, 01:10

@Newton Thanks @Jjjj I missed the trace on DB-23 before. I see how it is pointed east and holes 22-01 & 22-02 were drilled west. These were the only two holes drilled in line with each other? The others were more southerly or northerly. Makes me think this could be an important part of a "structural story" like a vein tracking that road? 0 from #atha, 11 Jan 2023, 01:14

@dcurtis Reason to exist .. please let me breath . Do you need a reason ? I am , therefore I exist . And no one can come up with even the most juvenile joke . @Newton it's not all about money , it's about stuff . #jokes a Winnebago 0 from @dcurtis, 11 Jan 2023, 01:37

@Newton education helps! 0 from @dcurtis, 11 Jan 2023, 01:46

@Newton Big move. Neat coincidence to see it same time as WWF Wrestling deal with Saudi Arabia? 1 from #ie, 11 Jan 2023, 01:57

@Newton Hello @Muskokaman! Do you know this coffee roastery from Muskoka? 0 from @muskokaman, 11 Jan 2023, 02:10

@Grassroots @Goldbulldog and @Newton or John Fahmy and Peter Bell. You guys need to get together, drink to much whiskey, air your grievances… punch kick yell whatever, find your common ground and then make up and hug it out. This tit for tat BS on CEO here is unbecoming of you both and it’s embarrassing and ridiculous. You are both good honest people (a rare breed in this industry) have done great things together and were/are a great team. So get over your differences and get back to work. Ffs 🤦‍♂️ 6 from #klm, 11 Jan 2023, 04:43

@dcurtis Who knows , maybe even YORK could get a bid 1 11 Jan 2023, 04:58

@Newton Video clip of me chanting...

Grassroots, Grassroots, let's get to work!

Grassroots, Grassroots, let's get to work! 2 from #klm, 11 Jan 2023, 05:32

@Newton Sorry John Fahmy, I will endeavor to do better! 1 from #klm, 11 Jan 2023, 05:59

@Newton HDI project for CCC very impressive. Frustrating to get those permits and now things are happening? Jeremy Hanson good addition to the company. Amazing to see this company go through iterations with projects in different jurisdictions and come back to BC. #BCmining bullish 3 from #ccc, 11 Jan 2023, 06:02

@Grassroots @Newton in all due respect. ^ Not the place. CEO is not Facebook 1 from #klm, 11 Jan 2023, 06:12

@dcurtis For sure @NEWTON and @GOLDBULLDOg need to smash this beef . Mean while real companies are doing real mining . The world needs Cu , Au , Zn , Ag and even Lead . Thats whaat miners do , extract metals from the earth . In case some of you forgot 0 from @goldbulldog, 11 Jan 2023, 06:35

@Jjjj @Newton there is an E-W trend that was identified through this program 1 from #atha, 11 Jan 2023, 07:20


Nice rock @Grassroots! Makes me interested to hear more about "Shimmer Pond" eh? 0 from #klm, 11 Jan 2023, 08:07


No joke @dcurtis 0 from @dcurtis, 11 Jan 2023, 08:13


I mentioned #Whittle in this transcript @Newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares Watch a new video from them online here

0 from @newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares, 11 Jan 2023, 08:15

@Newton What is the bottleneck for KLM? #Whittle

"Theory Of Constraints is a management philosophy developed by Dr Eliyahu M. Goldratt in the 1980s. In a nutshell the theory of constraints or Toc is about maximizing the flow of the system and therefore generating cash more rapidly now as well as into the future. We view a mining operation as a system and we recognize that the potential of the system is determined by its primary bottleneck. This primary bottleneck is the part of the system that most limits the performance of the whole system. In order to maximize the flow of cash through the system we need to maximize the performance of the primary bottleneck." 0 from #klm, 11 Jan 2023, 08:17

@Newton Yes @Jjjj fair. And are these holes drilling "down dip"? E-W holes along an E-W structure? 0 from #atha, 11 Jan 2023, 08:42


No chain can ever be stronger than it's weakest link. ​Similarly, every system must have a constraint that limits it's output. We know this because no system has infinite output... for example, you will never find any company with infinite sales or profit! Chain's Weakest Link = Constraint Note that every chain will have ONE (and only one) weakest link. Strengthening the other links can never increase the overall strength of the chain, because they are not the weakest. In fact, strengthening a non-weakest link will probably DECREASE the overall strength of the chain due to the added weight: 0 11 Jan 2023, 08:48

@Jjjj @Newton holes drilled due south on a E-W structure. Two stacked lenses that seems to be lying flat shallower than 90m. 0 from #atha, 11 Jan 2023, 09:21

@Newton Thanks @Jjjj. No gold in the rock above the start of the first hot spots in holes 1 & 2? I can imagine interesting story about stratigraphy where the old mines down-slope were at similar elevation as the hits in these holes, potential for some continuity of flat-lying layer from drill intercepts to surface down-slope at old mines? Creativity required with this Walker Lane gold

0 from #atha, 11 Jan 2023, 11:03

@Newton Thanks for the info John! Sorry for the posts that mentioned you, please note that I removed any that mention you from my posting schedule back in November 2022. Best wishes to all.

0 from #klm, 12 Jan 2023, 00:47

@Newton And here is some background info.

Since I first recorded and transcribed, I have been posting excerpts from this March 2022 interview @Newton/my-second-interview-klm-newtondeals that mentions #JohnFahmy a few times.

Here's one quote, "And there are another one million options that will expire at the end of this month from John Fahmy, too. He was part of the takeover team in August 2021 when we had the hostile AGM. What fun that was."

Here's another, "John Fahmy was top tier all-time greatest: Best 25 year old ever seen in the junior mining business, period. Absolute killer in 2021. And 2022 years gonna be even better. He stacked them up. Watched it? Like I wanted him to be involved hea+ 469 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 12 Jan 2023, 00:48

@Newton #DJvlad interesting video clips about how "internet beef" is very important these days. 0 12 Jan 2023, 00:50


Very cool video of a blast happening in an open pit mine somewhere. Great account to follow on #LinkedIn 0 from #klm, 12 Jan 2023, 00:57

@Newton Double plus 9% dividend? Double-plus-good 0 from @dcurtis, 12 Jan 2023, 00:58

@Newton EPS + 1B expected here @jermur?! That's a bigger number than I expected. I should check the economic studies again? 0 from #ivn, 12 Jan 2023, 00:59

@Newton Couple weeks ago I saw someone posting about a rule of thumb for converting "gram-meters" for gold intercepts into ounces of gold. Something like "multiply the gram-meters by 620 and thats the number of ounces". That calculation is based on the volume of a 50m cylinder around the hole getting the same grade, then converting cubic metres to tonnes and grams to ounces. Can we do something similar for copper?


100m intercept of 0.4% Cu say. Draw a cylinder 50m around it and calculate volume 7.85398×10^5 cubic metres. Times 2.7 for specific gravity gives 2,100,000 tonnes. At 0.4% Cu that's 8,400 tonnes Cu in situ. Call it 18,513,600 pounds Cu? A penny a pound almost 200,000 for a hole lik+ 20 more words. Click to expand 1 from #oco, 12 Jan 2023, 01:06

@Newton super massive black hol 0 from @dcurtis, 12 Jan 2023, 03:49

@Newton @Bottles likely to see them in time for ROUNDUP or PDAC? 0 from #gldn, 12 Jan 2023, 04:48


"With the exception of IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resource, there is no specific guidance for mining activities, and some of the literature is difficult to apply in the specific situations that arise in the mining sector." #accounting 0 from #klm, 12 Jan 2023, 05:33

@Bottles @Newton, Good question where only the Labs know! If the Company said "imminent", then very possible before AME Roundup on Jan 23 but I do not see any company representation. PDAC is in March so results highly likely by then and I would strongly suspect that if results are positive, then GLDN is apt to have a booth. If no results today, then early next week falls under "imminent" and could usher in some FOMO action. Waiting to see what gold does today as well on the CPI numbers. Well, back to coffee and making my rounds.... 0 from #gldn, 12 Jan 2023, 05:37

@Newton Dev "broken slot machine" ? 0 from @longputt, 12 Jan 2023, 06:25

@jermur @Newton don't trust me too much but just a rudimentary calculation of 900 million lbs. produced in 2023 at whatever Cu price between 4 and 4.25 so that they make 2.75/ 2.475 billion USD or 3.3 billion CAD so our %40 is 1.3 billion about 1/share assuming no taxation this year. 0 from #ivn, 12 Jan 2023, 11:28

@Newton Wow @jermur that's a lot of pounds! 0 from #ivn, 12 Jan 2023, 23:17

@Newton @GeoMilo what do you think of the Babine? 0 from #klm, 12 Jan 2023, 23:45

@Newton And if I die before your album drops, I hope -- 0 from @dcurtis, 12 Jan 2023, 23:47

@Newton On it's way to a billion dollar market cap? 0 from #rhc, 13 Jan 2023, 00:00

@Newton Hello @mpolo! #bullish 0 from @mpolo, 13 Jan 2023, 00:23

@Newton On loop 0 from @dcurtis, 13 Jan 2023, 01:16

@Newton Hello @J2_911mining! Any plans for trip to Vancouver soon? 0 from @j2_911mining, 13 Jan 2023, 01:17

@Newton Hello GLM!

"CRDs are the foundation of western civilization because of advancements in discoveries and usage. Also, they can be found in 10 to 150 million tons of very high grades economical elements. The low mining cost for CRDs and their metallurgically docile nature makes them increasingly important in today’s world. These deposits avoid big open pit mining leaving a minimal environmental footprint with very selective high grade underground mining." 1 from #glm, 13 Jan 2023, 01:48

@Newton "In many instances, manto/ polymetallic replacement/ carbonate replacement deposits can be considered as the distal part of a continuum with skarn deposits."

Interesting... 1 from #glm, 13 Jan 2023, 01:48

@Newton Hello @DannyOcean 0 from @dannyocean, 13 Jan 2023, 02:06

@Newton Hello COCO! 0 from #coco, 13 Jan 2023, 02:08

@dcurtis Super smooth @Newton send me quality anytime any genre 1 from @dcurtis, 13 Jan 2023, 07:42

@Newton "YELLOW CREEK MINE" interesting spot I wonder @911mining? 0 from #klm, 13 Jan 2023, 07:59

@Newton the evaporators i.d.n.m.f.t.t.m.w.m.f.a. @dcurtis

Quiz show: which junior mining company has a person in the band?

Hint: it's a TSXV listed diamond explorer with projects in Northern Canada. 0 from @dcurtis, 13 Jan 2023, 08:00


+50 year chart of USDJPY is fascinating. Some very cool chatter about this on twitter. "Widowmaker" global macro 0 13 Jan 2023, 08:11

@Newton Must read 0 13 Jan 2023, 08:28

@Newton cool 0 13 Jan 2023, 08:29


Well done TRU @newsfile/tru-reports-high-grade-gold-channel-sampling-results 3 from #tru, 13 Jan 2023, 11:47

@dcurtis;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzMEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj/RV=2/RE=1673708611/RO=10/ Dark side of our moon 0 13 Jan 2023, 23:04

@dcurtis Pretty much the same as the light side of the moon , but unseen by human eyes for ever 2 13 Jan 2023, 23:06

@Newton Hello @KraftDinner 0 from @kraftdinner, 17 Jan 2023, 13:10

@Newton @911mining please check out details of BWCG news here for some inspiration about what bullish prospecting looks like, @accesswire/blackwolf-samples-up-to-376-gt-gold-from-30-meter-wide

0 from #klm, 17 Jan 2023, 13:24

@Newton "We begin with the Historic Noranda gold in glacial till anomalies located on the Jonathan’s claims. We then will attempt to locate the bedrock source of the gold by digging pits and panning in a up ice direction until the gold disappears. Where the gold ends we dig down to the bedrock and search the bedrock until we find the gold. Then channeling and structural work then drill baby drill! "

Music to my ears thank you @Grassroots. Simple and effective. One of my favourite prospecting playbooks 0 from #klm, 17 Jan 2023, 13:25

@Newton "digging pits and panning in a up ice direction until the gold disappears."

I first heard about this idea in spring 2022 when I asked #RobertCarrington his thoughts on the Vidette project. I was interested in some hot copper showings, which @GeoMilo showed in this video Long story short we didn't use that prospecting technique at the time but it's an important one that is simple and effective. I was surprised that I hadn't heard about it earlier, but have since come to understand that a lot of the basic prospecting techniques get skipped over when public companies and professional geologists get involved?

Shoutout Tom Waits as the prospector in+ 22 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 17 Jan 2023, 13:39

@Newton Hello @badman 1 from #klm, 17 Jan 2023, 13:40

@Newton CRD eh! 0 from #glm, 17 Jan 2023, 14:07

@Grassroots @Newton every gold deposit and major gold play in Newfoundland was found this way. every single one... without exception. 2 from #klm, 17 Jan 2023, 16:24

@Newton Thanks @Grassroots. I first heard about "chasing gold-in-till anomalies in an up-ice direction" from the PLY team when they were doing stuff in Ireland years ago. Published a couple interviews like this one @newton/playfair-ply-recent-drill-results-successor-failure but the deep-dive into geology where we talked about "glacial dispersion" story for gold exploration target in Ireland never saw the light of day. But it sure made an impression on me at the time and I've seen the concept come up many times since then.

One thing that sticks out in my memory with these similar work programs by other companies is that they focused on soil sampling. No mention of "heavy mineral concentrates" wit+ 47 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 07:12

@Newton That's the highest volume in a year for GGL in last week or so? And at the bottom end of trading range? Interesting stock action. 1 from #ggl, 18 Jan 2023, 07:17

@Newton "We are focused on adding fresh data points along the veins at the lowest cost. "

Love that underground sampling @RDrex good work! Twitter posts have been fun too thanks 1 from #ggl, 18 Jan 2023, 07:18

@Newton With some big volume today eh @JamesKwantes! 1 from #mfg, 18 Jan 2023, 07:23

@Newton Understood thanks @Grassroots. The thing that surprised me was how the soils always seems to be treated as the first-pass technique. I'm all for using the best technical methods available, but if we can get an answer that is 80% as good for 20% of the time & cost then let's start there? 1 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:07

@Newton Hello @Exboss 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:07

@Newton Colombia has an impressive gold endowment eh! CNL 2.0 amazing 0 from @exboss, 18 Jan 2023, 08:08

@BadMan Pareto Exploration, @Newton? 1 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:09

@Newton Cool name @BadMan. Maybe a bit esoteric for some, but people won't confuse it with Commode (Kermode)... 1 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:10

@Newton Rule number one: never ignore the best geochem.

Rule number two: never trust the best geochem.


@Grassroots these are basic facts of life in applied statistics. When we encounter outliers, it's really important to pay attention because they may be very rare. "Fat tails" and all kinds of fun....

Ties in to concept of "top cut" too. Amazing to hear #EricSprott use the words "statistically significant" years ago @Newton/conservatism-versus-reality-ericsprott-2017-miningbullmarket "I have a history with high-grade cutting and it was relevant to the case of Fosterville in this new zone, where we had all this cutting going on. I don't + 42 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:16

@Newton @Newton/conservatism-versus-reality-ericsprott-2017-miningbullmarket

"One of the things that I'm a believer in is to emphasize reality over conservatism. If you think something, then don't cut it by 50% just to be conservative. By the way, the 50% you cut it by is your profit -- that's your profit! You can't be cutting it by 50% from the top line. There are way too many people that want to be conservative and it's the wrong thing to do and I had an example of that recently was that Kirkland Lake."

Classic. It's a rare person who is trained as an accountant that can handle any kind of statistical thinking, particularly with fat tails... Inspiring stuff.

"As investors, you need to know stu+ 23 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:18

@Newton "When you find an ore body, stop looking."

Would that fit with the Sig Muessig exploration canons? I have mixed feelings about it because I think "clusters" are a real phenomenon (keep looking nearby and find the next one). But I also have seen scenarios where a junior mining company starts to find something exciting in one area of a project and then jumps over to another. Why? Simple question but complicated set of issues related to "what we told the market we were gonna do" and finance-ability versus logistics of field work and geologists-with-a-chequebook... 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:21

@Newton "Rule number 19: drill holes make ore deposits, everything else is just research." @911mining knows this one, eh? Even little backpack drill counts in the early days! 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:22

@Newton Geologist with a cheque book meet "promoter with a printing press" @investorgator? 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:27

@Newton Shoutout #MarkBrazeau with some chatter about converting gold grain counts to grams per tonne as a statistical approximation. Certainly not as rigorous as ICP-MS on soils but also can be done in the field with a hand lens and a smart phone calculator? 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:30

@Newton I saw someone mention a rule of thumb to convert gram-meters to inferred ounces around drill holes by multiplying gram-meters by 620 or something? I hadn't heard that before so worked it out from first principles. Some heroic assumptions but a useful heuristic.

Say 1 g/t Au over 100m result is 100 gram-meters. Suppose 50m diameter cylinder around the drill hole and calculate volume at 750,000 cubic metres (100m vertical, 50m radius, 100*3*50*50). Call it 2,000,000 tonnes with 2.7 specific gravity. Then 1g/t is 2Mg Au or 66,000oz Au. Works similar with 100 g/t Au over 1m as well, but then the assumption of 50m radius is untenable. Interesting exercise all around. 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:34

@Newton Hello TTG 0 from #ttg, 18 Jan 2023, 08:36

@Newton Hello @cal687 2 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:37

@Newton Follow #AndyHome for insight into metals markets

The "plumbing" of exchange inventories and fund flows could be more important than ever in years ahead with potential for more historic imbalances in supply-demand? Shoutout ABXX doing new things in old places with exchange tech. 3 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:41

@BadMan @Newton That formula assumes continuity over a hectare. 1 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:41

@Newton Yes, and your comments are appropriate. Thank you @BadMan for calling out the misuse of those simple calculations.

You wrote, "There has been no demonstration by the company that this continuity exists. To use this so-called "cheat sheet" for this project is misleading and completely disingenuous." and I agree. I'd point out that there is something called a "CONCEPTUAL ESTIMATE" or "EXPLORATION TARGET" in 43-101 rules that allows companies to make proper disclosure of blue sky concepts like this. It must include a range for grade and tonnage, with some basis for the calculations. Rarely used but an important part of 43-101 rules. 1 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 08:47

@Newton "Hartree started out trading metal concentrates in 2019, already the unit is one of the market's mid-tier players"

#bullish example of the opportunities present in mining markets for now and the years ahead. The physical concentrate side of the business is hugely interesting but opaque. Example of a new entrant growing quickly in a "stale" business is noteworthy in my opinion. The leaders coming out of market crisis are not the ones going into it? 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 10:00

@Newton I laughed

1 from @badman, 18 Jan 2023, 10:11

@Newton Leveraged ETF @ticotime2020?! 0 from @ticotime2020, 18 Jan 2023, 12:17

@Newton Good work COCO 0 from #coco, 18 Jan 2023, 12:19

@Newton "Fun deals are profitable. Seek out management teams finding joy in their work and teams." #Tommy

1 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 12:22

@Newton "Conference organizers should provide mints as an essential service" 0 from #mif, 18 Jan 2023, 12:25

@Newton @Grassroots another example of gold grain work in Newfoundland from SSE here @accesswire/silver-spruce-completes-till-sampling-and-processing

"The gold grain in till program accompanied by B zone soil geochemical sampling is complete over a total of 129 of the proposed 184 locations (Figures 2, 3 and 4 for Mystery Lake, Till and Marilyn blocks, Figures 5 and 6 for Arsenic geochemistry on Mystery Lake and Marilyn). Those sites remaining were deferred due to distance from access trails and swampy ground and will require future helicopter support. As per the autumn 2021 program, the till samples, averaging 12kg in weight of screened -¼" or -½" material, were shipped to Nepean, Ontario and subm+ 29 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 18 Jan 2023, 12:34

@Newton Well done WHN 2 from #whn, 18 Jan 2023, 12:44

@Newton Follow #EvanCranston on twitter! 0 from #pmet, 18 Jan 2023, 12:53

@Newton Respect Stephen Wolfram! 0 18 Jan 2023, 13:00

@Newton @dcurtis cool story 0 from @dcurtis, 19 Jan 2023, 01:03

@Newton Hello @Yakpi! 0 from @yakpi, 19 Jan 2023, 01:06

@Newton It won't be long now! @dcurtis #jokes 0 from #glds, 19 Jan 2023, 01:09

@Newton "mining exploration is like getting a group of friends 50 friends together to each put up ten grand to test an idea"

And then sometimes something like this happens?! Amazing. PMET well done 5 from #pmet, 19 Jan 2023, 08:12

@Newton Fun to look at old deck here. Masterclass? 0 from #pmet, 19 Jan 2023, 08:14

@Newton Pretty cool pics from site! 3 from #fil, 19 Jan 2023, 08:15

@Newton Fun stuff @HeritageMining please can we see some rock pictures? Thanks 1 from #hml, 19 Jan 2023, 08:22

@Newton Another 10 holes pending? Hostile bid before all the results are out? 0 from #pmet, 19 Jan 2023, 08:24

@Chernobyl 24 holes @Newton 2 from #pmet, 19 Jan 2023, 08:26

@Chernobyl Core assay results for twenty-four (24) drill holes from the 2022 drill campaign remain to be reported – ten (10) at the CV5 Pegmatite cluster and fourteen (14) at the CV13 Pegmatite cluster. @Newton 0 from #pmet, 19 Jan 2023, 08:29

@Newton Hacked! 0 from @dcurtis, 19 Jan 2023, 08:29

@Newton How is Hot Chili website for PMET Aussie listing these days? 0 from #pmet, 19 Jan 2023, 08:31

@Newton Hello @GlobalEnergyMetals! Congratulations on the news yesterday. This is the second property of yours being advanced by someone else? First being MILLENIUM in Australia and second being RANA in Norway? #Bullish 1 from #gemc, 19 Jan 2023, 08:34

@Newton One thing I noticed from studying the big mines in New Brunswick is that they can have a pretty small "footprint" from an overhead perspective. They can have great vertical extent and can get thicker at depth. I think that's at play here with YORK...

"Rough look at old diagrams about Brunswick 12 mine. Talking about surface expression of less than 150m by 360m at/near surface? And that gave way to one of the biggest mines in the country at depth?"

2 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 08:51


And some stats from USGS on VMS:

Average size of VMS globally is 3Mt as per USGS report, A large one 90th percentile would be 36Mt.

And here is distribution of grade, Average is 1.2% Cu and a rich one 90th percentile would be 3.2% copper. Note that Zinc is a big part of these deposits and average zinc grade is like 3.2% Zn and 90th percentile would be like 10% zinc.

Map of all the VMS around the world in USGS public database... 2 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 08:53

@Grassroots @Newton thanks for this! Absolutely right. VMS is often misunderstood and compared to large prophyry copper deposits. In all respects YORK has shown exceptional grade, over exceptional thickness, with continuity, and strike length. all with very little exploration, very shallow drilling, and covering a very limited area. The geological contact area left to test is enormous and has seen no exploration attention. 1 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 09:02

@Newton I don't have a good handle on the 3d model of new drilling versus old mining, but little things like the "chalcanthite" sitting by the old streams makes me think this one is unusual. Unusually rich? Unusually large? Unusually profitable?

1 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 09:20

@Newton pics of it from all over the world on mindat...

Chalcanthite Planet Mine, Planet Mine group, Planet, Santa Maria Mining District, Buckskin Mountains, La Paz County, Arizona, USA. Picture width is 20mm. Blue Chalkanthite crystals. © Elmar Lackner 2007

1 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 09:23

@Newton #feedback Hi! I noticed that this image loads okay when I am logged in, but when I look at it from another device that is logged out (different file cache) it shows as a broken link. Any ideas?

0 19 Jan 2023, 10:51


Ronald Gutierrez said: For rule #19 I would say "driling and digging".

"Rule number 19: drilling and digging make ore deposits, everything else is just research."

Agreed! 0 from @newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration, 19 Jan 2023, 10:59

@Newton Licia Audina:

21. Get the database neat and structured.

22. Discuss for everything that is weird and anomaly

23. Humble and friendly to local people and coworker

Clever! Great additions. 0 from @newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration, 19 Jan 2023, 11:01

@Newton Impressive to see where SKE is now after a few big years. Well done! 0 from #ske, 19 Jan 2023, 11:11

@Newton @GlobeNewswire/millrock-outlines-significant-exploration-target-of @BadMan fyi here is an example of "conceptual estimate" from a junior. They call it an exploration target and provide comprehensive details as per all the requirements of 43-101 for this type of disclosure. MRO 2 from @badman, 19 Jan 2023, 11:14

@Newton @DeepDig this kind of "exploration target" is allowed in 43-101. See section 2.3 (2) (a) ", an issuer may disclose in writing the potential quantity and grade, expressed as ranges, of a target for further exploration if the disclosure (a) states with equal prominence that the potential quantity and grade is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource;" @jeff fyi? 1 from #mro, 19 Jan 2023, 11:16

@Newton Yes! 0 from @dcurtis, 19 Jan 2023, 11:32

@Newton APN @Drodman91? "Hey hey! Only 2 major copper mines were brought on stream between 2017-2021, according to the ICSG. Any imminent supply from your portfolio?" 1 from #apn, 19 Jan 2023, 11:37

@Newton "When the going gets tough, the tough gets imaginative. Neo-GDXJ 43-101. 3 Nov 2022, 03:44" @jeff 0 from #mro, 19 Jan 2023, 11:44

@Newton Not 10:1 ? 0 from #skyg, 19 Jan 2023, 11:45

@Newton Adelphi eh? "The Adelphi patent situated to the west of the Jewel Ridge property, returned excellent results from very limited sampling. Assay values of up to 38.6 g/t Au, 118 g/t Ag & 4.1% Pb+Zn were obtained, pointing to significant, largely untapped CRD mineralization potential in the El Dorado dolomite, in this area. Mineralized mantos in this locale are structurally controlled and appear to be related to the Silver-Connor fault and a NNW-trending fault." 1 from #glm, 19 Jan 2023, 11:47

@Newton Keen to hear more about the old mines too please thanks!

"Outstanding assays in all of gold, silver and Pb+Zn, highlight the prominent carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) mineralization associated with the Hamburg dolomite-Dunderberg shale contact at the Atlas shaft (8), Dunderberg decline (9), Catlin shaft (11) & Uncle Sam tunnel (14). Along this favorable one kilometre-long stratigraphic and structural trend, maximum values of 45.2 g/t Au, 547 g/t Ag & 25.2% Pb+Zn were obtained, attesting to the high-grade nature of CRD mineralization. Notably, the Hamburg dolomite is one of the most important litho-types for hosting CRD mineralization, given its brittle nature of deformation and favourable chemical properties." 1 from #glm, 19 Jan 2023, 11:48

@Newton Anything they could do to fix it @mmmaker? 0 from @bdminefinder, 19 Jan 2023, 11:52

@Newton Extra zero in your contained copper @Miracle? 1Mt at 2% Cu is 20,000t contained copper. Say 10K/t Cu makes for 200M gross metal value. Look for + 1B as a big deposit? 0 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 14:28

@Newton "Tier 1 deposits are “Company making” mines. They are large, long life and low cost. Using long run commodity prices it generates > 300-600m pa of revenue (i.e. >200 kt pa Cu or >800 kt pa Zn+Pb or >5kt pa of U3O8 or >250 koz pa Au) for >20 years and is in the bottom quartile of the cost curve." Wow! 20 years of 300M revenue is 6B gross metal value? And then lowest quartile costs?! 0 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 14:29

@Miracle @Newton Oh, sorry. Thanks for the correction 1 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 14:32

@Newton You're welcome @Miracle! Nice to meet you. 0 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 14:36

@Newton I'd be curious to hear what @Grassroots thinks about the work done by previous operators, too... 0 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 14:37

@sunofabeach As @Newton points out, @Grassroots is a wealth of knowledge on this one. His backyard per say 1 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 14:46

@Miracle @Newton, from Bruce's presention, roughly over 100 underground drill holes and 45 surface drill holes, totally about 11,000m, plus a lot of surface work. 0 from #york, 19 Jan 2023, 14:47

@dcurtis Humor is easier to find when one is winning . It won't be long now till we are all laughing . Time takes time . Tom Petty knew that eh @Newton 0 from #jokes, 19 Jan 2023, 15:32

@BadMan I agree that the quickie formula is much more applicable to a disseminated deposit like the MRO project referenced rather than a veiny system that was promoted elsewhere. If it's being applied to till samples would it not be subject to the randomness of the nugget effect? 0 19 Jan 2023, 16:37

@Newton @BadMan could anyone possibly stretch an "exploration target" around a few till samples?! Please show me if so. 0 22 Jan 2023, 13:56



Best way @Grassroots? 1 from #york, 22 Jan 2023, 13:57

@Newton Thanks @EV-Investor are you interested in investing in a financing with KLM ? 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:03

@Newton Also, is "share structure" just share count? Or is it also a combination of who owns how many shares at what price? Note that KLM has been public since 1996 and never been rolled back before. As a BC company we can do up to 10:1 without shareholder vote. To do more than 10:1 rollback in any 2-year period requires shareholder approval as per TSXV policy. 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:06

@Newton Hello @FarmerT! 0 from @ev-investor, 22 Jan 2023, 14:12

@Newton Hello @WuhanBatman welcome to CEOca I see you've had an active time on your first day with this account today. 2 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:13

@Newton Nice to see you @campbeas all the best 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:32

@Newton (You can delete posts within 15 minutes after you post them and that one was 10 minutes ago so you could delete if you wish) 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:32

@Newton @campbeas people have been telling me to do a rollback since August 2021 when I became CEO. One major change since then is the TSXV now allows us to do financings down to 0.01. Previously the minimum price was 0.05 and that was a big reason for many rollbacks -- easier to do a 10:1 rollback on a half penny bid than to get the share price up? Note that the TSXV allows a maximum of 100% dilution for all share issuance (including property deals, shares for services, etc) for shares issued below five cents, calculated based on the share count as at 12 months ago on a rolling basis. 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:35

@Newton Minimum strike for all derivatives (warrants, broker warrants, options) is five cents fyi @EV-Investor 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:39

@Newton Note that this company was historically run by the same team as PLY (and RUP to 2013) who typically finance with no warrants. We included 2-year warrants with 0.05 strike in the financing from February 2022. 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:44

@Newton I joined the Board here in January 2020 and the stock was at a half-penny bid with 65M shares out. The 325,000 market cap was a big part of the reason that I was bullish because it seemed like an unusual valuation to start building a position in a long-lived TSXV pubco. 1 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:46

@BadMan More samples? 0 22 Jan 2023, 14:52

@Newton Family! Family! Family!

@campbeas I'm glad your daughter's first post can be here. I think that's fun. And I hope your KLM shares can pay for her school someday. 4 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 14:55

@Newton Yes @BadMan till samples are very important. Where does "conceptual estimate" come into the conversation? 0 22 Jan 2023, 14:56

@Newton Hello @PennyQueen! Hello @Tylermuir! 3 from #usha, 22 Jan 2023, 14:58

@BadMan I supposed that you were discussing till samples when you brought up the quickie formula. If not, my bad. 1 22 Jan 2023, 15:01

@Newton I am not meaning to connect till sampling and conceptual estimates. And I don't think "quickie formula" is an accurate description of what MRO did here. @globenewswire/millrock-outlines-significant-exploration-target-of

This "exploration target" by MRO is a sophisticated exercise that includes some estimate of costs. Some may call it a "loophole" but I'd say it's actually a missing piece of the junior mining business with highly detailed discussion of a pubco's plan of attack. 1 22 Jan 2023, 15:06

@PennyQueen @newton Are you jumping into the brine with us? 2 from #usha, 22 Jan 2023, 15:22

@Tylermuir Hello @newton it’s salty and hot in here… come on in! 3 from #usha, 22 Jan 2023, 16:18

@Newton Oops! 0 22 Jan 2023, 19:29

@Newton How many 10:1 rollbacks have there been in 2023 so far? Any? 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 19:30

@Newton Cool! 0 22 Jan 2023, 19:32


5 news releases from junior mining issuers about "consolidation" of shares. No "reverse split"? All 5 are on the TSXV? Imagine that... 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 19:37

@Newton #DrillPlays ! 0 from #drillplays, 22 Jan 2023, 19:37

@Newton Good time for a cruise? 0 from #ktr, 22 Jan 2023, 19:38

@dcurtis maybe a rollback is a good idea . Stocks under one cent should really consider it . Penny stocks are uninvestable in many peoples eyes . The advantage beyond the obvious , The stock can move in 5-10-20 % , rather than 50% on the half penny . 0 22 Jan 2023, 21:04


Never appeal to the intelligence of fools, no matter how easily they may part with their money. Turn your batteries on the thinking ones and convince them, and the unthinking will to follow. 0 22 Jan 2023, 21:09

@Newton What is a normal valuation for a "trading shell" pubco on the TSXV anyway @dcurtis? 0 22 Jan 2023, 21:10

@Newton #Copper OCO well done 0 from #oco, 22 Jan 2023, 21:47

@Newton Do you want to become a +10% shareholder of KLM @dcurtis?

"Filing insider" on SEDI and CEOca?

@ceoca_ronald/announcement-users-must-declare-professional-affiliation-on-ceoca "We define “insider” as either being (1) an officer or director or employee of a public company listed on CEO.CA, (2) a shareholder holding over 10% of a public company listed on CEO.CA or..." 0 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 22:02

@Newton Hi @postman! Hi @Treant! 1 from #klm, 22 Jan 2023, 22:04

@Newton "Two of the primary and related goals of securities regulation are the protection of investors from fraudulent, manipulative or misleading practices and the fostering of fair, efficient, and transparent markets through the identification of promotional activity. The definition of promotional activity is broad and includes any communications or activity that be expected to encourage a person to purchase, trade or not purchase a security or derivative, regardless of the platform or medium, which captures marketing activities as well as investor relations. It is not enough to have a provision in every contract with an investor relations or marketing services provider that the services will be p+ 49 more words. Click to expand 0 from @ceoca_ronald/announcement-users-must-declare-professional-affiliation-on-ceoca, 22 Jan 2023, 22:12

@dcurtis Sound like a lot of work @NEWTON . Unless that 10% was priced right 0 from @dcurtis, 22 Jan 2023, 22:12

@Newton Suerte @dcurtis 0 from @dcurtis, 22 Jan 2023, 22:20

@dcurtis And good luck to you @Newton 0 from @dcurtis, 22 Jan 2023, 22:38

@Newton Bi-weekly status report! #Bullish 0 from #gato, 22 Jan 2023, 23:13


"Just keep accumulating knowledge—that’s one of the beauties of the business that Charlie and I are in, is that everything is cumulative. The stuff I learned when I was 20 is useful today."

0 from @dcurtis, 22 Jan 2023, 23:21

@Newton I believe billion dollar WRN possible 1 from #wrn, 22 Jan 2023, 23:22

@Newton What lessons have we learned from Nemaska? Any relevant here? PMET #Bullish 0 from #pmet, 22 Jan 2023, 23:24

@Newton Do you have other projects that are not yet optioned off @GlobalEnergyMetals? 1 from #gemc, 22 Jan 2023, 23:25

@Newton Hello @ancora 0 22 Jan 2023, 23:26

@johnc6 @Newton what are we missing here? Thought we'd be further on our way to retest 2021 high by now. 1 from #wrn, 23 Jan 2023, 04:01

@Newton It's not a terrible chart eh @johnc6?

0 from #wrn, 23 Jan 2023, 09:34

@johnc6 @newton Certainly better than most junior charts, but we just finished Rio's DD checklist. Those items appear to show Casino is good (or in some cases, better) as advertised, and we're trending downwards on weak volume. Wasn't the market response I was hoping for. 0 from #wrn, 23 Jan 2023, 09:37

@Newton "Financial evaluation of mining innovation pilot projects and the value of information" #BRIMM connection. Cool article...

"We demonstrate these equations with a case study of a senior gold producer considering a cost-saving technology and the benefit of running a pilot program across a range of technical failure probabilities, program costs, and information quality. The paper concludes by summarising our main findings and the implications for managing mining innovation projects."

value-of-information concept very interesting...

"The oil and gas industry adopted VOI concepts with a specific focus on the information generat+ 92 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 23 Jan 2023, 09:44

@Newton Mister Market is a manic business partner @johnc6? 0 from #wrn, 23 Jan 2023, 09:45

@Newton Check it out @discoveries 0 from @discoveries, 23 Jan 2023, 09:49

@Newton Maybe there's a new class of investor who will get involved here going forward following Rio move? Do those people like to bid shares up in the secondary market or play some different game in the primary market? 0 from #wrn, 23 Jan 2023, 09:51

@Newton Good look AHR 2 from #ahr, 23 Jan 2023, 11:03

@Newton @Lyra Does that count? 2 from #ahr, 23 Jan 2023, 11:04

@Newton Overnight success years in the making? GMA 2023 similar to HPQ 2021? 1 from #gma, 23 Jan 2023, 14:40

@Newton Any pompoms for sale second hand @ogopogo007? 0 from @ogopogo007, 23 Jan 2023, 14:41

@Newton "unlikely to put anything out on visuals as this generally creates unnecessary hype that reduces the value of the actual results. " @DMac79 please can I ask about this? I'd love to see more pics and videos from your projects please and thanks! 1 from #auu, 23 Jan 2023, 14:52

@Newton "just too many damn companies" classic! 1 from @goldfinger, 23 Jan 2023, 14:54

@Newton "gold is up... I'm just gonna wait and see if we can get a better price... traders say the same thing..." fun conversation there. Reminds me why I'm grateful for the little bit of prospecting-for-shares...

@newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares 0 from @goldfinger, 23 Jan 2023, 14:56

@Newton FWZ one of the junior mining stocks where chart tells a useful story (sometimes)? Better than most? Interesting. I wonder if that's related to the presence of the CEO online? Or relative liquidity of the stock? 2 from @goldfinger, 23 Jan 2023, 15:01

@Newton 15 or 20 very large mines? Where? Oh boy!

"... six dollar, eight dollar copper... nickel, cobalt, go down the list.. Is the world ready for that? I'm not sure. I'm afraid I'm cynical enough to think that the same time we get the conditions that should be mana from heaven, we get hit with the same old schtick..."

Mining projects make for attractive tax targets! 1 from @goldfinger, 23 Jan 2023, 15:06

@Newton Less than 1% market cap / NPV classic! 0 from #gcx, 23 Jan 2023, 15:16

@GlobalEnergyMetals Here’s an overview of our portfolio @Newton. Connect to find out more using the email above. 1 from #gemc, 23 Jan 2023, 15:49

@dcurtis The United States is a Republic . Ruled by Democracy . We the people .. That does not mean . Over all . America is a big place . North America alone has three distict countries . Canada , The U S A and Mexico . This is what should be the trifecta of North American Democracy . Shit if we can't do it here how can export it to the world ? @Newton?

0 from #index, 24 Jan 2023, 05:15

@dcurtis I always throw gernadeds at @newbie2099 and @NEwTON 0 from #index, 24 Jan 2023, 05:17

@DMac79 @newton my experience (and I have been following junior explorco's for +10 years) is that the majority of time that when a company puts out visuals, it often creates unreaslistic expectations for the actual assays. The result that stocks will often sell-off on the assays if "visuals" have been put out before hand. Particularly if the company provides a favourable interpretation. The only time that this is done well is when it is core drilling (we drilled RC) and the photos are put out with simple geologic interpretation. Also, there needs to be enough drilling history that the company and the market has a good understanding of what the simple geologic interpretation means. We only have assay+ 18 more words. Click to expand 0 from #auu, 24 Jan 2023, 05:51

@DMac79 @newton that being said, we will keep putting out pictures of site and the geology. Keep an eye on the AUU twitter feed. 3 from #auu, 24 Jan 2023, 05:53

@Newton Great work GGL 1 from #ggl, 24 Jan 2023, 10:23

@Newton Hello SPA! 3 from #spa, 24 Jan 2023, 10:26

@dcurtis @Newton went to Wales and thought they spoke English , not even close 2 from #klm, 24 Jan 2023, 10:30


"Inappropriate jokes are the best way to break-the-ice with an investor" #Slick #VRify #events very funny thank you 1 from #klm, 24 Jan 2023, 11:13

@Newton "Never waste valuable time or mental peace of mind on the affairs of others - that is too high a price to pay."

@Newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration "Rule number seven: don't agonize over who explored here before or why they quit." Go your own way (trap remix) 0 from #klm, 24 Jan 2023, 11:16

@Newton If @dcurtis was a dog then what kind of dog would he be? 0 from @dcurtis, 24 Jan 2023, 11:17

@MassMetals Long time no see @Newton - welcome back. 1 from #spa, 24 Jan 2023, 11:19

@Grassroots @Newton absolutely seen some awesome projects abandoned for some stupid reasons! YORK’s past operators for example:) 5 from #klm, 24 Jan 2023, 16:55

@ancora Hello @Newton. I have KLM in my watchlist 0 from @ancora, 24 Jan 2023, 19:20

@Newton Thanks! I've heard good things about OREA recently. #Bullish 0 from @ancora, 24 Jan 2023, 19:22

@Newton @ticotime2020 #NewtonNotes HAR MENARIK from a year ago here...

Fun projects! 1 from #har, 24 Jan 2023, 19:25

@ticotime2020 thanks @Newton 1 from #har, 24 Jan 2023, 19:31

@ancora Thanx @Newton 0 from #har, 24 Jan 2023, 19:59


This graphic was from 2013. Can you imagine the global impacts of USA building a modern train system? Hello 2023 0 from #klm, 25 Jan 2023, 00:05

@Newton Puts the "QU" into the word TORQUE eh?

(QU / QUEBEC) @dcurtis 0 from #har, 25 Jan 2023, 00:07

@Newton @dboy12 hello 0 from #har, 25 Jan 2023, 00:07

@Newton "maybe it will get back to my buy price" #har, 4 Oct 2022, 08:30 @dboy12 progress? 0 from #har, 25 Jan 2023, 00:08

@Newton "Chalcopyrite also contains gold, nickel & cobalt in solid solution and may be closely associated with PGMs formed by mafic/ultramafic igneous intrusive processes & in greenstone belts. Chalcopyrite is the primary source of copper metal associated with many high value commodities."

Follow Laurence Hunt

0 from #klm, 25 Jan 2023, 00:10

@Newton Are there shares for sale at 2.00 in the market @Smizzyboy? 0 from #york, 25 Jan 2023, 00:11

@Newton Does the REE deal need a halt when (if?) it closes? 0 from #york, 25 Jan 2023, 00:13





Listen to many, speak to a few. 0 from #klm, 25 Jan 2023, 00:15

@Newton MRO #nickel

Hello 0 from #mro, 25 Jan 2023, 00:19

@dboy12 @Newton Hi: Yes, getting there, but I bought more due to the lithium impact when I originally purchased for the gold. Thanks for the query 2 from #har, 25 Jan 2023, 06:27

@Newton @carbon8ed paint by numbers?

2 from #ggl, 25 Jan 2023, 10:58

@Newton @db cobalt five cents per gram fyi? 0 from #york, 25 Jan 2023, 11:01

@Newton DDH YH22-107 intersected 8.97m with highlights:

Copper 4.7% 4.21 /lb, 436.23 /tonne

Zinc 10.2% 1.57 /lb, 353.05 /tonne

Call it Base Metal Sub-total » 789.28 /tonne

For comparison, gold at 12.5 g/t Au is 779.54 /tonne

So that's like 12.5 g/t Au Eq at 9m call it 112.5 gram-meters @Grassroots? 3 from #york, 25 Jan 2023, 11:04

@Newton 0 from #york, 25 Jan 2023, 11:04

@Newton And here are similar numbers from another calculator...

Cool that one allows adjustment for recovery rates 0 from #york, 25 Jan 2023, 11:06

@Newton Is the new CNC discovery on NOB ground? 1 from #nob, 25 Jan 2023, 11:08

@Newton Hello @HH2022 1 from #zc, 25 Jan 2023, 14:20

@Newton Hello RIO!

"Nuton is an innovative new venture that aims to help grow Rio Tinto's copper business. At the core of Nuton is a portfolio of proprietary copper leach related technologies and capability – a product of almost 30 years of research and development. The Nuton technologies offer the potential to economically unlock known low-grade copper sulfide resources, copper bearing waste and tailings, and achieve higher copper recoveries on oxide and transitional material, allowing for a significantly increased copper production outcome. One of the key differentiators of Nuton is the potential to deliver leading environmental performance, including more efficient water usage, lower carbon em+ 12 more words. Click to expand 2 from #min, 25 Jan 2023, 14:47

@Newton Nice pics @Oops 0 from @oops, 25 Jan 2023, 15:22

@Newton @911mining fun stuff going through all this content. Support your local prospectors! 0 from #klm, 25 Jan 2023, 15:25

@Newton @Grassroots tell me the story of DANIEL'S HARBOUR eh? 0 25 Jan 2023, 15:46

@Newton @investorgator check it out @Newton/newtoninterviews-branden-haynes-brainstorming-new-exploreco

Peter Bell: Everything but drilling.

Peter Bell: "80/20, everything but drilling."

Peter Bell: Thinking about 80/20 with everything but drilling -- that's neat. That's a great way to tag a whole business plan with two sentences. It tells you the budget and the work program.

Branden Haynes: Well, we have a recording of it now. I can see the poster now, "80/20, everything but drilling". Have a partnership with Goldspot Discoveries? University of British Columbia? And connections to local universities. It might be more make more sense if the property is in Quebec to link-up with universities there. 0 from #klm, 25 Jan 2023, 16:10

@Panda @Newton if you talking Reid. Yes I belive that still in NOB's hands. 0 from #nob, 26 Jan 2023, 08:51

@Newton Yes, 2019. I was telling a few people including @investorgator about how we don't have any assays pending from our ongoing field work and I remembered this moment from the 2019 interview there. Everything but drilling? Everything but assays? Everything but... Posted here now because I think it reflects some important principles for to run a pubco junior explorer. 0 from #klm, 26 Jan 2023, 14:06

@Newton Bonus round: what does the 80:20 rule in that quote refer to?

Hint: it's not @badman "Pareto Exploration"... 0 from #klm, 26 Jan 2023, 14:07


Also tied into some discussion about "why does this company exist?" 0 from #klm, 26 Jan 2023, 14:07

@Newton @investorGator 0 from @investorgator, 26 Jan 2023, 15:13

@Newton @NabtaPlayaEgypt GGL ?! 0 from @nabtaplayaegypt, 26 Jan 2023, 15:16

@NabtaPlayaEgypt @Newton if the inquiry is about the Goldfield Nevada property (Gold Point) then I could say much about it positively. Walker Lane is the place to be. McConnell also deserves a mention.

3 from #ggl, 26 Jan 2023, 19:17

@Newton Please tell me when and where you see bullshit @tamarack thanks. I'm genuinely interested to hear more opinions on what I get right and wrong. 0 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 08:52

@Newton "Keep Talking" Song by Pink Floyd... can we rewrite the lyrics for junior mining stocks or KLM specifically?

Say hi to @50yearbeckfan on Twitter here and ask about songs where he rewrote the lyrics for junior mining stocks... @50yearbeckfan/how-elon-found-us 0 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 08:55

@Newton @EV-Investor do you know @jackmehoff? 0 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 09:01

@Newton "Fourth is Valuation. Oil and other resource stocks are at wonderful stock valuations, best ever for oils. There are many sub 2 PE oil stocks, especially amongst Canadian small producers."

Wow! Thanks @geodan I didn't know that. #Bullish 1 from @geodan/is-this-time-different-will-resource-stocks-do-well-in-2023, 27 Jan 2023, 09:03

@Newton 🎶 Hey! @newton!

Leave them kids alone!

All in all, were just another tweet in the wall 🎶

😆🤣 1 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 09:26

@Newton 🎶 Hey! @newton!

Leave them kids alone!

All in all, were just another tweet in the wall 🎶

😆🤣 1 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 09:26

@Newton Nova Scotia gold! Respect 0 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 09:26

@Newton Steve Jobs on how to decide what to work on:

1. Ask yourself “What do I give a shit about?”

2. Do that.

What do I care about? Mining exploration. 0 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 09:29

@Newton 5 years later same price?

1 from #moz, 27 Jan 2023, 09:47

@Newton Respect @BadMan! "can be massaged by accounting magic." please tell me more? Thanks 0 from @badman, 27 Jan 2023, 09:47

@BadMan Say Pareto spent 100k on G&A and 400k on E&E, but the 400k E&E was spent to acquire his buddy's moose pasture, would that meet the 80:20 target?

Perhaps it's not the quantities, but the qualities that matter for this ratio. 1 27 Jan 2023, 09:49

@Newton Yes, and I can't quite find the reference quote but I remember saying in the 2019 conversation here @Newton/newtoninterviews-branden-haynes-brainstorming-new-exploreco that I figured the E&E would not include property option payments. Force the option payments to be part of G&A to disincentivize exactly what you are referring to @BadMan 0 27 Jan 2023, 09:58

@BadMan Then there's vagueness like this from a 97:3 company. I'm not saying they are trying to hide anything, but a more detailed breakdown of E&E costs would be helpful. 1 27 Jan 2023, 10:14

@Newton ... Sometimes there are a couple tables in the documents that have different levels of detail. Is that the case for this 97:3 company? 0 27 Jan 2023, 14:20

@Newton @Newton/three-short-stories-vancouver-finance 2016! 0 from @dcurtis, 27 Jan 2023, 14:47


Wow @GeoMilo 0 from @geomilo, 27 Jan 2023, 15:42

@Newton hey good looking! SPA 1 from #spa, 27 Jan 2023, 16:04

@Newton "rollback into strength" #bullish @thesunshinekid 2 from #spa, 27 Jan 2023, 16:04

@Newton Phew! What next? 1 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 17:35

@Newton @GeoMilo 0 from @geomilo, 27 Jan 2023, 20:48

@Newton Anything we can learn from what I wrote about BCU in 2018 versus where we are today in 2023 five years later? #newton

@TCB77 ask @geoMilo how he likes the administration so far so good 0 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 20:55

@Newton cool document!

Shoutout CIM VANCOUVER 0 from #klm, 27 Jan 2023, 20:56


@GeoMilo classic 0 from @geomilo, 28 Jan 2023, 00:20

@Newton Well done PMET! 2 from #pmet, 28 Jan 2023, 00:30

@Newton what does 50% spodumene look like @neometals? Cool! 0 from #pmet, 28 Jan 2023, 00:31

@Newton "swamp lake" great potential I'd guess. Why? Because old timers had limited access to drill where they wanted at a place like swamp lake? 3 from #nine, 28 Jan 2023, 00:33

@Newton @badMan hello! 0 from #dyg, 28 Jan 2023, 00:39

@Newton Hello @jerolapi! Nothing like the smell of sulhpides in the morning? 1 from #klm, 30 Jan 2023, 10:01

@Newton Hello @Danielh! Hello @PennyQueen 2 from #klm, 30 Jan 2023, 10:07

@Newton @investorgator this is the way 1 from @newsfile/bear-creek-to-issue-shares-for-services, 1 Feb 2023, 15:54

@Newton @Newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares Check out example of shares-for-services from BCM here #Bullish

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 28, 2022) - Bear Creek Mining Corporation (TSXV: BCM) (OTCQX: BCEKF) (BVL: BCM) ("Bear Creek" or the "Company") announces that, subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval, the Company will issue 164,241 common shares at a deemed price of 0.88 per share to Unison Mining Consulting Pte. Ltd. ("Unison") for work on the Mercedes Gold Mine operational improvement program completed as of December 23, 2022. Details regarding the ongoing Mercedes improvement program, and the terms of the Unison engagement agreement, are provide+ 10 more words. Click to expand 1 from @newsfile/bear-creek-to-issue-shares-for-services, 1 Feb 2023, 15:55

@Newton Great headline OCO 0 from #oco, 2 Feb 2023, 09:22

@Newton Check it out @911mining 0 from @911mining, 2 Feb 2023, 09:24

@Newton Hello AHR! 1 from #ahr, 2 Feb 2023, 09:27

@Newton Some great tweets from #Tommy recently, Ian Telfer story impressive. Neat to hear that an investment banker wrote 100 page report why the metal could not be separated from the mine. Classic. And The Pez! 0 from #klm, 2 Feb 2023, 09:30

@Newton @tamarack please tell me when you see bullshit? Thanks. 0 from @tamarack, 2 Feb 2023, 13:37

@Newton @cautiousnow did you miss AHR ? 0 from #ahr, 2 Feb 2023, 15:32

@CautiousNow @Newton I tend to use my time at shows doing deep dives on companies I hold and catching up with peers, so tend not to look at new stories unless someone I know well strongly suggests I visit a booth. I also have only so much time to do my little write ups. That I'm not writing anything on AHR (or any other particular company) shouldn't be taken as any comment about the company and its properties. 1 from #ahr, 2 Feb 2023, 15:55

@janturco @Newton Are you gonna have a booth a PDAC? 0 from #klm, 2 Feb 2023, 19:42

@Newton Big move down to 1860 eh wow 0 from @tamarack, 3 Feb 2023, 09:51

@Newton Thanks @Nuggetz 0 from @nuggetz, 3 Feb 2023, 09:52

@Newton "For nickel, analysis is ideal via a sodium peroxide fusion or four-acid decomposition, as opposed to a lithium borate fusion which may not fully recover base metals. Our multi-element sodium peroxide method analysed by ICP-MS (ME-MS89L™) reports low detection levels. A range of four-acid methods to suit all stages of exploration is also offered. Our super trace method (ME-MS61L™) reports nickel to our lowest level of 0.08ppm as described in the Generative Exploration section. Other Ni methods derived from a four-acid digestion include ME-MS61 with a detection level of 0.2ppm and ME-ICP61 with a detection level of 1ppm." 0 from #klm, 3 Feb 2023, 09:53

@Newton @Nuggetz thanks for your comments here. I'm always interested to see new handles with something technical to say. Immediately after your first post on Monday I messaged @911mining to discuss what you were saying. He figured there is no nickel in the area because it's never popped up in any prior results. I said that nickel can be tricky and let's figure out what @nuggetz is saying here... 1 from #klm, 3 Feb 2023, 09:55

@Newton @911mining has a comprehensive data room on Google Drive and you can find all the old assessment reports from Star Of The West here,

I'm reading file "AR - Star of the West (13723)" from 1985 as one of the more recent ones and it doesn't mention assaying technique. Report includes numbers for a few base and precious metals, but largely missing the detail required to address @Nuggetz suggestions?

And then there is file "Hawthorn Lake Occurrence - J Houle (32329)" from 2010 co-authored by our independent QP Jacques Houle. Great level of technical detail including specifics on assaying method, which has 0.2ppm lower+ 61 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 3 Feb 2023, 10:06

@Newton @Nuggetz here's some regional geological info from Jacques Houle about Vancouver Island. No mention of greenstones, fyi... 0 from #klm, 3 Feb 2023, 10:25

@TCB77 @Newton If you like the Pez here is the "The Promoter's Prayer" from that period :)

"May your Assays always be better than expected

May you always have more Buyers than Sellers

May the Shorts always be trapped

May your Stock always close on an up-tick

May your Underwritings always be oversold

May all your trading Halts be for good news

May a bunch of Americans and Europeans buy up your float

And may you be in Heaven for half-an-hour before the Taxman knows you're dead." 0 3 Feb 2023, 21:04

@Newton Hello @designer 0 from @designer, 7 Feb 2023, 10:15

@Newton Taking care of business! Thanks @TCB77 0 7 Feb 2023, 10:16

@Newton Hello LONE! 1 from #lone, 8 Feb 2023, 09:08

@Newton "Never appeal to the intelligence of fools, no matter how easily they may part with their money. Turn your batteries on the thinking ones and convince them, and the unthinking will to follow." 2 from #klm, 8 Feb 2023, 11:00

@Newton Northwest Ontario! 0 from #skyg, 8 Feb 2023, 13:51

@Newton Hello @keatsgold 0 from @keatsgold, 8 Feb 2023, 13:52

@Newton Hello @retiredrick! 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:09

@Newton Inspiring to see a few hundred hectares play a meaningful role in a discovery story. Brownfields is bullish! 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:24

@retiredrick @Newton Hello. Do you have a position in SPC? I have a very small one here back from when it was spun out from Transition Metals. I might add to it if the drill results from the other side of the property line are good. 1 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:28


Impressive 3-4km long section here.

46°25'57.5"N 81°19'30.9"W

46.432645, -81.325253

Ontario! 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:30

@Newton Picture worth a thousand words eh? Nice to combine this land package... 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:32

@Newton Reminds me of this picture from January 2021. By July there was a takeover bid and September deal was done. 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:33


Well done SPC 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:40


Interesting to see the deal terms with Vale. What do they want? Feasibility study on the way in, profit sharing on the back end? Creative! 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:41

@Newton Impressive stats from 2022 drilling rates @BEAVER65. 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:49

@Newton "starter pit, starter pit, starter pit!" 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:49

@Newton MINDAT page of Crean Hill Mine mentions "Melonite" nickel telluride mineral...

0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:54

@Newton Patents in Ontario? Oh, yeah! Very important. Shocking to see a junior given property like this... 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 14:58

@Newton Melonite from Quebec,

0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 15:20

@Newton Neat to see @Grassroots 0 from @grassroots, 8 Feb 2023, 15:32

@Newton Hello XTM 0 from #xtm, 8 Feb 2023, 15:34

@Newton #MattBadiali

Follow Matt on twitter! 0 8 Feb 2023, 20:13

@Newton Hello HSTR! Halted pending acquisition eh? 0 from #hstr, 8 Feb 2023, 20:33

@Newton Follow Matt Badiali @Nuggetz? 0 from @nuggetz, 8 Feb 2023, 20:52

@Newton Wow! 0 from #hstr, 8 Feb 2023, 20:57

@Newton Rule number seven: don't agonize over who explored here before or why they quit. @Newton/nicktate-twenty-golden-rules-of-mineral-exploration

@Greatlakes does this apply? 0 from #spc, 8 Feb 2023, 21:36

@Newton "After nearly 20 years in the newsletter business, I can help. I made my living turning complex business ideas into compelling copy that was easy to read and understand."

@Nuggetz interesting to think about integrating this skillset into the planning, execution, and reporting of field programs eh? Imagine Matt Badiali teaming up with @911mining and @Grassroots... 1 from #klm, 8 Feb 2023, 21:42

@FugoEcaz Anything you can say about XTM @Newton ? Sounds like you are in the know on XTM's spin-out SPC. so maybe you have some info on XTM too? 1 from #xtm, 9 Feb 2023, 11:56

@Grassroots @Newton time to assay some of those sexy @911mining samples🔥 ⛏⛏🙏 3 from #klm, 9 Feb 2023, 19:54

@dcurtis What did the Chinese gvt say to the USA / ? Why you pop our balloon ? Answer: Because we could . #jokes . @J_Serendipity @Thrive & @Newton . They are not all funny , cheers all 2 from #jokes, 10 Feb 2023, 23:08

@Newton Had one on the Linktree but took it down when BCSC flagged it as part of their recent review (no QP statement). Sorry don't have a replacement, thanks for mentioning.

Here's a template for "generalist" pitch decks that I really like, 1 from #klm, 11 Feb 2023, 14:47

@Newton @Grassroots they had a blog post on the site that I liked a lot. Simple and effective. Technical difficulties since then and that template for posts is not available on this website, but they are working on another way to get similar content on the site. Adds some of the context to the videos that people like @Nuggetz are asking for...

Here's a PDF of the blog post, 1 from #klm, 11 Feb 2023, 14:50

@Newton Gotta be hungry @dcurtis 0 from @dcurtis, 13 Feb 2023, 13:42

@Newton While you wait @campbeas 0 from @campbeas, 13 Feb 2023, 13:44


Looks like a great spot on the chart there. Only traded higher twice with limited volume. Third time a charm @goldfinger? 5 from #nine, 13 Feb 2023, 13:46

@dcurtis Not only be hungry , but STAY hungry , and keep smiling 1 13 Feb 2023, 14:07

@Newton @911mining good work 2 from #klm, 14 Feb 2023, 10:18

@dcurtis When does an unidetified flying object become a spy balloon ? Ask @Newton .? "We don't know what it is , but we don't like it " Shoot!! 0 from #jokes, 14 Feb 2023, 12:39

@Newton Nestled warm in it's bed, the VGCX heap in winter...

0 from #vgcx, 15 Feb 2023, 09:03

@Newton Looking good @Grassroots 0 from @grassroots, 15 Feb 2023, 09:16

@Newton Respect @Jackmehoff! 0 from @jackmehoff, 15 Feb 2023, 09:21

@Newton Cool! Shoutout Kyler Hardy 1 from #rhc, 15 Feb 2023, 10:25

@Newton I see Brian Crawford here! 5 from #carm, 15 Feb 2023, 10:29

@Newton FYI 0 from @streetcents, 15 Feb 2023, 19:16

@Newton Hey thanks for the news today SBMI!

bad bars caused by iron? I can believe that.

Good bars with magnetic separator over crushed material? Again, I can believe that.

0 from #sbmi, 15 Feb 2023, 19:24

@Newton " SBMI has confirmed this thesis by using a high intensity magnet to pull the iron alloy from the concentrate prior to smelting. The dore bar below, poured in February, 2023, resulted from concentrate after the iron alloy was removed." Sounds like good science @pclausi thank you!

@newsfile/silver-bullet-mines-corp-assays-2706-ounces-per-ton 0 from #sbmi, 15 Feb 2023, 19:24

@Newton "The fourth most common element in the Earth's crust is iron, accounting for over 5% of the mass of the Earth's crust. Iron is obtained chiefly from the minerals hematite and magnetite."

PGM and Fe similar melting points, both above Ag? Both could cause problems with smelting? But the Fe is counted in percentage points whereas PGM is PPM, so there is much more Fe to cause problems? I'm not a metallurgist but I like that story and am keen to learn more. Also like the magnetic separation addition to the circuit as that is fairly simple and familiar. Occam's Razor in action? 0 from #sbmi, 15 Feb 2023, 19:28

@Newton Andrew's research is directed at using mineralogy as a tool in the geosciences. Although he still conducts investigations/characterizations of new mineral species, he is also interested in applying mineralogy and crystal chemistry as a means of understanding the evolution of alkaline rocks, exploring for Au and rare metals (e.g. Ta, Nb) and understanding how the atomic structures of minerals relate to their observed physical and optical properties.

Well done Andrew. #ThankYou 0 from #sbmi, 15 Feb 2023, 19:31

@Newton @jc9381 super interesting to know more about the mineralogy? Is the PGM in with the iron? There are 42 minerals with Pt and S, but only 21 with Pt and Fe. Is it Tulameenite with Pt, Cu, and Fe? Or is it Braggite with Pt, Pd, S? I have no idea. Very fun science questions.

In the meantime, adding magnet to circuit and cleaning feed enough to pour bars is step in right direction. Also interesting to read mention of concentrate sales in the news release (is that the magnetic stream or something else?). Fun stuff! 0 from #sbmi, 15 Feb 2023, 19:46

@Newton Hello @let_them_eat_silver. Hello @CopperHunter 0 from #sbmi, 15 Feb 2023, 19:56



Now, about that gold in the tailings.... 0 from #sbmi, 15 Feb 2023, 19:59

@DHillbilly @Newton I "like" the story ALSO! 0 from #sbmi, 16 Feb 2023, 05:24

@Newton " samples were selected at random from the mineralized material removed from the vein and then were sent to SBMI's assay lab for processing." what do you think @Geolith? 0 from #sbmi, 16 Feb 2023, 08:51


classic #RickRule 0 from #sbmi, 16 Feb 2023, 08:52

@Newton TSXV policy changed in 2022 to allow companies to finance below five cents @GoodAsGold. Can print up to 100% as many shares as the company had issued a year ago. 1 from #opw, 16 Feb 2023, 08:53

@Let_them_eat_silver @Newton Rick Rule is great. If you haven't watched as yet this is worth a listen to:"The Ultimate Gold Panel with Frank Giustra & Rick Rule (TRAILER and FULL -LENGTH: ... and on a positive note, we DO have a lot of unanswered questions! ;) 0 from #sbmi, 16 Feb 2023, 08:57

@Newton Sorry I missed the news yesterday. 10:1 rollback. Note that BC corp can do rollback anytime, no shareholder vote. But TSXV policy is that more than 10:1 rollback in any 2-year window requires shareholder vote. 1 from #opw, 16 Feb 2023, 09:13

@Newton Hello AWX 0 from #awx, 16 Feb 2023, 09:14

@Newton Hello! 0 from #teck, 16 Feb 2023, 09:26

@FarmerT @Newton ..... why the Halt on TECK ?? 0 from #teck, 16 Feb 2023, 09:42

@Newton Rumors @FarmerT 0 from #teck, 16 Feb 2023, 09:42

@Newton "disorderly market" 0 from #teck, 16 Feb 2023, 09:42


Vancouver, B.C. – At the request of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the New York Stock Exchange, Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TECK.A and TECK.B, NYSE: TECK) (“Teck”) today confirmed that it is evaluating alternatives for its steelmaking coal business, including the possible spin-out of an interest in that business to its shareholders. Any transaction would be expected to create value for Teck’s shareholders and support continued benefits for communities and Indigenous Peoples in the areas where Teck operates.

0 from #teck, 16 Feb 2023, 09:43

@Newton Still time for a strategic investment into WAR @FarmerT 0 from #teck, 16 Feb 2023, 09:46

@Newton ASM mentioned on twitter 0 from #asm, 16 Feb 2023, 09:47

@Newton Mercedes and Rock Teck? Cool thanks @ogopogo007 I missed that. Well done RCK 0 from @ogopogo007, 16 Feb 2023, 09:48

@FarmerT Depends on the News forthcoming @Newton ..... look at what BUD did last week after RM came in for 37% of Satori ..... 0 from #teck, 16 Feb 2023, 09:55


Yup! 1 from #sbmi, 16 Feb 2023, 10:05

@Newton Good presentation COCO 1 from #coco, 16 Feb 2023, 10:09

@Newton Thanks @Geolith. Do you want to see some thin sections / mineralogy studies? 0 from #sbmi, 16 Feb 2023, 10:35

@dcurtis Bloomberg announced that Teck will sell all of it's coal operations . Seems like purely ESG driven . Don't see an NR on it . Meanwhile ARCH and AMR are making record profits . Check that out @Newton 0 from #teck, 16 Feb 2023, 11:43

@Newton Thanks @Geolith sorry my question was unclear. Would you like to see SBMI prepare and publish some thin sections and mineralogical test work? 0 from #sbmi, 16 Feb 2023, 15:19

@Newton Three cheers for @Geolith! 0 from #sbmi, 16 Feb 2023, 16:16

@Newton Big respect to the crews getting work done out east! 3 from #nine, 16 Feb 2023, 16:20

@donvis Hi @Newton have you been in touch with the nine boy's as of late 0 from #nine, 16 Feb 2023, 16:25

@Newton What does @criticalinvestor think? 3 from #nine, 17 Feb 2023, 09:55

@Newton Is this the one year anniversary of SBMI trading @pclausi?

0 from #sbmi, 17 Feb 2023, 10:12

@Newton No, apparently that was December 6th sorry! 0 from #sbmi, 17 Feb 2023, 10:13

@CriticalInvestor @Newton Should I have a look? 9 from #nine, 17 Feb 2023, 11:14

@dcurtis Joke much @J_Serendipity @Thrive and of course @Newton Motivational dancers add some color 1 from #jokes, 17 Feb 2023, 12:55

@Newton Yes @CriticalInvestor, please have a look at NINE.

@Newton/nine-how-to-dd-newton-research-ceostockresearchcomp 8 from #nine, 17 Feb 2023, 13:35

@Newton Over an ounce gold in the tails from September news eh @CallmeDaddy... 0 from #sbmi, 17 Feb 2023, 13:37

@Newton I wonder if the shut down had to do with metallurgical problems, too? Did they have techniques for dealing with iron in the 1870s? Was it just about 'hand cobbing' to remove country rock? Lots of opportunities for new things in old places @CallmeDaddy 0 from #sbmi, 17 Feb 2023, 13:47

@Newton Sub 1M market cap for NGE here now? 0 from #nge, 17 Feb 2023, 13:49

@Newton Thanks @AvocadoPit I had missed the cave in part. Fascinating history of mining around Globe, AZ. "Our economic base is mining and ranching, which significantly contributes to the city’s economy. More than 20 percent of the employment in Globe and Miami is related to mining and production of copper. Over half of Gila County's sizable manufacturing sector employment is in copper smelting, refining, or rod production. The area there has four copper mines, several concentrators, a smelter, and a rod mill. All of Gila County is designated as an Enterprise Zone." #bullish 0 from #sbmi, 17 Feb 2023, 13:58

@rabache @Newton Brian Crawford is CFO. In a mining play my eyes are definitely not on the CFO. 1 from #carm, 17 Feb 2023, 14:46

@Newton @rabache with a new issue like this, is it more important to understand who was involved behind the scenes to bring it to public market? 0 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 13:57

@Newton Seriously. 0 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 13:59

@Newton fun stuff here. Basement-hosted always a treat.

classic. Something something FIND "open pittable" 0 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:00

@Newton Earning into 50% JV position unusual. I like to see juniors sharing the heavy lifting but who's in the driver seat? Looks like CARM to start with them funding the work on the earn-in. And then when the JV kicks in, the two companies get to work hand in hand?

0 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:02

@Newton "Falcon Gold and Marvel Discovery’s Baie Verte Brompton Projects."

Please can anyone mention details of this deal? Thanks 0 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:03

@Newton And a BC project in CARM? 0 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:04

@Newton Uranium exploration very impressive to me. Wish I knew more people doing it. 1 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:08

@Newton Impressed by DEFN rare earths story. Surprised to see a new project get to PEA stage as hadn't seen many of those after the 2011 rare earths mania. Mega project potential for BC? "The 2021 Wicheeda REE Project Preliminary Economic Assessment technical report ("PEA") outlined a robust after-tax net present value (NPV@8%) of 517 million and an 18% IRR1. This PEA contemplated an open pit mining operation with a 1.75:1 (waste:mill feed) strip ratio providing a 1.8 Mtpa ("million tonnes per year") mill throughput producing an average of 25,423 tonnes REO annually over a 16 year mine life. A Phase 1 initial pit strip ratio of 0.63:1 (waste:mill feed) would yield rapid access to higher grade surfa+ 16 more words. Click to expand 0 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:09

@Newton I like to see people working on these things. Big, important issues. Seems to me the Aussies were running circles around us with rare earths, but maybe that was just Lynas? Bumpy road for them recently. Maybe EFR plays a bigger role in the future of all this stuff than anyone imagined. 1.5B market cap on the Big Board now for them... 0 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:12

@Newton "as recently reported by York Harbour Metals whose grab rock samples returned total rare earth oxide grades (TREO) grades between 3.45% and 21.63% TREO..."

There was supposed to be a webinar from YORK crew about this deal in mid-January. Didn't happen. I was keen to learn more because the devil is in the details with this rare earths stuff. Basket TREO numbers are not NdPr numbers... 1 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:14

@Newton follow Jody on twitter and ask him some technical questions on rare earths if you're interested. Very knowledgeable guy on details of this topic area. 1 from #carm, 19 Feb 2023, 14:15

@Newton Hello TBK! 2 from #tbk, 19 Feb 2023, 14:35

@Newton Cool! 1 from @s-r/miningpoetry-in-rhyme, 19 Feb 2023, 18:41

@Newton Fun! 1 from @s-r, 19 Feb 2023, 18:42

@Newton Aug 23, 2017 "Ellis Martin travels to Globe, Arizona to visit the Buckeye Mine, owned by Northern Sphere Mining Corp (CSE:NSM). Listen to a conversation on-site with Ellis and NSM CEO John Carter. Mr. Carter states that this silver mine will go into production. Rebroadcast with images from the Buckeye Mine near Globe Arizona"

I think Boss John's heart was always in production, but I don't think NSM had the fortitude to take the bold approach that SBMI has done to date? 0 from #sbmi, 19 Feb 2023, 18:45

@Newton Video of a magnet in the mean time @arizona? 0 from #sbmi, 20 Feb 2023, 18:45


Independent technical report is required when... 5.3 (1) (c) (i) "for the first time mineral resources, mineral reserves or the results of a preliminary economic assessment on a property material to the issuer" Note that independent author not required if the company is "producing issuer" revenue greater than 30M per year.

@Geolith please can I ask about your "accredited lab required for reserves" comment? I don't see any mention of this in the 43-101 document or the companion policy...

The section Requirements Applicable to Written Disclosure of Exploration Inform+ 56 more words. Click to expand 0 from #sbmi, 20 Feb 2023, 19:00

@pclausi @Newton As far as I know, it's best practices but not mandatory. 0 from #sbmi, 21 Feb 2023, 05:50

@Newton Cool! Thanks @Geolith yes the CIM document on exploration best practices is full of helpful guidance on best practices. It does mention "should use an independent & ISO lab". CIM Mineral Exploration

Best Practice Guidelines 2018 "Analysis and testing of samples should be completed by a reputable and preferably ISOaccredited laboratory qualified for the particular element or material to be analyzed or tested. The geoscientist bears the responsibility of selecting the laboratory, testing, or mineral processing facility, and the analytical methods used. All analytical or other test results sh+ 27 more words. Click to expand 0 from #sbmi, 21 Feb 2023, 09:22

@Newton @Geolith the CIM best practices on reserves and resources is also full of interesting info. Sections on data adequacy and QA/QC are particularly interesting to me. I'm surprised the language isn't more strong or clear about using historical data? 1 from #sbmi, 21 Feb 2023, 09:27

@Newton And an event @lyra 2 from #ahr, 21 Feb 2023, 09:28

@Newton Check out some Q&A with @911mining following their recent videos with backpack drill...

Q: Nice introductions indicating the Star of the West Property and respective occurrences Cor 6 (MINFILE) and Eagle. Is this a new occurrence not in MINFILE?

A: The COR6 minfile is below the road from my research. The showing we drilled is associated but was exposed when they redid the road a couple years back. So essentially it's part of the same minfile. The Eagle showing isn't a minfile, we found this 2 months ago. I named it eagle because there was a bald eagle on the tree above when we first discovered it.

Q: In the Cor 6 drilling the co+ 432 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 21 Feb 2023, 09:38

@Lyra Gwen Preston hosting. Another junior resource writer. Everything falling into place. Thanks @Newton! 2 from #ahr, 21 Feb 2023, 10:17

@tictac @newton is Dahrouge getting involved in this one? 0 from #carm, 21 Feb 2023, 11:33

@pclausi @Newton and @geolith A lot of what we know to be true, isn't. NI43-101 was a knee-jerk reaction to the greatest fraud ever in the mining industry. It wasn't very well thought through at the time. 1 from #sbmi, 21 Feb 2023, 15:14

@becky @Newton These are my heroes. People in the woods looking for a shiny rock. 1 from #tgc, 22 Feb 2023, 05:05

@Newton "These are my heroes. People in the woods looking for a shiny rock." Well said @becky! I agree. Respect to TGC successful spin-out from EPL with gold in Saskatchewan. I'm a big fan of #Saskatchewan. #CEOfm 3 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 10:30

@Newton Hello @doodoodiligence. Still waiting on your resume? 0 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 10:33

@Newton Good call @Oops 1 from #sasq, 22 Feb 2023, 10:35

@Newton Hi @MICKEY! 0 from @mickey, 22 Feb 2023, 10:37

@Newton Yes it can be hard to get a "borrow". Maybe I can help you lend a quarter million shares or so to get started? 0 from @jb007, 22 Feb 2023, 10:39

@Newton Last year I saw the TSXV asking questions about what the future of the exchange looks like "Venture Forward: ACCELERATING THE EVOLUTION OF CANADA’S PUBLIC VENTURE MARKET".

Yesterday I did an interview with the Head of Company Services for Capital Formation with the TMX Group to discuss my perspective. The exchange is interested in some complicated topics that are outside my understanding and they are interested in hearing from other people, too. Here are the main questions they're focused on:

1.) New Marketplace

The TSX and TSXV provide companies at different stages in their business development with access to equity capital and liquidity. However, there+ 465 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 10:50

@Newton Congratulations DME 8 from #dme, 22 Feb 2023, 10:50

@Newton Those who are not prepared for the apprehension of a great purpose should fix the thoughts upon the faultless performance of their duty, no matter how insignificant their task may appear. Only in this way can the thoughts be gathered and focussed, and resolution and energy be developed, which being done, there is nothing which may not be accomplished. classic! 1 from @oops, 22 Feb 2023, 10:52

@Bigbadoil @Newton: Party time? Not quite yet... 2 from #dme, 22 Feb 2023, 10:57

@Newton Minutes: "almost all participants agreed that it was appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate 25 basis points at this meeting...A few participants stated that they favored raising the target range for the federal funds rate 50 basis points at this meeting"

Okay! 1 from #boardroom, 22 Feb 2023, 11:02

@Newton " The stock needs help. There's been past success on previous projects from management but 1st time running pubco and the simple things regarding the pubco aspect like a website and investor-deck seem to take months and months to overcome. . ."

Thanks @MICKEY! Do you know anyone who could help?

I've talked to Matt Badiali a few times recently about helping as he's doing more consulting for juniors. 0 from @mickey, 22 Feb 2023, 11:11

@TheSultanofSnark @Newton 'ole Don actually seemed a little "pumped" as he talked about this latest milestone. It all adds up! 3 from #dme, 22 Feb 2023, 12:01

@Newton @911mining 0 from @911mining, 22 Feb 2023, 14:12

@Newton Well done BTU BTU CEO Paul Wood commented; "We are very pleased to enter into this series of transactions with Kinross, which will: provide CAD 2.8 million in cash to the Company by way of a private placement and property sale, accelerate the exploration of BTU's properties through an earn-in agreement of up to CAD 4.7 million, and, in all cases, leave substantial upside for BTU shareholders through a royalty package and its at least 30% interests in the Optioned Properties of the Dixie Halo Project. BTU will fully support Kinross as they commence their exploration work on the Optioned Properties and we are very pleased to have Kinross as a partner. The Company is also in the process of sou+ 18 more words. Click to expand 0 from #btu, 22 Feb 2023, 14:45

@Newton Fun to talk with Mark Brazeau about ideas for exploration projects in Ontario. Lots of opportunity out there! 1 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 16:02

@Newton Classic article from 2016! @tommy/mining-legend-chester-millars-formula-for-success

He created and was chairman of Glamis, Eldorado, Alamos, and Castle Gold, and all of them are making money in the gold mining business today. "I can build a company but I can’t run them. When things get down to being tedious, I lose interest. I get my jollies by finding things and starting them up. Once they start up, I move on.”

Millar reiterated his simple strategy. “Be in the gold mining business, earn profit, and show growth.”

“I like to make little mistakes. I like to start small and then expand once we are on firm ground with our technology and our machinery and the methods we are using.”

“My way o+ 139 more words. Click to expand 2 from #sbmi, 22 Feb 2023, 16:04

@Newton #Ontario 0 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 16:24

@Newton “To extract lithum in some mines in Chile, 600 liters of water per minute are needed,” said Aleida Azamar Alonso, coordinator of the sustainable societies masters degree program at the UAM campus in Xochimilco. “That’s equivalent to the daily consumption of two people in Mexico City. The extraction of lithium in … [Mexico] will require even greater quantities of water,” she said. @mgold 2 from #aali, 22 Feb 2023, 16:59

@Newton Anything is possible @CriticalInvestor? 1 from #aali, 22 Feb 2023, 16:59

@CriticalInvestor @Newton Those mines in Chile are normal brine salars, Mexico doesn't have those if I'm not mistaken, so what quantities of water are needed is anybodies guess. 3 from #aali, 22 Feb 2023, 17:26

@Newton Hello @Sessions! Cool 1 from #owli, 22 Feb 2023, 18:33

@Newton New things in old places or old things in new places? Is SBMI doing new things in old places? 0 from #sbmi, 22 Feb 2023, 18:33

@Newton Just you and the algorithms @Oops 0 from #sasq, 22 Feb 2023, 18:39

@Newton speaking of Namibia @ogopogo007... TM ? 0 from @ogopogo007, 22 Feb 2023, 18:40

@Newton " It has been proven to be extraordinarily difficult>impossible so far to scale up proprietary lab/bench test pilots for clay lithium to commercial plant level." Thanks @CriticalInvestor. Any word on AALI bench scale testing? 1 from #aali, 22 Feb 2023, 18:44

@MICKEY @newton TSXV should create a 3rd tier but they seem very sluggish as an organization. Their attempts to create TSX private markets fell flat many years ago. . . CSE is gaining in Listings as well as Marketshare and Liquidity. I believe more in their attempts to create a senior tier than TSX's attempts at a junior tier. 1 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 19:49

@Newton @MICKEY Agreed about the CSE "eating the lunch" of TSXV for smaller issuers. Agreed also about their focus on senior tier. Does that mean the TSXV is for naught? Is NEX their third tier? 0 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 20:26

@Newton " The stock needs help. There's been past success on previous projects from management but 1st time running pubco and the simple things regarding the pubco aspect like a website and investor-deck seem to take months and months to overcome. . ."

Thanks @MICKEY! Do you know anyone who could help?

I've talked to Matt Badiali a few times recently about helping as he's doing more consulting for juniors. 0 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 20:27

@Newton Regarding my personal perspective on websites as KLM CEO...

I ran the websites for GMA and KTR 2019-2020 and I did not enjoy using Wordpress. I'm interested in getting a good website going but have help off spending significant amounts of KLM company money there because the "story" has continued to change at a relatively quick pace (in my opinion) since August 2021 when I became CEO. Basic site I've been using is Linktree, which I find easy to manage and effective at pointing towards lots of different relevant pieces of information for those who want do dig in. 0 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 20:33

@Newton "it may have technically taken a week from the time first KLM was motivated to create it but if you go without one for 6 months and only takes 1 week to create one. I'd say it took 6 months instead of the end week of motivation. If a simple task is cheap and fast, why delay in doing it? "

@MICKEY timelines aren't right here, fyi. KLM started working with @911mining at the end of July 2022 and they first launched the website in August 2022. They were Jonny-on-the-spot with that, even though I said the field videos and Google Drive data room were a bigger priority for them.

Prior to this, I had the Linktree page up but no website. There was a leftover website from old management run by Ad+ 72 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 20:40

@Newton "There is a "Broken Window Theory" for business that I believe applies to investing as well. When company doesn't have a Deck, website it may reflect on the other aspects."

@MICKEY I've made it a priority to make larger amounts of information available, like the @911mining Google Drive folders with detailed info on all projects and my interviews on Google Drive. I've been operating under the "Advertising for Thinkers" credo from My Adventures With Your Money book I may have made a mistake serving up a "make your own meal buffet" when investors are more used to having their information "a la carte" sorry! 0 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 20:46

@Newton Ask @RDrex? 1 from #ggl, 22 Feb 2023, 20:53

@Newton Shoutout @MickeyMantle 0 from #klm, 22 Feb 2023, 20:53

@Newton Hello @mackvorkian 0 from @mackvorkian, 22 Feb 2023, 20:54

@Newton Allan Barry Laboucan: Exactly. And the test plant that Dr. Robert Perez Garibay designed is different, too. Think of it like small silos. First you do the heavy mineral separation and the mag separation, then you've got your concentrate. You put the concentrate in these little silos and leech it out. That leeching is the big difference. The concentrates we make will be similar to the grades that you look at in the Chilean and Argentina salars, but instead of spending two years to use the sun to leach out your lithium you can do it in a matter of six hours in these silos. And they're modularized! If you want to do bigger bulk samples, you build another silo.

@newton/allan-barry-laboucan-aax-+ 11 more words. Click to expand 2 from #aali, 22 Feb 2023, 21:04

@Newton There was some technical developments since that interview but I'm afraid I lost the thread? 0 from #aali, 22 Feb 2023, 21:18

@JB007 @Newton ask the Northern Sphere shareholders 1 from #sbmi, 23 Feb 2023, 05:36

@Newton Northern Sphere was doing "remote sensing" and "AI target generation" with Goldspot, so it would be fair to say NSM did new things in old places? 0 from #sbmi, 23 Feb 2023, 07:08

@NabtaPlayaEgypt @Newton thanks 1 from #ggl, 23 Feb 2023, 08:42

@MICKEY @Newton I understand the Google drive and Linktree. And the extra colour does help some investors. But you have to "conform" in some ways to expectations of others. . . Simply meet the expectations with Polished Website and Deck and then serve up the Data room for extra transparency and you will be sitting pretty in that regard. . . Trust me in that it will help your investor outreach. If you are contacting 100 new investors a week, you will see a dramatic change when you got those up. Best of Luck! 2 from #klm, 23 Feb 2023, 10:19

@Newton Better to fail conventionally than succeed unconventionally?

There was once a group of workers cutting their way through a jungle with machetes (not a good story in our era of earth’s destruction, but that is not the point). They are the producers, the problem solvers. They are the ones working in the business. Management is pushing them, following processes, sharpening machetes, writing policy documents and procedure manuals, holding muscle development sessions to improve efficiencies, seeking improved technologies, and setting up working schedules and compensation programs for t+ 141 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 23 Feb 2023, 12:28

@Newton What's been the decay rate on KLM projects since I became CEO @carbon8ed? 0 from #klm, 23 Feb 2023, 12:57

@Newton Hello TM!

#Copper in Namibia? 200M worth of historical infrastructure at old mine site? 1 from #tm, 23 Feb 2023, 13:09


19°42'32.6"S 17°42'07.4"E

Old buildings at mill eh... 0 from #tm, 23 Feb 2023, 13:10


I wonder if old workings get flooded around here? 0 from #tm, 23 Feb 2023, 13:11

@tasmanis @Newton how did you do that? Is very impressive. NINE HOW TO DD: Newton Research #CEOStockResearchComp 2 23 Feb 2023, 15:08

@Newton It's an "article" on CEOca here @tasmanis...


If you just write the "slug" of the article then it makes it a hyperlink versus the entire address... 1 23 Feb 2023, 15:36

@Newton Trading volumes tapered off a bunch since spike around February 10th eh? Water goes out before the wave comes in? 6 from #nine, 23 Feb 2023, 19:14

@Newton Can we overcome the challenges? 0 from #klm, 24 Feb 2023, 10:29

@S-R @Newton Much obliged. One had to try and take the poetic way through the desert of miningappreciation :) 0 24 Feb 2023, 13:48

@dcurtis If you really want to LOL check "Weird" on Roku . Polka Party . Might even be available in Canada @J_Serendipity , @Newton and @Thrive . Cheers mates 0 from #jokes, 25 Feb 2023, 15:20

@Newton @dcurtis 0 25 Feb 2023, 16:06

@Newton Hello! 0 from @joshy, 25 Feb 2023, 19:29

@Newton "Give a man a purpose and the ability to achieve it, and he'll crawl over broken glass with a smile" sounds familiar 1 from #klm, 26 Feb 2023, 17:29

@Newton @anklesprain any ideas on how to distinguish accumulation vs distribution? 0 from #cbr, 26 Feb 2023, 19:35

@Newton Hello SHFT! 1 from #shft, 26 Feb 2023, 19:42

@Newton Hello @Grassroots! 0 from @grassroots, 27 Feb 2023, 09:16

@Newton #PDAC 0 27 Feb 2023, 10:10

@Newton @911mining fyi, some background info on disclosure of historical estimates...

“historical estimate” means an estimate of the quantity, grade, or metal or mineral content of a deposit that an issuer has not verified as a current mineral resource or mineral reserve, and which was prepared before the issuer acquiring, or entering into an agreement to acquire, an interest in the property that contains the deposit;

Disclosure of Historical Estimates

2.4 Despite section 2.2, an issuer may disclose an historical estimate, using the original terminology, if the disclosure

(a) iden+ 151 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 28 Feb 2023, 13:40

@Newton What did you ask them @NabtaPlayaEgypt? 1 from #ggl, 1 Mar 2023, 11:08

@Newton ring the bell! 2 from #york, 1 Mar 2023, 11:09

@Newton Seriously @tommy! I am very impressed by new MRO strategy 0 from #mro, 1 Mar 2023, 13:52

@Newton More Peter Bell con

"My First Interview" with Rick Rule's 8 Questions -

"My Second Interview" Kermode Resources picks up the gauntlet with Chris Parry -

Kermode Resources - First Glance with Jody Vance (Ep93) -

Kermode Resources Investor Roundtable with Equity dot Guru -

1 2 Mar 2023, 00:27

@Newton fun @carbon8ed 0 from @carbon8ed, 2 Mar 2023, 00:59

@Newton Woof! Good dog

1 from @carbon8ed, 2 Mar 2023, 00:59

@Newton Lithium prospector! 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 10:42

@Newton Hello @Brazeau_Mining! 0 2 Mar 2023, 17:57

@Newton KLM lucky to be working with @Brazeau_Mining 0 from @brazeau_mining, 2 Mar 2023, 18:00

@Newton Follow Mark on twitter, 0 from @brazeau_mining, 2 Mar 2023, 18:05

@Newton Check it out @Brazeau_Mining 0 from @brazeau_mining, 2 Mar 2023, 18:08

@Newton another one 0 from @brazeau_mining, 2 Mar 2023, 18:10



@newton/taking-a-sledgehammer-to-your-mine-plan-with-gerald-whittle-whittle-consulting shoutout #whittle 0 from @brazeau_mining, 2 Mar 2023, 21:57

@Newton First! 0 from #micromine, 2 Mar 2023, 21:58

@Newton @newton/ma-strategy-based-on-moneymining-whittle-consulting @GeoMilo please take #Whittle to the office 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 21:58


"Apparently, the Whittle Consulting methods have the biggest impact on valuation of businesses with a large amount of variability in the geological conditions of the mine. Variability provides opportunity to make the hard decisions. That may not be comforting, but it is useful to those looking for the biggest delta in valuation." #Whittle

@911mining is there potential for large variation in copper grades at HEATHER MAIN area of STAR OF THE WEST ? No assays yet but lots of videos of field work showing rocks. I like projects with high variability in grade because that's associated with "outliers" or high-grade. + 7 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:00

@Newton #BCmining @GeoMilo

Anyone with tailings piles eh?

Looking at Vancouver Island on this map, I a red dot meaning a closed mine and a yellow one meaning care and maintenance. Open pit mines by the water, right? Then purple mid island Myra Falls mine. Red dot closed mine Mt Sicker @911mining? Or is that red dot a coal mine? No other dots on south island for that diagram meaning no major mine waste sites. I wonder... 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:06


Mount Polley Mine’s tailings pond and tailings pile. Production was ramped up at the Mount Polley mine before a tailings pond breached in 2014, causing one of B.C.’s worst environmental disasters. Photo: Louis Bockner / The Narwhal

#BCmining 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:06

@Newton Consider a mining company that survives a near-death experience. New owners change the management and they take the plunge with Whittle Consulting. Things go so well that the company starts considering acquisitions. They make a short list of targets and consider how each would fit with their existing business. Are they better together?

@newton/ma-strategy-based-on-moneymining-whittle-consulting 0 from @newton/ma-strategy-based-on-moneymining-whittle-consulting, 2 Mar 2023, 22:08

@911mining @newton yes variations in grade and rock types...some of the samples where the cor minfiles have galena on top of chalcopyrite, less magnetite than heather area...Will be good copper in both definitely different grades based on visual examination. 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:43

@911mining @newton red dot looks off from sicker I don't know any recently closed mines in the area. That dot looks like it's close to the water/ocean 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:44

@Newton I'd like to do a research project with a college about locations of tailings piles on the south island. Some remote sensing methods? 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:46

@Newton iPhone 12 Pro -- how to LiDAR Scan with the free app Polycam....

Potential use case at tailings piles? Old mines? Yes, and #jokes 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:49

@Newton @911mining please hunt for old tailings thanks! 1 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:50

@Newton "Will be good copper in both definitely different grades based on visual examination." @911mining please KLM mineralogy test work important to me. Met testing? Hot bath electroplate? science! 1 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 22:56

@Newton @911mining do you see loose material where you could try the copper field test with the nail and the weak acid?

Get some loose material at a high-grade spot where there's lots of erosional action and put it in a bag with a fresh nail and some acid. Leave it for a while to work and do it on a "grid" basis around a spot that you like. Then pull out the nails and take photos of each nail with their ID number so we can compare how the nails look across the grid. Give them all a bunch of soil and acid plus time, then compare the nails. Do some nails have more copper on them than others? Do any nails have a lot of copper on them? Start with a 1, 2, 3 + 108 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 23:07


#memes 1 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 23:09

@Newton classic! 1 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 23:09

@Newton "how much of this do I own? ... Not enough." #NewtonDeals 1 from #aali, 2 Mar 2023, 23:10

@Newton @LittlePhish my thoughts on TA are that the "fib" Fibonacci numbers for upside and downside are always fun. The fibs don't like? Something like... Also multi year trading ranges can be fun to look at. Maybe some kind of volume-weighted calculations? Lots of fun stuff 1 from #aali, 2 Mar 2023, 23:11

@Newton Moon @Allan 1 from #aali, 2 Mar 2023, 23:12

@Newton "Next, join the crosscuts by going down the throat of the channel"

My favorite phrase in mining "down the throat"! Is that some rich looking gutter? OMM #BCmining let's see #NewtonDeals 1 from #omm, 2 Mar 2023, 23:20

@Newton @Newton/what-to-expect-from-omm-bulk-sample-newtonnotes I had a lot of fun thinking about OMM back in 2019.

5 years ago... @newton/signs-of-life-at-omineca-mining-omm 2 from #omm, 2 Mar 2023, 23:21

@Newton are there metals that are impossible for juniors to do well? 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 23:25

@Newton Is scandium a real market?

Or is it "scam-dium" 0 from #klm, 2 Mar 2023, 23:26

@LittlePhish @Newton I don't think you clicked on it based on your response 🤔 0 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 08:28

@Newton Fun chart! 0 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 09:49

@Newton Let's find gold! 0 from #klm, 3 Mar 2023, 10:28

@Newton What next @carbon8ed?! 1 from #klm, 3 Mar 2023, 10:43

@Newton @Allan congratulations on the recent news about lithium story picking up again! Very cool.

"A demonstration plant is currently being built in Zacatecas, Mexico by a team of metallurgists with extensive experience working for Mexican major mining companies building and operating production facilities. The goal is to show potential partners, shareholders and other interested parties the unique method to extract lithium and potassium from Advance Lithium's salars." 2 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 10:45

@Newton Allan Barry Laboucan, President and CEO of Advance Lithium Corp. commented: "I'm excited about entering discussions with LitioMx to form a joint venture. Two large vehicle manufacturing companies have recently announced plans to build battery manufacturing facilities in Mexico, one of which will be located in the state of San Luis Potosi in close proximity to our salars. It has always been a goal of Advance Lithium that if we become a lithium and potassium producer and that the lithium and potassium stays in Mexico to help with domestic battery manufacturing and to benefit Mexican farmers. Of course, I have to add that we have not as of yet come to terms on a joint venture, and until that is+ 75 more words. Click to expand 2 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 10:45

@Newton @LittlePhish trapped? "hit the bid" 2 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 10:45

@Newton @Bullish24-7 2 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 11:09

@LittlePhish @newton I have rules, and enough. Waiting to execute accordingly... 1 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 12:19

@kdm Good question, 1 more time as @newton was last to post what was in nr 2 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 12:24

@Newton JV can be creative in terms of who pays for what eh? 3 from #aali, 3 Mar 2023, 12:37

@Newton @911mining linktree is cool! 0 from @911mining, 3 Mar 2023, 23:59

@Newton @Newton/will-lightning-strike-twice-with-dr-keith-barron-in-ecuador-aurania-resources-aru Shoutout Keith Barron!

PB: You mentioned the erosion at the Cordillera del Condor and Springpole being billions of years without being eroded away. Any sense of what has preserved it?

KB: It is completely tilted on its side. Half of it has been eroded away. You can walk up through the roots of the thing and see the progression to the very top, where the volcanics actually erupted and formed bedded units of breccias. It has 5M ounces of gold.

PB: Right, these can be big systems.

KB: Oh, yeah. If the activity is sustained for a very long period of time, then they can grow quite large. There is no te+ 114 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:30

@Newton "passive geochemistry"? Passive geophysics?

Merging Geological, Seismic-Reflection and Magnetotelluric Data in the

Purcell Anticlinorium, Southeastern British Columbia

F.A. Cook, Salt Spring Imaging, Ltd., Salt Spring Island, BC, 0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:32


Very cool method. I'd love to see it used at the deposit scale? 0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:34

@Newton ... Conclusion from the poster

"Merging subsurface stratigraphic and structural variations that are interpreted from seismic reflection profiles with electrical property results determined from inversions of magnetotelluric soundings has provided images of potential targets for metal concentrations in the subsurface of southeastern BC. Along seismic line 12p-12, the projection of the preliminary 2D-MT inversion shows three zones of elevated electrical conductivity that are spatially associated with Middle and Lower Aldridge strata. The easternmost conductor appears to coincide with seismic amplitude anomalies near the Sullivan stratigraphic horizon (Middle Aldridge-Lower Aldridge transition+ 96 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:35

@Newton More...

Combining geological data, seismic reflection data and magnetotelluric (MT) data in southeastern British Columbia can target concentrations of sulphide mineralization in the subsurface. Existing MT data are being reprocessed with two-dimensional (2D) inversions where possible, and the results are combined with reprocessed seismic reflection profiles and drill hole information. Seismic reflection data acquired for hydrocarbon exploration were initially reprocessed for large-scale regional studies; however, by focusing on the near-surface data, they provide a unique view of the Purcell basin that is not available with any other geological or geophysical data set. A deep (3.477 km) exp+ 64 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:36

@Newton #jokes

0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:38

@Newton this drill hole is like 1% copper at the high end, I think. Big spike in grade at apparent key stratigraphic layer based on the seismic? Also evident in core logs? The Aldridge Formation! And then there's a high conductivity area from the MT immediately there? Cool story! I wonder if that combination of MT high and key structure play a good role in predicting higher grades? Very cool

0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:39

@Newton Kicker? That 1% copper intercept is 2.5km downhole. Deep! Too deep? Too deep for me.

Can we use this stuff at deposit scale for open pit

mines? Or small underground scenarios? Use passive seismic and audio MT for passive geophysics. Then do SGH soil gas hydrocarbons as passive geochem. Combine the two and tell some kind of interesting story? 0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:46

@Newton KB: There is a place called Wairakei in the North Island of New Zealand that was drilled as a source of geothermal energy. About 40 years ago, there was a throttle plate made from stainless steel placed in the well to regulate the steam, which pulses like in a geyser. They replaced the steel plate one day and noticed there was a film on it that was, maybe, 5 cm thick. Turned out that it was almost solid gold and silver. @Newton/will-lightning-strike-twice-with-dr-keith-barron-in-ecuador-aurania-resources-aru

View of the Dragon's Mouth+ 27 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:51

@Newton ... just leave metal submerged in the volcanic water and it could plate with precious metals? Hmm, sounds like an interesting experiment for GEOSCIENCE BC! 0 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:54


September 20, 2020

Open Letter to Global Gold Company CEOs & Boards

As long-term investors in the gold mining sector, we evaluate the success of our investment decisions by looking at a number of factors, including stock price performance, strategic vision & execution, environmental & social records, proper governance, and alignment of incentives. Though the performance of gold mining stocks has been noteworthy recently, we believe that performance continues to fall short in the areas of corporate governance, alignment of incentives and strategic vision & communication with investors. Admittedly, some companies have made significant improvements+ 711 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 00:56

@Newton #jokes 1 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 01:19

@Newton Hello PDAC! 0 from @grassroots, 4 Mar 2023, 12:13

@Newton January MIF interview... 0 from #epl, 4 Mar 2023, 13:05


JK: The big story that came out this year is that you have figured out how to monetize this royalty portfolio that you have been accumulating over all these years. Can you explain how this is going to work for somebody that's a shareholder like me? And when is going to be the cut off for somebody buying the stock to get this?

TT: Sure. We're a company that's been around for about 30 years. It was formed in 1992 and we've been accumulating these these royalties like tokens over the years. We've now got to the point where we've got about 25 royalties that are on ground held by other companies where we sold the claims and kept the royalties. Some of + 2771 more words. Click to expand 0 from #epl, 4 Mar 2023, 13:05


It's pretty tough to tell the Eagle Plains story in 10 short minutes, but I'm going to do my best. It's actually quite complicated. We actually operate like five different companies. Each of them successful in their own right. We're an experienced exploration company run by geologists. We're a royalty holding company, just as of recently. We're a project generator and have been for many years. We're a geological contractor and have been for many years. We're also a successful corporate incubator. I'm an exploration geologist, so I'm an optimist by nature. I also have been known to make outlandish forward-looking optimistic statements and do optimis+ 1654 more words. Click to expand 2 from #epl, 4 Mar 2023, 13:39

@Newton Ask @Grassroots eh! I said "can we?" 1 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 14:16

@Newton I haven't been watching closely but apparently it's a busy area? And PLANET X are active nearby for others so there's potential for effective work with shares-for-services. Let's see... 1 from #klm, 4 Mar 2023, 14:18

@Newton {"errors":[{"message":"Your current API plan does not include access to this endpoint, please see for more information","code":467}]}

YikeS! 0 6 Mar 2023, 09:39

@Newton "Laymans Thoughts:Drilling vs. Geology"

Within the mining industry there are many facets. Most people in the industry don't quite completely understand what the other professionals are doing, yet are working towards a common goal. Let me pose a few questions.

Is there such a thing as a dumb question?

Will the persons asking questions be ridiculed behind the backs of their peers?

Is teaching people about your profession a waste of time?

I work in a field where there is a huge break down between geology and drilling. When they work so closely together to achieve a common goal. When will drillers re+ 80 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 6 Mar 2023, 09:42


At the present time, Mithril and Newrange are undertaking due diligence on each other’s assets and negotiating the final terms of the RTO. The parties intend for the RTO to proceed by way of a scheme of arrangement between Mithril and its shareholders (the “Share Scheme”) and a separate concurrent scheme of arrangement between Mithril and the holders of unlisted options (the “Option Scheme”) (together, the “Scheme”).


The RTO is not a non-arm’s-length transaction within the meaning of the policies of the TSXV. Trading in the shares of the Company on the TSXV has been halted and will remain halted pending formal approval of the RTO by the TSXV and the ASX (as applicable).

1 from #nrg, 6 Mar 2023, 09:45

@Newton Have fun NRN! 0 from #nrn, 6 Mar 2023, 09:47

@Newton Comparable transactions have 17M capex per tonne of capacity... Capital Intensity, indeed!

1 from #oco, 6 Mar 2023, 09:53

@Newton 900M annual cash flow net of CAPEX and operating costs? 1.6B annual revenue big number. 1 from #oco, 6 Mar 2023, 09:55

@Newton "due to a likely lack of lengthy pre-stripping" Yes Malte! Starter Pit! Starter Pit! Starter Pit! 1 from #oco, 6 Mar 2023, 09:56


That's a lot of copper! 1 from #oco, 6 Mar 2023, 09:57

@Newton One question for you.

The starter pits. You mention "less pre strip than other projects" and that's great. Always very important. But does that grade we see at / near surface have the appropriate mineralogy to go into the same plant as the rest of the mine? Something about oxide domain versus fresh sulphides as an important distinction? For example, rocks at surface could have grade but that could be oxide copper that has lower recovery in flotation circuit? Maybe something possible with SXEW for oxide domain with power from water wheel in the river? 0 from #oco, 6 Mar 2023, 10:01

@Newton Hammer down @MustangFever. Feature that I'm most excited about is that all the projects have exploration service providers attached who have indicated they will work on shares-for-services basis. Thanks @911mining @Grassroots @GeoMilo @Brazeau_Mining for understanding how that kind of collaboration can be mutually beneficial. Let's see what next... @Newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares 1 from #klm, 6 Mar 2023, 10:05


Better? 1 from #mno, 6 Mar 2023, 10:10


Reminds me "you were smart enough to know that you could be wrong. Likely. Please remember that you might be right..." 0 from #mno, 6 Mar 2023, 10:11


MCAP/NPV ratios are wild from that image... 1 from #mno, 6 Mar 2023, 10:12

@Newton Classic 0 from #tommyyisms, 6 Mar 2023, 10:14

@Newton @ogopogo007 is this a step in right direction? 0 from #stgo, 6 Mar 2023, 10:15

@Newton Hello @muskokaman 0 from #klm, 6 Mar 2023, 10:15

@3waller @newton that is npv/capex 0 from #mno, 6 Mar 2023, 11:37

@Muskokaman Hello @Newton 1 from #klm, 6 Mar 2023, 13:00

@cal @Newton there is very little oxide at ST. Some at brasiles contained in the limestone. TBD volumes on bz side, but def not enough to bother with on NZ and SZ. 2 from #oco, 6 Mar 2023, 13:17

@ogopogo007 @newton - the dual listing or heading to the other side of the world? Does Wood have another son that needs a job? 0 from #stgo, 6 Mar 2023, 14:30 @Newton RUP has a 1 billion mkt cap for a +400 million capex and 1.6 billion NPV. ARTG has a capex of 645 million and NPV of 2.4 billion with a 830 million cap but Wheaton Precious Metals has a 8% royalty on ARTG which then reduces to 4%. SEA has some good projects but they’re worth 1.3 billion and the capex on their projects are in the billions if I remember correctly. Now with MNO having a capex of 244 million and 1.1 billion NPV and only worth 100 million they are definitely one of the best valued PEA stage projects in the world in the gold sector, IMHO. Let’s see if the mkt agrees 6 from #mno, 6 Mar 2023, 14:43


Requisitions for general meetings

167 (1)Shareholders referred to in subsection (2) may requisition a general meeting for the purpose of transacting any business that may be transacted at a general meeting.

(2)A requisition under this section may be made by shareholders who, at the date on which the requisition is received by the company, hold in the aggregate at least 1/20 of the issued shares of the company that carry the right to vote at general meetings.

(3)A requisition under this section

(a)must, in 1 000 words or less, state the business to be transacted at the meeting, including any special resolution or ex+ 702 more words. Click to expand 0 from @investorgator, 7 Mar 2023, 10:00

@Newton Shoutout @Grassroots! Best to Cameron Martin at PDAC 0 from @grassroots, 7 Mar 2023, 10:07

@Newton EPL cool to see QR codes of the videos at the booth 1 7 Mar 2023, 10:20

@Newton Batten down the hatches 0 7 Mar 2023, 11:07

@Newton @GeoMilo @911mining any thoughts on the pan they're using in this pic? 0 from #klm, 7 Mar 2023, 11:10

@911mining @Newton used it before, not for me but works well called the Batea pan 1 from #klm, 7 Mar 2023, 11:32

@Newton XTG fr fr 0 from #xtg, 7 Mar 2023, 13:31

@Newton looks like fun! 0 from @joshy, 7 Mar 2023, 19:42

@Newton Hello @stocklor! 0 from #focusonthecompanynottheusers, 7 Mar 2023, 19:46


3-year chart of KLM including halt from April 2020 to March 2021. #Bullish or #Bearish ? 0 from #klm, 7 Mar 2023, 20:46

@KraftDinner I hate to say it, but how about #Meh @Newton 0 from #klm, 7 Mar 2023, 21:24

@Newton Thanks @poppawheelies! What's a "box channel" ? @joshy 1 from @poppawheelies, 8 Mar 2023, 08:45

@Newton Hope you're having fun at PDAC @stocklor! Sorry not there to see you 0 from @stocklor, 8 Mar 2023, 08:47

@Newton @poppawheelies "I’m issuing you a ⚠️ warning. Please do not follow users into box channels for the purpose of aggravating them. Re: your quip a few hours earlier . "

Hi! Thanks for the post. You misunderstood the nature of my post. I keep in touch with @Stocklor from time to time by saying hello to him. I did not "follow him into box channels for the purpose of aggravating them." Certainly not there to aggravate him. And that post saying hello was not a "quip"? 2 from #moderators, 8 Mar 2023, 08:50

@Newton Good work NFG using 3d seismic! Very important technique for hard rock exploration. Very useful for structural models with gold systems. #Bullish! 5 from #nfg, 8 Mar 2023, 09:21

@Newton "Figure 2. Example images of 3-D Seismic Data: Above: Raw seismic reflection data, Below: Modelled and interpreted seismic reflection data ^Note that these images are not data collected at the Queensway Project and are for representation purposes (Graphic: Business Wire)"

NFG using very cool science here 4 from @businesswire/new-found-commences-industry-leading-3d-seismic-survey, 8 Mar 2023, 09:23

@Newton Updated wiki @carbon8ed. Wow! Quite a handy tool there... 1 from #klm, 8 Mar 2023, 09:36

@Newton #NewtonDeals How many LOI did I cancel? When I did I start them and end them?

Rye Patch Silver, Nevada (Started December 2021; ended August, 2022)

Brazeau Rumleski Gold, Ontario (Started April 2022; ended August, 2022)

Khrysos Gold, BC (Started March 2022; ended August, 2022)

Seahorse Saddle, Australia (Started February 2022; ended February 2022)

Marchand Creek, BC (Started September 2022; ended March 2023)

Mt Polley East, BC (Started November 2022; ended March 2023)

Black Bear (Started August 2022; ended March 2023)

Copper King (Started August 2022; ended March 2023) 0 from #klm, 8 Mar 2023, 09:36

@Newton How many deals do we have under option? What are they?

Project Name

Little Bay Copper

Grey Copper / Jonathan's Pond

Lucky Strike

Star of the West


Loup Creek

More info in the wiki... 0 from #klm, 8 Mar 2023, 09:37

@Newton And how many LOI are alive right now?

Santana Mine

Brazeau Copper

Khrysos & Silver Bell


Sleese Creek

Turd Blossom Lithium 1 from #klm, 8 Mar 2023, 09:38

@Newton "Why doesn't the company actually cause any of these projects to move into production?" @KraftDinner

Please say if you have any ideas for opportunities to get something into production thanks. One of my directors has been chirping at me about mining volcanic rocks for kitty litter if that fits? There's also been chatter about quarrying work or alluvial.

FYI. The kind of production that I'm interested in is production of exploration samples. Grabs, channels, drill holes -- oh my! And I'd like to see videos documenting all the field work as well, please and thank you. @911mining has been steady at it in the field since we stared working together in July 2022 and produced a bunch of good co+ 31 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 8 Mar 2023, 09:44


Kermode Resources Ltd. has abandoned three non-binding letters of intent (LOIs) to acquire projects on Vancouver Island, including the Marchand Creek LOI announced Sept. 16, 2022, the Black Bear LOI announced Aug. 10, 2022, and the Copper King LOI announced Aug. 4, 2022.

Peter Bell, chief executive officer, comments: "I am grateful to our partners for bringing these projects to Kermode and giving us a chance to investigate them because an important factor for success going forward will be our ability to source bullish property deals. Each of these three LOIs had greater challenges with access than we anticipated, which is the prim+ 9 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 8 Mar 2023, 09:46

@Newton Feast at the data buffet! 1 from #klm, 8 Mar 2023, 14:08

@Newton Cool community content on the wiki here, 2 from #klm, 8 Mar 2023, 14:10

@Newton @investorGator AUMB mentioned as one of 655... 0 from #aumb, 8 Mar 2023, 14:15

@Newton Can I send you a hamburger @investorGator?! 0 from @investorgator, 8 Mar 2023, 15:35

@Newton Hello @jeff! 0 from @jeff, 8 Mar 2023, 15:53

@Newton Hello RMK! Legend 0 from #rmk, 8 Mar 2023, 15:58

@Newton Terrible way to make a living. Great way to make a killing? @investorGator 0 from @investorgator, 8 Mar 2023, 16:05

@jeff Say Hello to Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prizer, barely hanging out in NY. He seems to be ready to talk & entertain all hyperactive minds. 0 8 Mar 2023, 18:00

@Pistolwhipper Thanks @Newton! Very helpful explanation of the company. I look forward to receiving shares of Eagle Royalties. 1 from #epl, 9 Mar 2023, 08:35

@Newton Hello Seymour Hersh! Absolute legend. 0 from @jeff, 9 Mar 2023, 08:42

@Newton Hello NWI! Well done 5 from #nwi, 9 Mar 2023, 14:34

@Newton ? 0 9 Mar 2023, 14:37

@Newton Very cool! I am a big fan of NR Can funding 0 from #fpx, 9 Mar 2023, 14:59

@Newton @Ham is this normal chatter? 1 from #sbmi, 10 Mar 2023, 09:23

@Newton Right @huesos? 0 from #stu, 10 Mar 2023, 09:25

@Jc9381 @Newton You mean a guy posting 45 times in 24 hours on a stock he hates? Yep perfectly normal 3 from #sbmi, 10 Mar 2023, 09:26

@Newton @tommy/ceoca-house-rules

CEO.CA is an online community platform for investors to share knowledge and track stocks in real-time. Our mission is to promote information symmetry in various global investing markets in order to help users make more informed investment decisions. We seek to provide a safe and open space for users to share their research, ask questions, and network with their peers as they would at a quality investment conference. To achieve these goals and maintain a positive culture, we must uphold a certain standard for civil discourse.

4 from #sbmi, 10 Mar 2023, 09:58

@Newton Well done AWX #BCmining 4 from #awx, 10 Mar 2023, 09:59


"Playfair Road 3" great area of Ontario! 0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 14:08


I enjoyed studying farmland in terms of "speculative" aspect as a PhD student. Financial investing in farmland? Yes, please! Looking in northern Ontario where there is some (hay?) farming going on has me thinking about private land rights as a way to test new areas for mining potential... @brazeau_mining 0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 14:29

@Newton @Newton/silver-nickel-company-blue-ocean-with-patented-claims-in-arizona Blue oceans, in contrast, denote all the industries not in existence today – the unknown market space, untainted by competition. In blue oceans, demand is created rather than fought over. There is ample opportunity for growth that is both profitable and rapid. In blue oceans, competition is irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set. Blue ocean is an analogy to describe the wider, deeper potential of market space that is not yet explored.[7]

0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 14:30


"What has become frustratingly apparent to me is that there are very few good zinc assets left to mine. Even with Kipushi, Adriatic etc coming on line, it is not enough to fill the void. Copper in comparison at least has a pipeline of reasonable projects coming along."

@911mining food for thought when someone tells you zinc no good? 0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 14:40

@Newton Classic 0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 14:46


Productive day @911mining! 1 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 19:42

@Newton On signing the LOI


Start of option


End of option (any time in 10 years)


No shares, no work commitments. No Sale Participation Righ, Area of Interest. 1% net smelter return royalty payable to the vendor group with no buy-down. The option shall be in effect for a ten year period where Kermode can chose to pay the entire cash amount and take 100% ownership of all property, plant, and equipment that comprise the Project at the time of the transaction.


0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 20:43

@Newton @Muskokaman recent VWAP is 0.0125 apparently? Note that 60% up from 0.0125 gives your two cents @Muskokaman

"Here's my 10 cents, my 2 cents is free! " 1 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 20:45

@Newton 1-year trading range is like 0.055 high to 0.005 low ? 10x range wild @Muskokaman 0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 20:45


@Muskokaman April 29, 2022 KLM range 0.015 to 0.055 ? Couple days after starting LITTLE BAY COPPER deal with @Grassroots? 0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 20:47

@Newton KLM has never been rolled back? Public filings on SEDAR since 1998? Total accumulated deficit is c 10M now after c 25 years? Someone do a chart of the share count over time please thanks? #NewtonNotes

2020 we had c 65M shares out. Over double now? What next? 0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 20:51

@Newton Hello @goatlegz 0 from @goatlegz, 10 Mar 2023, 20:52

@Newton Hello BRC ! 1 from #brc, 10 Mar 2023, 20:52

@Newton @GeoMilo island visit? 0 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 20:59

@Newton “Let’s make a deal.”

When I hunt for property options, I am obsessed with who will do the field work? And what kind of work do they like to do? I like production-oriented exploration, preferably high-grade at surface near an old mine that we can drive to in Canada.

“Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcomes.”

When I design an option deal, I want the project vendors to do the field work but I want them to stand to make more money off the stock than their day rate. I want them to be motivated to make this deal work and for Kermode to stick with it through thick or thin.

When I plan the Board of Directors, I want them to have large exposure to the upside in the stock. I’ve boug+ 95 more words. Click to expand 0 10 Mar 2023, 21:02

@Newton Okay! 1 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 21:05

@Newton @carbon8ed riffing on the 10 slide deck... 1 from #klm, 10 Mar 2023, 22:08

@Newton Have fun out there today @911mining I'm interested to see Comego

1 from #klm, 11 Mar 2023, 10:15

@carbon8ed @Newton there ya go! Coming together. 1 from #klm, 11 Mar 2023, 12:21

@Newton Hello CPS ! 1 from #cps, 11 Mar 2023, 13:46


Q: What next?

A: More prospecting, more field videos, initial assays. 0 from #klm, 11 Mar 2023, 14:16

@Newton Have another deck that I've sent to QP for their review. Will post that when available too @carbon8ed 1 from #klm, 11 Mar 2023, 14:18

@Newton @911mining good work! 1 from #klm, 11 Mar 2023, 14:25

@dcurtis On line betting , what a scam . Now the WWE wants to be allowed in the pool , even though they admit the matches are scripted . How stupid are people allowed to get? @J_Serendipity and @Newton . ? haha n 0 from #jokes, 13 Mar 2023, 00:21

@dcurtis Baby vs Bathwater conundrum . That baby is dead and to a thirsty man that bathwater looks pretty good . @J_Serendipity @Newton @Thrive 0 from #jokes, 13 Mar 2023, 11:02

@Newton @dcurtis 0 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 13:00

@Newton Leveraged longs getting margin calls today? 1 from #nine, 13 Mar 2023, 14:21

@Newton Love it @ogopogo007 1 from #ngc, 13 Mar 2023, 14:23

@Newton Scandinavian market awareness program, eh? 1 from #nine, 13 Mar 2023, 14:56

@Newton @Grassroots cool to see this view! "Planet X Exploration Services Ltd,is on the hunt for Lithium on the South Coast of Newfoundland!!" #bullish 1 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 15:13

@Newton @@Westcoast_wizard what's this? 0 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 15:18

@Newton Is WIN in the mix here? 2 from #nine, 13 Mar 2023, 15:39

@Newton @ticotime2020 a typo, fyi...

"Approximately 15,000 to the chief financial officer and 15,000 to the chief financial officer, for a total of 30,000;" should say CFO and CEO. Sorry, typo. And that is planned for the year ahead, not a lump-sum payment on closing. 0 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 15:44

@Newton Hello @Stockyfella69 0 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 15:47

@Newton @rocketred any tips to avoid disaster? 0 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 15:50

@Newton "If you are confident of your corporate strategy and your ability to raise money, you welcome shorts and you even lend them your stock. They boost liquidity which helps other shareholders. Just don't let them into financings. Make them work in the market." similar @ticotime2020? 1 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 15:56

@Newton " Can't afford a WEBSITE = Hang up your skates " time flies 0 13 Mar 2023, 15:57

@Newton Hello @Markus 0 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 15:57

@ticotime2020 @Newton - damn you got shorts on a .01 issue? 411 of them. 1 from #klm, 13 Mar 2023, 16:35

@Grassroots @Newton gonna drill some @J2_911mining prospects ?? 🧐 2 from #klm, 14 Mar 2023, 08:41

@Newton @tommy classic!

4 from #klm, 14 Mar 2023, 09:48

@Newton Nice work EFF. Saw an image on linkedin that mentions a few resources on the property, keen to learn more! #Bullish 0 from #eff, 14 Mar 2023, 19:03

@Newton Hello SILV ! 0 from #silv, 14 Mar 2023, 19:04

@Newton @CriticalInvestor eh? 1 from #silv, 14 Mar 2023, 19:05

@Newton Did you ever look at NINE @CriticalInvestor ? 1 from @criticalinvestor, 14 Mar 2023, 19:05

@Newton @Newton/kerry-knoll-executive-chairman-genm-newtoninterviews-2019-10-08 Shoutout Kerry Knoll! GENM legend 6 from @tommy/how-to-strike-it-rich-in-mining-without-discovering-anything, 14 Mar 2023, 19:07

@Newton "I sold at 50c with a 15c cost" 2 from @tommy/how-to-strike-it-rich-in-mining-without-discovering-anything, 14 Mar 2023, 19:08

@CriticalInvestor @Newton Yes see my Feb 21 comment in here. 1 from #nine, 14 Mar 2023, 19:38

@Grassroots Slowly but surely @Newton moves it forward 1 from #klm, 16 Mar 2023, 10:26

@Newton @911mining have you seen this? 1 from #klm, 16 Mar 2023, 23:14

@carbon8ed Funding from BMW. Ask Alan Pangbourne about the technology, imo. 0 16 Mar 2023, 23:16

@Newton Alan Pangbourne has over 35 years of experience in global mining operations and most recently was the President and CEO of Guyana Goldfields Inc. through to its sale to Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. in August 2020. Previously, Mr. Pangbourne was Chief Operating Officer of SSR Mining Inc.; Vice President Projects South America for Kinross Gold Corporation; and held increasingly senior roles at BHP Billiton Ltd., including President and Chief Operating Officer of Nickel Americas, Projects Director for BHP’s Uranium Division, which includes the Olympic Dam Expansion, and Project Manager for BHP’s Spence copper project in Chile. He was also General Manager at an engineering company that specializ+ 33 more words. Click to expand 1 17 Mar 2023, 00:20

@Newton "House Rules are a constant work in progress and moderators/site owners have the ability to evaluate and make rulings on specific situations even if they are not yet specifically covered in these rules. Let us know what you think on the #modpolicies channel." @tommy/ceoca-house-rules

I continue to think that something is wrong with the way the SBMI channel is being "moderated". 3 from #sbmi, 17 Mar 2023, 08:40

@Newton SBMI did you report 0.3% Au in that bar?

0.3% is how many PPM?

0.3% is 3,000 PPM. That bar has 100 ounce per ton gold? Okay!

How much does that bar weigh? 50g? 500g? 1kg? Say 1kg and you've got 1/1000 of a tonne. So call it 1/10th of an ounce of gold? 2 from #sbmi, 17 Mar 2023, 08:44

@Newton "SBMI previously announced that it had received an order for 50 kg (1,760 ounces) of silver. The entity that placed that order has advised SBMI that it intends to increase that order to a minimum of 500 kg (17,600 ounces) per month. Management reasonably believes it will be able to satisfy that increased order for the foreseeable future. To decrease risk, the Company is currently in discussions with several additional potential purchasers."

The buyers are out there, eh? Will SBMI be able to deliver consistently? Let's see 0 from #sbmi, 17 Mar 2023, 08:45

@Newton "Higher grade samples and dore bars, and what the field team believes to be bornite, will be sent to Harquail School of Earth Sciences for further detailed analysis. See the photo below. The potential bornite at the Buckeye Mine is believed to be found as a hydrothermal mineral in fractures in cooler areas of the fluid migration. Association with native silver and other precious minerals have been known to occur in such mineralized situations. Further analysis of the potential bornite mineralization is ongoing."

I like bornite a lot. Peacock ore is just beautiful. I wonder... 1 from #sbmi, 17 Mar 2023, 08:46

@Newton "better" please help me understand what this means @dcurtis? 0 from #klm, 17 Mar 2023, 08:48

@Ham @Newton So far this month, mods have received a total of 1 flag on that channel. Moderators are not expected monitor the thousand channels we have here, we rely on the community to flag problematic posts. #modpolicies 0 from @tommy/ceoca-house-rules, 17 Mar 2023, 08:53

@Newton "So far this month, mods have received a total of 1 flag on that channel. Moderators are not expected monitor the thousand channels we have here, we rely on the community to flag problematic posts."

I'd say the fact that SBMI has only 1 flag on the entire channel in the last month is an indication that the moderation system isn't working. People aren't using the flags?

#modpolicies @tommy/ceoca-house-rules #MAB 1 from #modpolicies, 17 Mar 2023, 09:55

@Newton #Bullish CRD ! 1 from #crd, 17 Mar 2023, 09:57

@Newton Big potential @Mcawesome! 0 from #sasq, 17 Mar 2023, 09:58

@Newton Yes, and in the meantime... "To feed the mill, the Company has accumulated a significant stockpile of mineralized material at the Buckeye Mine for transportation to the mill site. Mining is ongoing in 150 ton (136 tonne) rounds, with four rounds per week, advancing at 12 feet (3.7 metres) per round."

Let's see 0 from #sbmi, 17 Mar 2023, 10:05

@Newton Hello @HHorseman! 1 from #phos, 17 Mar 2023, 10:06

@Newton Having fun @ticotime2020? 2 from #phos, 17 Mar 2023, 10:06

@Newton "Mini ball mill use A husky Cement mixer place 2 tires inside with cut edges and use metal clamps as the ball. welded a u shaped piece from the junk pile to it and added in 2 roller blade wheels for stability."

Imagine that @911mining! 0 from #klm, 17 Mar 2023, 10:13

@Newton I can't control market price @dcurtis. Don't agree one-dimensional "higher price better" analysis of share price, but I will concede that "mor work is better" in terms of exploration work. 0 from #klm, 17 Mar 2023, 10:52

@Newton Bullish! 0 17 Mar 2023, 10:56

@Newton +100K volume here SBMI hello! 0 from #sbmi, 17 Mar 2023, 12:25

@Newton What do you think @carbon8ed? 1 from #klm, 17 Mar 2023, 12:27

@Newton @GeoMilo what do we know about SILVER BELL? The old mining claims are interesting there. I wonder what @brazeau_mining could dig up and put together from old reports? 0 from #klm, 17 Mar 2023, 12:28

@Newton Must have got lines cross @dcurtis? When I called your number, someone sounding like you started telling me about how bullish it would be for KLM to do charity flow-through at 0.01 and then let him and his buddies in the USA buy it on the back end? 1 from #klm, 18 Mar 2023, 09:00


@dcurtis #jokes eh?! 1 from #klm, 18 Mar 2023, 09:30

@Newton @carbon8ed Kayaks, eh? 1 from #klm, 18 Mar 2023, 09:31

@Newton Big potential PHOS @ticotime2020 1 from #phos, 18 Mar 2023, 09:35

@Newton Hello @911mining data room 1 from @911mining, 20 Mar 2023, 11:17

@Newton Updated the map with 3 field videos and the 2 samples videos. Thanks @911mining for the "samples videos" that show each of the samples sent to lab for STAR OF THE WEST and LUCKY STRIKE so far. When you drill oil, your problems are over. When you drill copper your problems are just beginning? 1 from #klm, 21 Mar 2023, 10:44

@Newton @911mining cool! 0 from #klm, 21 Mar 2023, 10:49


@dcurtis DAVE CURTIS who? “Too hot to handle, too cold to hold!” 2 from #klm, 21 Mar 2023, 10:55

@Newton Oh brother @dcurtis you better be careful of the pretenders out there! Hiding right in front of your face but you can't see with your nose in the custom book binding... 1 from #klm, 21 Mar 2023, 11:15

@Newton @CriticalInvestor/goldshore-resources-expands-mineralized-zones-at-qes-zone-east-coldstream-and-southwest-zone-at-moss-lake-gold-project-increased-ni43-101-resource-estimate-expected-next-month

@CriticalInvestor Then at higher gold prices building out the insto base, broker coverage and then start expanding to 10-15Moz, does this make sense?

BR: “A two staged PEA would give us more than one exit option, build or M&A. If we just scope to 65K tpd and 600K oz pa, then we could never finance that given our equity price, and we are stuck with only M&A as an exit option. It is just the same as saying “we will scope something we can finance and build, and if you want to go to Phase Two (double pr+ 267 more words. Click to expand 4 from #gshr, 21 Mar 2023, 11:23

@Newton @brazeau_mining watched this clip

And said, "Pan the culverts." Classic! "The culverts are like a sluice," he said. @911mining replied, "Yes, do that all the time. Found some good gold in culverts before. Water too fast here now. Best to do it early summer." Yes, please! Thank you 1 from #klm, 21 Mar 2023, 12:05

@Newton Classic questions

1. What are the company’s goals and what strategies will it use to reach them?

2. How are you going to make me money on this deal, and when will I make it?

3. What can go wrong, how will I know what is going wrong and what will you do if it goes wrong?

4. What is the current liquidation value of your company versus the market capitalization?

5. Who else will you tell this story to, how will you tell them, and when?

6. Tell me about your management team and directors, especially their past success in mining and markets.

7. Who owns this company? How much did they – or will they – pay for it, and when can they sell it?

8. How much money do you have, how much money do you need to succeed, and how are you going to get it? 2 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 09:30

@Newton Always fun talking to prospectors and investors. Grateful to learn from my counterparts and hunt for opportunity.

1 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 09:47

@Newton I encountered a rule from the TSXV that I wasn't familiar with before now; they said that I could either take salary from proceeds of the financing, or I could invest in the financing. If I invest in the financing and take salary from proceeds, then it looks like shares-for-services or "cheque swap"? Imagine that!

So now I get to make a decision: do I take plan to take cash out of KLM treasury sometime in the future, or do I invest in the ongoing financing? What a great question! What would you do?


Faustian bargain, a pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as kn+ 5 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 09:48

@Newton Hello @Mikeymike426! 0 from #dlta, 22 Mar 2023, 09:49

@Newton The Company would like to share a reminder about its Special Investor Presentation taking place this Thursday, March 23rd, 2023, at 1:00pm Eastern Time (10:00am Pacific Time). 5 from #york, 22 Mar 2023, 09:51

@Mikeymike426 Hey @Newton I see this hit your radar :) 0 from #dlta, 22 Mar 2023, 09:55

@Newton Hello @Meowser 0 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 09:57

@meowser @Newton Hey buddy. What's crackin 0 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 10:00

@Newton Fed Time @meowser!

S&P 500 forward earnings are declining relative to three months ago;

The yield curve is inverted (or has been over the last 12 months);

Unemployment is below average;

US Manufacturing PMIs are below 50; and

More than 40% of US banks, on net, are tightening lending standards. 1 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 10:05

@Newton I find the #wiki is useful @carbon8ed thanks for your past edits there 2 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 11:31

@Newton "I've watched a few sectors similar to this (not the same industry, but parallel in cycle) and am familiar with what it appears you are doing here." @meowser thanks for mentioning company cycle. Very interesting concept. I'm keen to learn more about what I'm doing as it's first time out for me and lots of surprises! 2 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 11:32

@Newton "Wondering if you can make it really easy for me (and anyone else reading this) to evaluate where you are in the cycle: (ie. How many sites do you have, any past drills on those sites, any planned, any ongoing, any results due?). That's what it comes down to. "

Working backwards...

1. any results due?

Samples in the lab from 2 projects. Both on Vancouver Island targeting base metals (VMS or skarn?).



These are first samples assayed by KLM since I+ 394 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 11:41

@Newton @GeoMilo nice one! 0 from @geomilo, 22 Mar 2023, 11:53

@Newton @Muskokaman #jokes something something "more boots on the ground rather than lips in the air" how about more signatures on the sub docs? 3 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 14:13

@Newton Q: Will this "model" work?

A: Impossible! “Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.” 1 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 14:16

@J_Serendipity @Newton's Law of Gravity is real-ish. #jokes 2 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 14:59

@BayStreetRising What rule is that? @Newton

“ I encountered a rule from the TSXV that I wasn't familiar with before now; they said that I could either take salary from proceeds of the financing, or I could invest in the financing. If I invest in the financing and take salary from proceeds, then it looks like shares-for-services or "cheque swap"? Imagine that! “ 1 from #klm, 22 Mar 2023, 20:46

@Newton @BayStreetRising the story was based on section 6.1 of policy 4.4. Screenshot here:

24 hours later and there's been a change. It is okay to take salary over the year ahead and invest in the placement. I think the reason they said "no!" before was because it looked like a lump-sum payment to related parties. If the CEO and CFO each took 15K in one payment on closing, then that starts to look like a "cheque swap" or some kind of shares for services. If they are taking that money over time then it looks a bit different?

Interesting twists and turns. This was the most surprising interpretation I had heard from the ex+ 15 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 23 Mar 2023, 11:39

@Newton Hello @sunofabeach! 0 from @sunofabeach, 23 Mar 2023, 11:43

@Newton Sorry I missed call today. 0 from #york, 23 Mar 2023, 11:44

@sunofabeach Good day Sir, not often we get 2 potential mines under one umbrella @Newton 0 from @sunofabeach, 23 Mar 2023, 11:46

@sunofabeach Good day Sir, not often we get 2 potential mines under one umbrella @Newton 0 from #york, 23 Mar 2023, 11:47

@Newton "The more dangerous malefactors are the men in high places who take a good property, overcapitalize it, appraise its value at many times what it is worth, use artful publicity and market methods to beguile the thinking public into believing the stock is worth par or more, and foist it on investors at a figure which robs them of great sums of money. There are more than a million victims of this practice in the United States."

Now consider the flip side? Take a good property, under-capitalize it, appraise its value at a tiny fraction what it is worth... and bring the most sophisticated and bullish counterparties to the table with the + 15 more words. Click to expand 0 23 Mar 2023, 11:48

@Newton @sunofabeach well they already got one old mine eh? 0 from #york, 23 Mar 2023, 11:49

@Newton @J_Serendipity Dollar hits 1/2000th oz #gold. 2 from #klm, 23 Mar 2023, 11:51

@sunofabeach I should post above in open forum York 1 23 Mar 2023, 11:54

@sunofabeach ‘You’ should 0 23 Mar 2023, 11:57

@Newton Yes @Watchstock well said 0 from #xim, 23 Mar 2023, 11:57

@Newton Somebody wanted out in a hurry? 0 from #nine, 23 Mar 2023, 11:58

@Newton Nice timing with downtick prior to start of new promotional contracts @ticotime2020. 2 from #nine, 23 Mar 2023, 11:58

@Newton " when people ask me whether I think Moss will be a 500K oz producer with a 10M+oz resource base in the medium term future, you can pretty easily put together a geological, technical and infrastructure argument that supports that thinking. "

Wild! #BrettRichards #bullish 1 from #gshr, 23 Mar 2023, 12:03

@Newton Brett Richards (BR): “I think the financing strategy is a difficult one in these turbulent capital markets. Yes – GSHR will go back and do a small raise in the near term. A small raise, simply because we are doing everything we can administratively and technically to preserve capital and buy time. Hence, a large raise at this time doesn’t make sense and can kill both the equity story, as well as the interest of the committed and loyal shareholders who have been with us since the very beginning. So I am very sensitive to dilution, and I want to preserve any further dilution to a strategic partner who adds value; creates momentum and send a message to the market that there will be no more open+ 57 more words. Click to expand 1 from #gshr, 23 Mar 2023, 12:04

@Newton "volatility clusters" are a classic feature of stock price action. The biggest up days often occur around the same time as the biggest down days. March 1st 0.30 price mark and now down nearly 50%? Big range! I wonder if that is among the biggest monthly ranges for NINE over the last year? Also wonder what the chartists say about this apparent breakdown... Something something headfake? 1 from #nine, 23 Mar 2023, 12:06

@Newton Got rare earths @dcurtis 0 from @dcurtis, 23 Mar 2023, 12:09

@Newton Shorter videos from @911mining starting to come out now. First one here:

Think 30 seconds taken from full-length videos. 1 from #klm, 23 Mar 2023, 12:10

@Newton Hello @youngwolfofvan 0 from @youngwolfofvan, 23 Mar 2023, 12:15

@Newton @911mining thanks for the pictures from SLEESE CREEK. Fun to look back at ones from 2017 through today. And thanks for bringing us a high-grade gold project for LOI and initial site visits! 2 from #klm, 23 Mar 2023, 12:21

@Newton Hello @investorGator 0 from #pbm, 23 Mar 2023, 12:24

@Newton "CV5 on the left, looking east towards CV1/CV4 ... way in the distance. Grumpy Jody on the right after I waded across a creek, trying to find my hiking partner. It was a bad blister day ..." Classic! #JodyDahrouge legend 2 from #pmet, 24 Mar 2023, 11:38

@Newton CNC big land position! 8 from #cnc, 24 Mar 2023, 11:38

@Newton Yes please @MustangFever! Thank you.

FYI. See basic map of the STAR OF THE WEST project here

1 from #klm, 24 Mar 2023, 11:40

@teevee @newton, you have to look much further to the east than CV1/4 as there is known pegmatite a further 20km east at LONE's lac Astrid solitary claim within PMET's claim block. 7 from #pmet, 24 Mar 2023, 11:44

@Newton Wow! 0 from @investorgator, 24 Mar 2023, 11:46

@Newton Anything is possible in a bull market. Or a bear?

#MiningBullMarket #MiningBearMarket 0 from #aumb, 24 Mar 2023, 11:47

@Newton Walk it down before they run it up @Couch_Leopard? 2 from #nine, 24 Mar 2023, 11:47

@Newton When not if @MichaelNYC? 1 from #nine, 24 Mar 2023, 11:48

@Newton Fun MKO posts 56% fineness gold dore... 1 from #sbmi, 24 Mar 2023, 11:52

@Newton @911mining the crew did a good job at SLESSE CREEK. I was surprised by a couple of the recent photos.

This one sure jumped out at me,

I looked closer at this one before I realized the scale and then I thought, "what?" 3 from #klm, 24 Mar 2023, 11:58

@Newton listen to #BayStreetRadio! 2 from #klm, 24 Mar 2023, 12:43

@Newton Bad market @BPDGT? 0 from #auhi, 24 Mar 2023, 13:08

@Newton FYI @carbon8ed you can say hi to Maxime @westcoast_wizard there #insiders/maxime-ovide-lepine 2 from #klm, 24 Mar 2023, 13:10

@Newton "That's a lot of bailing!" Yes it is @Allan 0 from @allan, 24 Mar 2023, 13:14

@Newton Adam McCool @Bonehead? 3 from #cnc, 24 Mar 2023, 13:17

@Bonehead @Newton ?? 0 from #cnc, 24 Mar 2023, 13:19

@Newton Hello! 0 from #boardroom, 24 Mar 2023, 13:26

@Newton CNC has a project called Adam McCool

"Adam McCool was staked directly by Canada Nickel and covers 2,832 ha. The property is located 92 km east of Timmins. The main intrusion was identified by its anomalous TMI and is estimated to have dimensions 4.6 km long by up to 800 metres wide (see Figure 9)." 5 from #cnc, 24 Mar 2023, 13:28

@BayStreetRising @Newton okay I was going to say that I’ve never come across that before.all. And haven’t found anything outlawing a cheque swap either in securities law or exchange policy. 2 from #klm, 24 Mar 2023, 18:56

@BPDGT @Newton I really don't know. It's a two-pronged company and the registry angle needs more company generated info to help us evaluate it IMHO. TBH same goes for the drilling. My suggestion to management is to show case studies of how their actions have raised the value of a deposit and what kind of profit that might translate into down the road. With traditional "explorers" regulators understand how to regulate forward looking statements. AUHI should not be afraid to play by their own set of rules in line with the spirit of regulation. Make suggestions provided they have appropriate disclaimers in place. Otherwise investors are not properly informed. Just saying. 1 from #auhi, 29 Mar 2023, 13:03

@Newton Do they have properties available for option? I'd like to get more properties for KLM. Is the MABEL property in Ontario available from them or is the website live with other 3rd party projects? Or are they property brokers? Do they have crews who can work for shares for services exploration? Please thanks ! 2 from #auhi, 29 Mar 2023, 14:10

@Newton Nice clean up PBM 2 from #pbm, 29 Mar 2023, 14:10

@Newton Does PBM have any property available for option?

#Gold in BC ? #BCmining 1 from #pbm, 29 Mar 2023, 14:11

@Newton @mackvorkian silver mines coming for sale? 0 from @mackvorkian, 29 Mar 2023, 14:28

@Newton SPC #Bullish[name]=@newton 1 from #spc, 29 Mar 2023, 14:31

@Newton @newton/taking-a-sledgehammer-to-your-mine-plan-with-gerald-whittle-whittle-consulting SPC #Whittle connection? 1 from #spc, 29 Mar 2023, 14:37

@Newton #Bullish potential KRN ? 2 from #krn, 29 Mar 2023, 15:32

@Newton Hello @Brazeau_Mining 0 from @brazeau_mining, 29 Mar 2023, 15:59

@Newton @Dcurtis are you here yet? 0 from #aumb, 29 Mar 2023, 16:01

@FugoEcaz @Newton please explain to the rest of of the people who watch the SPC board here on, why exactly you came to the conclusions you did in the past few posts? Its a bit cryptic to me, and why I should care to read your long-winded synopsis or articles from 2018, and why it might apply here? I get it, you've got some stuff to say, but after reading your articles, and am still a bit confused as to what you are trying to say about SPC. 2 from #spc, 29 Mar 2023, 16:42

@Newton @GeoMilo the market to buy a used drill is probably a good market!

@Newton/an-interview-with-mr-john-versfelt-cabo-drilling-cbe 2 from #klm, 29 Mar 2023, 16:45

@Newton Option agreement with Vale requires SPC to deliver a feasibility study in 5 years? I would like to see them talk to the Whittle Consulting crew sooner than later as they are very good at "optimizing" economic studies. Usually Feasibility Study or Operations, not PEA or PFS. 1 from #spc, 29 Mar 2023, 16:47

@Newton @FugoEcaz agreed 5 years is a long time but I would encourage you to dig deeper into the Whittle story. They are doing dramatic things with mine planning that run contrary to what many mining professionals are taught. It is actually important to engage in the "culture change" associated with the Whittle approach a long time before it comes to hiring consultants... 1 from #spc, 29 Mar 2023, 19:49

@Newton EFF big play here 1 from #eff, 29 Mar 2023, 19:50

@Newton 650km sq in Nunavut?! Wow SPC ! 3 from #spc, 29 Mar 2023, 20:21

@Newton @911mining #newtondeals 0 from @911mining, 29 Mar 2023, 22:41

@Newton #jokes @Newton/rex-murphys-2019-vric-speech-time-is-brief-and-the-issues-are-large

I'll wrap it up. I'm getting the hook. I want to end up on a small little yarn because I've been more serious than I normally am. It's a little story I like to tell about when in 1997 we invited Queen Elizabeth to come over and celebrate 500 years that Newfoundland had been a colony and the fact that John Cabot in 1497 headed off for Peking or Beijing and ended up in Bonavista, which is a maritime error of some considerable scope. Even in 1497, it's not too easy to mistake Beijing for Bonavista. Bonavista didn't have a Chinese restaurant until 1987.

Anyway, I gotta make it short because I know I'm late. This+ 277 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 29 Mar 2023, 23:06

@Newton Hello @LaTasha 0 from @latasha, 29 Mar 2023, 23:17

@Newton ORM #Bullish ? 3 from #orm, 29 Mar 2023, 23:19

@dcurtis @Newton first time . I will take a look 1 from #aumb, 30 Mar 2023, 06:58


#sedar KLM text version of MD&A here[terms]=newton 0 from #klm, 30 Mar 2023, 23:35

@Newton #NewtonNotes KLM 2023-03-30 MD&A

The Company’s financial condition as at the end of the quarter was weak. The rate of spending was similar to prior quarters in terms of the total amount and composition, with most spending focused on exploration work. However, a new development occurred in January 2023 when the Company established shares-for-services agreements with two exploration contractors. These new agreements allow the Company to complete exploration work by using shares, rather than cash. This is a significant strategic development for the Company and management plans to do more of these shares-for-services agreements with other contractors who bring prospective exploration projects + 1166 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 30 Mar 2023, 23:38

@Newton Manitoba could be the best gold mining place in the world next fifty years if it did some things right? Just me?

#Gold 1 from #aumb, 30 Mar 2023, 23:39



Historic 160Koz at 12g/t Au? Call it 0.4 ounce per tonne as a hack number, how many tonnes to get 160,000 ounces? 400Kt at 0.4 opt Au gives that answer. So historic production was less than 500,000 tonnes of ore? And there is potential for 10Mt of ore based on statistics for greenstone gold belts? Just me? 100Mt? I can't find a USGS report on size-grade distribution for greenstone gold belts so I don't know but GOLD big @mackvorkian

How many tens of millions of ounces have been mined from similar greenstone in Ontario? Elsewhere? #Bullish 1 from #aumb, 30 Mar 2023, 23:46

@Newton Global VMS? Thanks USGS ! 0 from #klm, 30 Mar 2023, 23:49

@Newton USGS Global list of mines and deposits? Thanks again #USGS 0 from #klm, 30 Mar 2023, 23:50


#Silver argentite ore from Wikipedia cool 0 from #klm, 30 Mar 2023, 23:50

@Newton @dcurtis

3 from #klm, 30 Mar 2023, 23:51

@Newton 0 from @brazeau_mining, 30 Mar 2023, 23:53


Geoscience: Marine and coastal

Canada borders three oceans and has the longest coastline in the world. A full 40% of the country’s landmass is under the ocean. At the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), our scientific research provides a new understanding of the seafloor, the last frontier on Earth.

If you need to understand the shape and origin of Canada’s continental margin (shelf and slope), how climate change impacts the coastal landscape, the natural hazards on our submerged lands or the composition and geological processes of the seabed, look to the GSC data and information. + 957 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 30 Mar 2023, 23:55


@911mining map of new showings and old. Let's see what next... #NewtonMaps 1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 00:41

@dcurtis @Newton not even a good cookie , chips Ahoy please . And Milo smells gold . Kick rocks and keep your nose to the ground 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 12:25

@Newton @GeoMilo MILOSZ-AMANIA

Brother “Negativity and Hulkamania - 2 things that don't go together.” ... “Negativity and Miloszamania - 2 things that don't go together.” #gold #KHRYSOS

4 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:13

@Newton #memes

@GeoMilo want to do a give away contest for the rock? Be the good guy "face" character? Add the clear plastic on top of it and make a wooden case for it? Or just put it through the rock crusher and shaker table, then test it?

1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:18

@Newton @dcurtis serious as can be #jokes

1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:20

@Newton Meanwhile...

Sh2-308: A Dolphin Shaped Star Bubble

Image Credit & Copyright: Aleix Roig (AstroCatInfo) 1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:21

@Newton "Fig Newton" google

Newtons (cookie) - Wikipedia

Wikipedia › wiki › Newtons_(cookie)

fig newton from

"Fig Newtons" are the most popular variety (fig rolls filled with fig paste). They are produced by an extrusion process. ... Their distinctive shape is a ...

Country: U.S

Owner: Mondelez International

Produced by: Nabisco

Introduced: 1891; 132 years ago



1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:22

@BenBaker @Newton but how many metric elephants is this dolphin, and did you give it a name 3 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:22

@Newton @benbaker shoutout 3 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:23

@Newton "This is a fantastic piece of jazz history giving us a glimpse into the music of the brothels in Storyville, which is where Jelly Roll started playing piano at 14 years old, although he said The Dirty Dozen itself originated in Chicago , where he heard it in 1908. Jelly Roll never himself never got this raunchy.This is the authentic type of smutty lyrics that pianists often sang and played in the Red Light District brothels and where he also was composing early New Orleans jazz songs. "

Shoutout #NOIC New Orleans Investment Conference 1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:24

@Newton #MILOSZAMANIA @GeoMilo

3 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:27


@dcurtis brother step into a slim jim? No, step into a fig newton! #Newton 4 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:30

@Newton @dcurtis who?




@911mining @j2_911mining 3 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:35


What's with the rocks at the 47 second mark? Cool short video 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 14:49

@Newton Looking at listing requirements for TSXV and wondering about a mining company doing some kind of deal to do with forestry? @Brazeau_Mining talk about private ground in Ontario where standing trees could make good drill core boxes -- does KLM set up an operating company to sell those boxes or does the project vendor operate it and give KLM some carry?


Big potential for creative thinking to set up speculative value in natural resources in Canada today 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:00

@Newton Hello! Not quite turning to the right yet eh

0 from #york, 31 Mar 2023, 15:04

@Newton @fatman2442

Retracements of 50% from downtrend over last year is 0.945? Cool


138.2%, 1.8711

100%, 1.47

76.4%, 1.2222

61.8%, 1.0689

50%, 0.945

38.2%, 0.8211

23.6%, 0.6678

0%, 0.42


High (a)


Low (b)

0.42 0 from #york, 31 Mar 2023, 15:06

@Newton We are all here; because, we are not all there. @Grassroots 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:09


USA USA USA 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:10

@Newton @911mining "The total number of samples collected by 911 Exploration Corp. to the date of the MD&A includes five (5) drill holes with core diameter forty-one millimeter (41mm) for a total of fourteen-and-a-quarter metres (14.25m) with a hand-operated backpack drill. The Company collected approximately two-hundred eight six (286) samples since beginning work in June, 2022, funded by both shares-for-services and prepaid. The Company collected nineteen (19) samples from Loup Creek, nineteen (19) from Caycuse, seventy-eight (78) from Lucky Strike, and one-hundred and twenty-two (122) from Star of the West. The 911 Exploration Corp. also collected samples at projects where the Company subsequentl+ 125 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:12

@Newton Hello @d2earth 0 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:12

@Newton Hello! 0 31 Mar 2023, 15:14

@Newton @d2earth

Opening trade, May 15, 2019

Buy GBR at 2.82 %898

Well done! 1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:15

@Newton Oh brother this isn't just any jackleg operator now @dcurtis you're dealing with a real HULKSTER here 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:15


@GeoMilo @dcurtis 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:18

@Newton @Snidely hello! 2 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:19

@Snidely With all the recent drama... here is my response to the critics of @Newton and KLM like @dcurtis. The situation that Peter walked into was a clusterfuck from the outset. That was what Peter and his team inherited, not anything that they had done. I will be the first to admit that the stuff that Peter posts on here and the stream of conscious posts are the most unorthodox, atypical and bizarre shit I have ever seen from a public company. I am also not convinced that it will ultimately work out in the end, but I really hope that KLM is successful. I do know that if they tried to do things the tired old traditional way, that was a guaranteed dead-end street. So I have thrown some into this+ 63 more words. Click to expand 4 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 15:35

@dcurtis Spray tan bleach blond bolo wearing babyface . Yes you @Newton 0 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 17:35

@Newton @dcurtis don't even dare using that word "UNINVESTABLE" around here! If you think that your little posts can stop what's coming then you don't know MILOSZAMANIA. It doesn't matter what you think if you smell what The Rock is cooking

3 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 17:38

@Newton @Snidely sorry you got ghosted. I liked that play. USA is difficult for me but I see big opportunity there. Quit your day job and come work as IR for KLM @snidely? Somebody got keep these @dcurtis jabroni laid flat on the matt... 1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 17:39

@dcurtis @Newton talks BIG but he walks small . I am ready to shut your tofu eating lipstick wearing mouth . Sunday Vancouver(WA) fairgrounds ! ! weather permitting 1 from #klm, 31 Mar 2023, 18:54

@carbon8ed Cmon @Newton, fig him up good. 1 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 07:58

@Newton Not going away! 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 12:28

@Newton The Macho Man Ain't An Easy Fella To Summon @campbeas

3 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 12:42

@Newton VHLA Media -- @campbeas can you please help introduce me? Thanks 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 12:56

@Newton " Please tell me when and where you see bullshit @tamarack thanks. I'm genuinely interested to hear more opinions on what I get right and wrong. "

So it's all bullshit? 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 13:32

@Newton @Snidely what next? 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 13:33

@Newton Respect #TookieAngus excerpt from my 2018 interview with him...

Peter Bell: Thank you very much. Pleasure to be talking with you, Tookie. So much to talk about but to jump right into it I would say that you seem to be most well known for your M&A track record. Where did that come from? I've heard you mention even Hemlo in the 80's and the legal offices before that. To wind the clock all the way back, anything you'd care to share?

Tookie Angus: Going way back, Peter, my first foray into the mining business as a lawyer was a lithium deal in the Northwest Territories in 1975. I actually worked on another deal before that in 1974, which was a small heap leach mine in the Idaho. That was very in+ 1447 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 14:51

@Newton @BenBaker #thankyou

Shoutout BEN BAKER thanks for attending conference call today. 3 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 22:37

@Newton Hello @jackmehoff @investorgator 1 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 22:37

@Newton Please can I ask if there is a consensus around question of rollback for EPW ? They can do 10:1 without shareholder vote at any moment as BC company? #Bullish

3B shares out and 1 per share possible? 0 from #epw, 1 Apr 2023, 22:39

@Newton @911mining good job checking creek that @Brazeau_mining liked on old maps. I like the pictures of those rocks, too. Thanks. Great turnaround time on your field documentary. What do you think about sending some rocks to @geomilo for him to put through the rock crusher and shaker table to make a concentrate?

I wonder about the differences in geochemistry between rocks from one area or another. STAR OF THE WEST #Newton 1 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 22:47

@Newton If a Participant ceases to be an Employee or Director, as applicable, during the Performance Period because of retirement or Termination of the Participant, all PSUs previously awarded to the Participant shall be forfeited and cease to be credited to the Participant on the date of the Retirement or Termination, as the case may be; however, the Board shall have the absolute discretion to modify the grant of the PSUs to provide that the Performance Period would end at the end of the calendar quarter immediately before the date of the Retirement or Termination, as the case may be, and the amount payable to the Participant shall be calculated as of such date, provided such Performance Period is + 12 more words. Click to expand 0 from @geomilo, 1 Apr 2023, 23:02


#memes 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:08


SLESSE CREEK "can't see me" 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:10


@911mining what does 1km look like along HEATHER MAIN? Please film the drive or walk along this road sometime? Drone flight? What an area!


And with topography on... 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:17

@Newton "100M ZONE" @911mining okay! 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:22


+5km from 100M spot to water @911mining? #BCmining can BC lead the world in mining exploration over the next century? ABXX is the ABAXX exchange the way of the future? #Mining #Bullish 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:32

@Newton 70 degree slope looking down @911mining. Remediation plan includes a ski hill? #jokes And a spa in the mine voids underground? "Wow, this room and pillar design is so luxurious..." call it The Shotcrete Spa 1 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:36

@Newton #boardroom 1 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:36


Life is too short

Too short

Life is too short

Too short 1 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:37

@Newton @investorgator thanks for mentioning classic line about "entries and exits"

something something how people say that getting the exit right is the most important thing but it's really the entry that's the hardest because the window for the entry is so small. What?



With out-of-the-money options, you get liquidity on the exit if you are right. If you are wrong then you may not have liquidity. Wash rinse repeat. But the price at entry is highly sensitive and "thin".

These real small market cap companies have different choices about financing. To do 1M fundraising can be +50% dilution to a junior. Does that move the needle on an explora+ 28 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:49

@Newton @oops I put The Rock dropping the elbow with some money in his hand here for you #memes 0 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:52


Port Alberni Terminals

The finest deep sea harbour on the North America Continent

Phone : 250-723-7922

Port Alberni Terminals has all the necessary shore services required for international and coastal trade, including Canada Border Services Agency, shipping agents, stevedoring, tugs and shipyards.

The Port’s primary exports are forest products which include lumber produced in local mills. The forest products are destined for several foreign markets.

Port Alberni Terminals features 3 berths and 4 storage sheds and includes the following services:





Wifi at Berth 3

Click here for a copy of the Port + 96 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:53

@Newton @dcurtis are you a MILOSZ-AMANIAC yet?

3 from #klm, 1 Apr 2023, 23:57

@Newton #memes wild out there 0 2 Apr 2023, 00:00

@BenBaker @Newton no worries, #thankyou right back. Great conference, lots of insights, #makingsomefriends 2 from #klm, 2 Apr 2023, 04:43

@Oops @Newton The signature elbow. The other one was Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! 0 from @oops, 2 Apr 2023, 07:54

@Newton Beautiful view thanks @J2_911mining

0 from #klm, 2 Apr 2023, 16:12

@Newton Run both Torrey Hills and Ellis? They do different things? 0 from #oco, 2 Apr 2023, 16:18

@Newton Thanks @BenBaker 4 from #klm, 3 Apr 2023, 11:09

@dcurtis Peter Bell will not accept my challenge . Balk balk balk said the chicken . Maybe if he can hide behind some of his lackeys in a three man tag team death cage match . What say you @Newton ? Any Sunday weather permitting 4 from #klm, 3 Apr 2023, 12:06

@BenBaker @newton no worries ,srry , almost forgot to send you this. here you go 2 from #klm, 3 Apr 2023, 12:23

@dcurtis I've been called worse by better than @carbon8ed . Nothing a fold chair to kisser didn't change . @Newton hides behind girls and snidely can't tell a walnut from a chinnut

5 from #klm, 4 Apr 2023, 07:48

@Newton Hello GRK ! 0 from #grk, 4 Apr 2023, 10:57

@Newton Classic!

"Looking back, joining a peer group and learning from others who were achieving success was a key turning point in my career. They challenged me to think differently and helped me craft a better plan for myself. I wish I could go back and tell my 25-year-old self that everything was going to work out, but I know I wouldn't have believed it anyway."

"Soon I would take what I had learned about the physical conference and attempt to make a digital version with CEO-CA. The company would eventually set me on a path to prosperity." 2 from #klm, 4 Apr 2023, 13:08

@Newton Hello @mackvorkian! 2 from #spa, 4 Apr 2023, 13:10

@Newton Hello WAL ! 0 from #wal, 4 Apr 2023, 19:13

@Newton ...

Let's go Milo!

Let's go Milo!

Let's go Milo!

@GeoMilo investigating opportunity to get a drill rig to punch a bunch of shallow holes at KHRYSOS this year. Surprising to me how drilling contractors don't want to do these programs with short holes, creates an under-served market niche for contrarian contractor?

2 from #klm, 5 Apr 2023, 10:45

@Newton Hello @6ix! 1 from @6ix, 5 Apr 2023, 10:50

@6ix Hi @Newton! 👋 0 from @6ix, 5 Apr 2023, 13:00

@Newton Congratulations on big event the last week. Lots of stuff going on! #Bullish 2 from @6ix, 5 Apr 2023, 13:51

@Newton @brazeau_mining say hi to @mackvorkian 0 from @mackvorkian, 6 Apr 2023, 12:51

@Newton @dcurtis 0 from #klm, 6 Apr 2023, 12:53

@Newton Hello SOTW !

1 from #klm, 6 Apr 2023, 13:01


LOUP CREEK eh @911mining? Is that named for the jewellers loupe or the lupine wolf pack? 1 from #klm, 6 Apr 2023, 13:03

@Newton @investorgator can we send you some of this stuff as collectibles? 1 from #klm, 6 Apr 2023, 14:41


@911mining did you try taking the kids toys out to field to take pictures with? 1 from #klm, 6 Apr 2023, 14:45

@Newton Did you hear Robert Friedland got invited to speak at Ric Flair's bachelor party? 0 from @dcurtis, 6 Apr 2023, 14:49

@dcurtis Had not hear that @newton . Make a great show . Sunday Sunday Sunday at the Saddle Dome . Weather Permitting 0 from @dcurtis, 6 Apr 2023, 18:45

anonymous 2015 CLASSIC #RickRule Top 10 Questions for Junior Mining CEO, by @Newton

@Newton/2015-classic-rickrule-top-10-questions-for-junior-mining-ceo 0 from #articles, 6 Apr 2023, 23:21

@Newton Sunday Sunday Sunday @dcurtis 1 from #klm, 6 Apr 2023, 23:21

@Newton @newton/2015-classic-rickrule-top-10-questions-for-junior-mining-ceo


1. What are the company’s goals and what strategies will it use to reach them?

2. How are you going to make me money on this deal, and when will I make it?

3. What can go wrong, how will I know what is going wrong and what will you do if it goes wrong?

4. What is the current liquidation value of your company versus the market capitalization?

5. Who else will you tell this story to, how will you tell them, and when?

6. Tell me about your management team and directors, especially their past success in mining and markets.

7. Who owns this company? How much did they – or will th+ 33 more words. Click to expand 0 from @newton/my-first-interview-klm-newtondeals, 6 Apr 2023, 23:22


Fun clip

it's very difficult for an exhibitor in particular but also for most presenters to turn down an interested appeal for a one-on-one discussion with somebody who has done that presenter the favor of having listened to what they had to say and assimilated it and the probability that you can obtain a second a second one on a follow-on one-on-one discussion which could be much more beneficial to you than simply listening among other among 800 other people to a presenter the possibility of that is high so ask for it the other thing that you do after the conference is pay particular attention to the arguments presented by pr+ 53 more words. Click to expand 0 from @newton/2015-classic-rickrule-top-10-questions-for-junior-mining-ceo, 6 Apr 2023, 23:31


More fun clips, 0 from @newton/2015-classic-rickrule-top-10-questions-for-junior-mining-ceo, 7 Apr 2023, 00:23

@Newton Sunday Sunday Sunday @dcurtis

0 from @dcurtis, 7 Apr 2023, 00:41

@Newton Transcript underway @carbon8ed 1 from #ckg, 7 Apr 2023, 16:41

@Newton @dcurtis the new JAMES BOND is supposed to be Tom Cruise, but they're holding it because Robert Friedland wanted to audition first ? 1 7 Apr 2023, 22:31

anonymous Alan Pangborne CKG #RickRule Questions, by @Newton

@Newton/alan-pangborne-ckg-rickrule-questions 1 from #articles, 8 Apr 2023, 00:51

@carbon8ed Thanks @Newton, appreciated. 1 from #ckg, 8 Apr 2023, 02:48

@Newton "Another useless groveling interview by @Newton pretending like he is a hard hitting independent ala Rick Rule :D Apparently wasnt familiar with the story. If you do an interview with the CEO maybe get familiar beforehand and ask pertinent questions instead of trying to be the buddy of the CEO you are interviewing."

@tommy/ceoca-house-rules "There is now a zero tolerance policy for personal attacks. In the past, there has been some leniency towards this behaviour (whether it’s in tonality like in a sarcastic/dismissive tone or in situations where the targeted user truly does say something without valid reasoning or th+ 68 more words. Click to expand 3 8 Apr 2023, 08:27

@Newton Thanks for the field photos Planet X 1 from #york, 8 Apr 2023, 08:30

@Newton SPA versus CKG any thoughts? @mackvorkian Spanish Mountain vs Metates? 0 from #spa, 8 Apr 2023, 08:32

@Newton Hello KUYA 1 from #kuya, 8 Apr 2023, 08:33

@porc Where is the personal attack? I said your interview was useless as it didnt ask any tough questions and you didnt do the homework (as you said yourself at the start of the interview) to be even able to ask them. Also you were more focused on being friends with the CEO vs actually trying to ask those tough questions. IMO it was a groveling style which is the opposite of what RICK RULE recommends, who you cited repeatedly. I dont think interviewers trying to be friends with the CEOs is beneficial to the community. Actually the opposite. Again Where is the personal attack? @newton @HAM Is only congratulatory feedback allowed on this site @HAM? 4 from #ckg, 8 Apr 2023, 08:41

@ticotime2020 @Newton - thanks for taking YOUR time and providing this insight into CKG. Every little bit helps these days. Enjoy the weekend Sir!! 3 from #ckg, 8 Apr 2023, 09:59

@Exboss @Newton without having watched the video, are you namedropping Rick Rule or is he in the video? because if you are just using his name you can seriously fuckoff. 3 from #ckg, 8 Apr 2023, 09:59

@ticotime2020 @Newton - I listened to @Goldfingers presentation last night about Copper and the incoming technologies extracting lower grades. is CKB one of these companies that could benefit? “ Alan Pangbourne: People leach secondary sulphides, and now there are a couple of companies running around claiming they can heap leach primary sulphides. I was involved in some of that development and built one of the largest copper-sulphide-heap-leach operations in the world.”

3 from #ckg, 8 Apr 2023, 10:04

@dcurtis @newton

Friedland front runner for Pope . First Jewish Pope ever AFAWK 1 from @dcurtis, 8 Apr 2023, 17:21

@carbon8ed @Exboss did you watch the video? Why don’t you do that before sharing any more pearls of wisdom. 1 9 Apr 2023, 05:35


Newton laid out by the posters on CKG! 1 from @dcurtis, 9 Apr 2023, 16:27

@dcurtis What is a Kermode ? Magical mystical white Bear ? A blind squirrel looking for an acorn ? Is it anything at all ? Good questions , how about some answers @Newton 1 from #klm, 11 Apr 2023, 09:48

@Newton Sorry you had to block me @tamarack! 0 from @tamarack, 11 Apr 2023, 13:44

@Newton Glad somebody getting a laugh here. A question for you @tamarack should we do a rollback for KLM ? please thanks 0 from #klm, 11 Apr 2023, 13:53


... We came back another day and couldn't get into that same spot because the weather had changed, so we landed at what we call the North Cirque and that's where we found our highest grade sample overall! In fact, that was the first time in my entire career of 43 years or so in the bush that I was able to bang off rocks that had never been touched before by anybody and get samples running over an ounce per tonne gold.

Peter Bell: Really? That’s pretty special. Over an ounce per tonne?

Bruce Ballantyne: Yes, there was one sample that came back at 33.8 grams per tonne gold.

Peter Bell: Any visible gold?

Bruce Ballantyne: No visible gold.

Peter Bell: Okay. That may not be surprising with + 383 more words. Click to expand 0 11 Apr 2023, 14:07

@BenBaker 0 11 Apr 2023, 14:36

@meowser @tamarack @Newton Yup. A rollback signals poorly, it delivers poor results, it does nothing good. Este es no bueno muchacho. 1 from #klm, 11 Apr 2023, 16:00

@sunofabeach Likely a bit before markets ever evolved, the Chinese coined it Yin yang - never the less applicable here Sir Newton @Newton ? 😁 0 from #york, 12 Apr 2023, 17:46

@Newton #Bullish @CraigParry 2 from #cosa, 13 Apr 2023, 09:22

@Newton Good to see turnover of projects 0 from #newd, 13 Apr 2023, 09:30

@Newton What is PQ @sunofabeach? 0 from #newd, 13 Apr 2023, 09:30

@Newton Thank you @Grassroots! #Bullish 0 from #klm, 13 Apr 2023, 09:39

@Newton @GeoMilo logging drill core made of ice?! 0 from #klm, 13 Apr 2023, 09:43

@Newton @BEAVER65 did you see this change in TSXV policy circa June 2022? 0 from #klm, 13 Apr 2023, 10:05

@Newton TSX welcomed two new issuers in March 2023, compared with 14 in the previous month and 11 in March 2022. The new listings were two mining companies. Total financings raised in March 2023 increased 183% compared to the previous month, but were down 81% compared to March 2022. The total number of financings in March 2023 was 30, compared with 36 the previous month and 69 in March 2022. 0 from #klm, 13 Apr 2023, 10:05

@dcurtis I give @Newton a chance to wise up and what does he do ? Kicks me in the gonads . Yes KLM will be a nickle stock one day , the day they roll back 10-1 1 from #klm, 13 Apr 2023, 10:09

@Newton 100:1 @dcurtis? 0 from #klm, 13 Apr 2023, 10:11

@Newton @dcurtis MOX have a look 0 from #mox, 13 Apr 2023, 10:26



A popular metric is to compare CEO pay to the pay of the lowest-skilled–and hence lowest-paid–worker in the company. If the CEO makes 15,000,000 and a burger-flipper makes 15,000 then the CEO is making 1,000 times more....

I propose a different metric. A ratio of a worker’s pay to the value he produces. For example, suppose the gross profits (ex. cost of meat and ingredients) generated by the burger flipper’s work is 15 per hour. His pay is 7.50. Therefore this is a 2:1 ratio. He is paid half the value he creates.Now consider his manager. The manager supervises 10 workers. Assuming all have equal productivity, the + 170 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 13 Apr 2023, 10:39

@dcurtis ^ Old saying . The more you pay , the more it's worth . Sleep on that @Newton 1 from @dcurtis, 13 Apr 2023, 11:31

@Newton The more you pay , the more it's worth #classic 0 13 Apr 2023, 16:59

@Newton Hi @Luckierjack 0 from @luckierjack, 14 Apr 2023, 10:49

@Newton @Teddy/roaring-gold-and-a-hidden-gem-in-canada speaking of Manitoba... 1 from #aumb, 14 Apr 2023, 11:13

@Newton This is investing / this is speculating

1 from #klm, 15 Apr 2023, 13:55

@Newton This week we had 4 months since the Grey Copper / Jonathan's Pond property option started in Newfoundland 7M shares. And the Caycuse property option in BC 15M shares. I don't know if the selling this week came from people in the vendor group. I talked to a few of the people with larger positions and none of them admitted to smashing the bid. I'm grateful to the buyers in the market because I think that "sellers are guaranteed, buyers aren't." 1 from #klm, 15 Apr 2023, 14:00

@Newton Hello GGL 1 from #ggl, 15 Apr 2023, 14:02

@Newton "I'd like to speak with the analyst who seems to stumble across this mess... Good Morning. Maybe you could tell me what you think is going on here and please speak as you might to a young child or a golden retriever. It wasn't brains that got me here, I can assure you of that..." 2 from #klm, 15 Apr 2023, 14:09

@Newton #WYCKOFF very cool! Yes, accumulation and distribution is hugely important. Particularly in illiquid stocks like this...

Wyckoff Method

The Wyckoff method is underpinned by Wyckoff’s theories, strategies, and rules for trading. Here’s a summary of the principles of this step-by-step approach to selecting stocks and timing your trades.

1. Establish the overall market’s current trend and most likely future direction. Assess whether supply and demand indicate that the market is positioning itself to move up or down.

2. Select stocks that follow the same trend. Especially those that show greater strength than the market durin+ 282 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 15 Apr 2023, 14:27

@Newton Wait it's all Wyckoff?

3 from #klm, 15 Apr 2023, 14:30

@Newton The Oracle of Cranbrook EPL

1 from #epl, 15 Apr 2023, 14:37

@Newton Hello HC! What a chart 0 from #hc, 15 Apr 2023, 14:42

@Newton Hi @dirkdiggler 0 15 Apr 2023, 14:47

@Newton Call me the Chief Shareholder @BookValueGuy? 2 from #klm, 15 Apr 2023, 15:03

@Newton #RickRule 0 15 Apr 2023, 15:11

@BookValueGuy @newton Danger Will Robinson Muy Peligroso Amigo!!! 2 from #hc, 15 Apr 2023, 15:15

@Newton Bulletins...

Caycuse December 9, 2022

Grey Copper December 13, 2022 2 from #klm, 15 Apr 2023, 15:19

@dirkdiggler Sup Newton? 0 16 Apr 2023, 11:09

@Newton Nevermore! 2 from #klm, 17 Apr 2023, 09:04

@Newton the post saying hi disappeared ? 0 17 Apr 2023, 09:05

@Newton Hello RLG! @RLGfan it is your time!

"The mining industry is a brutal world even on its best days. With the constant fluctuations in commodity prices, excruciating operations, and ever-changing communities, it's not an easy business to thrive in. No credible miner takes pleasure in the failure of their peers, as they know all too well that it could just as easily happen to them.

It is a business where success often follows failure. The industry is open source-built on a foundation of shared knowledge, with each generation building upon the work of its predecessors. However, it's uncommon for a recently failed asset to reemerge in the public market so quickly. WRLG's acquisition of PGM, st+ 34 more words. Click to expand 8 from #wrlg, 17 Apr 2023, 09:08

@Newton @Jc9381 0 from #sbmi, 17 Apr 2023, 09:12

@Newton @dcurtis have you ever heard of drilling core samples from a glacier to get ice samples from long ago? Log the samples before the ice melts? Ask @geomilo for the #jokes 2 from #klm, 17 Apr 2023, 09:16

@Newton Is there accumulation happening @roblake29? 1 from #vst, 17 Apr 2023, 09:16

@Newton Well done GOG #Bullish 3 from #gog, 17 Apr 2023, 09:24

@BookValueGuy Accumulation has been happening for close to a year @Newton , volume increasing lately and the boss is soaking up more shares daily. 1 from #vst, 17 Apr 2023, 09:41

@Newton @rLGfan buy and keep buying? 1 from #wrlg, 17 Apr 2023, 10:04

@dcurtis @NEWTON

Reminds me of my ex-wife . No respect 0 from #jokes, 17 Apr 2023, 10:41

@dcurtis I can see it now . Kermode Resources reports a 5 meter intercept of 8.7% woolly mammoth EQ @NEWTON Peter Bell changes company name to Snufalufagus Ventures 0 from #jokes, 17 Apr 2023, 12:52

@Newton Shoutout RK! 2 from #ggl, 18 Apr 2023, 10:37

@Newton "In connection with the private placement, the company may pay finders' fees within the maximum amount permitted by the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange. The closing is subject to several conditions, including receipt of all necessary corporate and regulatory approvals, including that of the board and the Canadian Securities Exchange." Great language in the news release there, I like that phrasing! 0 from #atha, 18 Apr 2023, 10:38

@Newton Tao Te Ching classic contrarian handbook "i have three treasures which i hold fast and watch closely the first is mercy the second is frugality the third is humility for mercy comes courage from frugality comes generosity from humility comes leadership now if one were bold but had no mercy if one were broad but were not frugal if one went ahead without humility one would die love vanquishes all attackers it is impregnable in defense when heaven wants to protect someone does it send an army no it protects him with love a good soldier is not violent a good fighter is not angry good winners do not contend good employers serve their workers the best leader f+ 162 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 18 Apr 2023, 10:57

@Newton @midwing? 0 from #xnd, 18 Apr 2023, 11:00

@Newton #CEOca 0 from #klm, 18 Apr 2023, 22:33

@Newton #ALL 0 from #ceoca, 18 Apr 2023, 22:34

@Newton Hello @CaptainDuff 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:34


Have you ever seen the channel #ALL before @CaptainDuff? 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:34

@Newton Idaho so good.

The discovery of gold caused the Idaho territory to be established in 1863. As the gold deposits began to disappear, the search for other minerals began. By the late 1800s silver, lead and zinc deposits were uncovered in the Coeur d'Alene area. This area has become known as one of the world's richest mineral areas.,the%20world's%20richest%20mineral%20areas. 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:35

@Newton @midwing 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:35

@Newton Classic #silver 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:37

@Newton "Dendritic Silver specimen Langis Mine, Cobalt area, Ontario – 005 Native Silver and Saflorite specimen from Langis Mine, Cobalt area Ontario, Canada. Collected recently. Size is about 110 x 65 x 15 mm. 150 gr. It is an exceptional hand size shiny display Piece, Price: 145.00"

Beautiful! Who owns the LANGIS MINE I wonder? #bullish 1 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:38

@Newton Barrick to leave Canada for Japan? #Bullish JG 0 from #jg, 18 Apr 2023, 22:39

@Newton JG mineral endowment in Japan is exceptional. Open for business? Potentially the best gold miners in the world in 2050 if not already today? 0 from #jg, 18 Apr 2023, 22:40

@Newton Serious question

What happens if SBMI sells specimen rocks from the mine? Or gives them away to investors in the metaverse for a promotional contest that crosses over from internet to real life when the random person gets a rock in the mail? Something something Rob McEwen selling boulders from the Goldcorp Mine for art pieces? What? 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:41

@Newton @AvocadoPit sounds like you are learning! Enjoy 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:42


Worse, if you have lost some of your hard-earned money in speculation, your case is undoubtedly incurable, because you have a fresh incentive, namely, to "get even." Experience, therefore, will teach you nothing. The professional gambler's aphorism, "You can't kill a sucker," had its genesis in a recognition of this fact, and now stock promoters and manipulators of the multi-millionaire class subscribe to its truth and on it predicate their operations. Nearly everybody speculates (gambles); few win. Where does the money go that is lost? Who gets it? 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:42

@Newton SBMI chart since December 2021

0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:43


What is worst case for SBMI out to 2024? 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:46

@Newton Linktree! 0 18 Apr 2023, 22:49

@Newton JG any operating mines to buy? 0 from #jg, 18 Apr 2023, 22:49

@Newton @CaptainDuff activist shareholders are bullish 1 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:51

@Newton @jc9381

Aphelion Sunrise

Image Credit & Copyright: Stephen Mudge

Explanation: On July 3rd, planet Earth reached aphelion, the farthest point in its elliptical orbit around the Sun. Each year, this day of the most distant Sun happens to occur during winter in the southern hemisphere. That's where this aphelion sunrise from 2015 was captured in a time series composite against the skyline of Brisbane, Australia. Of course, seasons for our fair planet are not determined by distance to the Sun, but by the tilt of Earth's rotational axis with respect to the ecliptic, the plane of its orbit. Fondly known as the obliquity of th+ 43 more words. Click to expand 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 22:52

@Newton @CaptainDuff something something BHS ? 0 from #sbmi, 18 Apr 2023, 23:26

@TCB77 @newton Specimens can bring good money and pyrargyrite (ruby silver) is definitely worth more per ounce from collectors. 0 from #sbmi, 19 Apr 2023, 12:27

@dcurtis @Thrive has lots of good jokes he is sandbagging . As a former winner of the unauthorized joke contest , he does have his title defend . This is a challenge to @Newton , @J_Serendipity and ever myself . Ladies bowling is always good for a laugh . This year the stakes are doubled . 20 U S thanks to our sponsor Vagisyll , When There is a Rumble down in that lady Jungle , Vagisyll . 0 from #jokes, 19 Apr 2023, 17:37

@dcurtis I'm tapping out . Four on one is too much even for me to take . @Newton , you win 2 from #klm, 20 Apr 2023, 06:18

@dcurtis If I could have a wish it would be that @Goldbulldog and @Newton could sit and break bread . And move on to glory . You know what I am saying . Life is to short to bear grudges and to long not to look forward . the choice is yours ,wallow in the mire , or go much higher 2 from #klm, 20 Apr 2023, 23:04

@Newton @carbon8ed base camp for site visits? Space for backyard wrestling @dcurtis? 1 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 00:46

@Newton @MustangFever some info for you here on "blackout" and "quiet" periods as per Canadian law

6.9 Quiet periods Observe a quarterly quiet period, during which no earnings guidance or comments with respect to the current quarter’s operations or expected results will be provided to analysts, investors or other market professionals. The quiet period should run between the end of the quarter and the release of a quarterly earnings announcement although, in practice, quiet periods vary by company.43 Companies need not stop all communications with analysts or investors during the quiet period. However, communications should be limited to responding to inquiries concerning publicly available or non-m+ 59 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 00:48

@Newton Also this...

6.10 Insider trading policies and blackout periods Adopt an insider trading policy that provides for a senior officer to approve and monitor the trading activity of all your insiders, officers, and senior employees. Your insider trading policy should prohibit purchases and sales at any time by insiders and employees who are in possession of material nonpublic information. Your policy should also provide for trading “blackout periods” when trading by insiders, officers and employees may typically not take place (for example a blackout period which surrounds regularly scheduled earnings announcements). However, insiders, officers and employees should have the opportunity to apply + 27 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 00:49

@Newton Take all that with a grain of salt... National Policy 51-201 Disclosure Standards

This policy provides guidance on “best disclosure” practices in a difficult area involving competing business pressures and legislative requirements. Our recommendations are not intended to be prescriptive. We encourage companies to adopt the suggested measures, but they should be implemented flexibly and sensibly to fit the situation of individual companies 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 00:49

@Newton @MustangFever note this excerpt from the same document...

"6.12 Chat rooms, bulletin boards and e-mails Do not participate in, host or link to chat rooms or bulletin boards. Your disclosure policy should prohibit your employees from discussing corporate matters in these forums. This will help to protect your company from the liability that could arise from the well-intentioned, but sporadic, efforts of employees to correct rumours or defend the company. You should consider requiring employees to report to a designated company official any discussion pertaining to your company which they find on the Internet. If your Web site allows viewers to send you e-mail messages, remember the risk of selective disclosure when responding." 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 00:51

@Newton National Policy: NP - 51- 201 - Disclosure Standards National Policy July 12, 2002

Looks like that policy is over twenty years old now... 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 00:51

@Newton BCSC looks like same policy text but dated 2013?

51-201 - Disclosure Standards [NP]

Published Date: 2013-05-31

Effective Date: 2013-05-31 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 00:52

@Newton One thing I don't see mentioned in that policy stuff is whether a junior should say if it's got a management blackout in place pending exploration results? That's a pretty specific scenario and I don't recall hearing many (any?) of the companies I invested in ever talking about management trading blackouts like that. Maybe one company in Ontario +5 years ago... 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 00:55

@Newton Looking at part of an image from an old report... Less than five percent of all "drill hole composites" had greater 0.8% Cu? That may be largely driven by how they did the composites for that model? I believe there are several high-grade starter pits waiting oco to find and define

@Newton/is-santo-tomas-worth-rebooting-by-oroco-resources-oco 1 from #oco, 21 Apr 2023, 00:59

@Newton Cu Equivalent (CuEq) % = Cu % + (Mo %*3.75) + (Au ppm*0.752).

Cu % 0.83

CuEQ % 0.93

Mostly driven by copper... do we know mineralogy? It's starting at 290m so it's probably not oxide. No mention of the word bornite 1 from #oco, 21 Apr 2023, 01:02

@Newton "N045 (Plate NZ-47) intersected 329.8 m of 0.50% CuEq demonstrating a down dip continuation of the North Zone to over 400 m below surface. Significantly, N045 intersected mineralization only 42 m below surface on the western flank of the Santo Tomas ridge. Modelling of the historical results, the current drilling, and structural analysis has successfully delineated good-grade North Zone mineralization in a gently north-plunging panel beneath the Santo Tomas ridge, extending 1,600 meters along strike to a depth of 400 to 800 m below the surface."

Sounds like enough to start a "conceptual estimate" as per 43-101 rules.

How much rock are we talking about here? Well start with a square block+ 147 more words. Click to expand 1 from #oco, 21 Apr 2023, 01:07

@Newton @cal what's a tonne to a pound? Half a million tonnes of contained copper makes for a 1.1 billion pounds eh! Hello "Cresta Norte" 0 from #oco, 21 Apr 2023, 01:09

@Newton @cryptoleaf hello! 0 21 Apr 2023, 01:10


@dcurtis I dare you to say "uninvestable" again ! 1 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 01:22


fun 0 from #memes, 21 Apr 2023, 01:23


"I want to tell you I've been involved with top-cuts before with high-grade ore bodies before. One example is from Goldcorp back in 2000 for the Red Lake ore body. When they published their annual report, I read it. Nobody reads reports anymore but back in those days you had to read them because that's all you had. Luckily, Rob McEwen said the top-cut grade is 1.2 ounces per tonne at Red Lake but the un-cut grade is 2.1. Being a good chartered accountant that I am, the difference between 1.2 and 2.1 is a lifetime of investing. It's a lifetime of investing to know the difference because it's all profit. Let's imagine that h+ 95 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 01:24




A little later I organized a news bureau as an adjunct of the advertising agency.

It is acknowledged that this news bureau accomplished much for Nevada. As a matter of fact, it is generally conceded by Goldfield pioneers and by mining-stock brokers throughout the country that the news bureau was directly responsible for bringing into the State of Nevada tens of millions of dollars for investment, and was indirectly responsible for the opening up of the Mohawk and other great gold mines of the Goldfield camp and of the State.

The prospectors who located Goldfield were without means. George Wing+ 168 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 21 Apr 2023, 01:25

@dcurtis News break and breaking news , it will blow your mind . Elon Musk is a cyborg clone of ... you guessed it Robert Friedland , and he is not thrilled . I Gotta hit @Newton and @Thrive with this . Screw U serendipity 1 , 2 , and69 . only one of you is a professional jokester . 0 from #jokes, 21 Apr 2023, 01:26

@cupnhandle @newton do you have a link to that old report with the pic you posted? 0 from #oco, 21 Apr 2023, 06:34

@Grassroots @sunofabeach when we found this map in the historical reports there was not a single claim staked in the area. So we staked it all, brought it to BN who introduced us to YORK s Andrew Lee and GLDS SAND s Keith Anderson! The rest is history LOL. YORK GLDS SAND #Copper #Zinc #Silver #Gold #Cobalt #Newfoundland... Special shoutout to @newton @goldbulldog and @Biggains for their role in getting the deal put together. 6 from #glds, 22 Apr 2023, 07:27

@Newton hello 0 from #klm, 22 Apr 2023, 22:09


Thanks for the data room #Newton 1 from #klm, 22 Apr 2023, 22:10


@dcurtis hello! 0 from @j2_911mining, 22 Apr 2023, 22:21

@Newton faint heart never won fair lady

Fortuna, in Roman religion, goddess of chance or lot who became identified with the Greek Tyche; the original Italian deity was probably regarded as the bearer of prosperity and increase. As such she resembles a fertility deity, hence her association with the bounty of the soil and the fruitfulness of women. Frequently she was an oracular goddess consulted in various ways regarding the future. Fortuna was worshiped extensively in Italy from the earliest times. At Praeneste her shrine was a well-known oracular seat, as was her shrine at Antium. Fortuna is often re+ 37 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 22 Apr 2023, 22:27



BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement

BULLETIN DATE: April 25, 2022

A year flies by! 1 from @carbon8ed, 22 Apr 2023, 22:30

@Newton Billion dollar company DME 2 from #dme, 22 Apr 2023, 22:31


October Skylights

Image Credit & Copyright: Malcolm Park

Explanation: As northern hemisphere nights grow longer, October is a good month for spotting auroras, or even other eerie apparitions after dark. And this week the night sky did not disappoint. On October 24th a solar coronal mass ejection impacted planet Earth's magnetosphere triggering far ranging auroral displays. On that night, this dramatic silhouette against deep red and beautiful green curtains of shimmering light was captured near Whitby, Ontario, Canada. But auroras were reported even farther south, in US states like Alabama, Kansas, and Oklahoma at latitudes rar+ 32 more words. Click to expand 0 from @dcurtis, 22 Apr 2023, 22:58

@Newton ThankYou

1 from #klm, 22 Apr 2023, 23:05

@Newton Shoutout Doug Reeson! 0 from #gss, 22 Apr 2023, 23:08

@Newton Hello MGA ! I didn't know this was listed on the big board? #Bullish 0 from #mga, 22 Apr 2023, 23:09

@Newton Hello @ChrisCringle! 1 from #pa, 22 Apr 2023, 23:11

@Newton I was on a conference call today. 9am to 5pm. Fun times, lots of laughs and fights. A company gave pitch at start of call and guy was still there like 4 hours later, which was awesome. I finally got to ask some questions and went with the line about "operational people?" General version of the question is whatever, but the specific version of the question goes like -- does anyone in the field crew at site own significant amount of shares?

KLM check the stats how many shares in this pic?

@Midwing what 1 from #klm, 22 Apr 2023, 23:14

@Newton #jokes @dcurtis finds this stock and starts buying in the market. It starts going up so he buys more. He calls his broker to sell and the guy says, "to who?"

2 from #klm, 22 Apr 2023, 23:17

@Newton Transcript of recent GMX interview #Bullish

"hi Marlon uh my name is Jack stock I am the President of Globex mining Enterprises Inc we are a property Bank exploration company and royalty company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange we have a diff we have a different kind of business model which you'll see as we go forward in this interview Jack thank you Jack Stoch’s story on how he became the CEO of the company very much for the introduction and what a pleasure to meet you um I see that the company's been around for uh for a long time can you just tell me when when did you become the CEO I became the CEO in 1987. uh one month after the crash t+ 5984 more words. Click to expand 1 from #gmx, 22 Apr 2023, 23:19

@Newton Interesting to see lots of fighting on call today. #Bullish

Something like markets bottom "when those who know it best love it least" ? I wonder how many of our problems will be solved by people who didn't create them from outside our business? 1 from #klm, 22 Apr 2023, 23:23

@Newton Is SEA doing more stuff in BC? 0 from #sea, 22 Apr 2023, 23:45

@Newton Go @campbell.McCrary go ! 0 from #sea, 22 Apr 2023, 23:45

@ChrisCringle Hi @Newton - it's been a while ;) So you're also into PA 0 from #pa, 23 Apr 2023, 09:44

@Newton Hello EFF ! 0 from #eff, 23 Apr 2023, 10:57

@Newton @BEAVER65 old google map I made +2 years ago... 5 from #york, 23 Apr 2023, 11:34

@Newton @dcurtis what did the geologist say to the prospector when he found some new high-grade? "Oh, I sampled that already" something like 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 12:54


Copper is a good conductor of electricity, and is used extensively to make electrical wiring and components. The purification of copper is a form of recycling. Copper is purified further using electrolysis and we call it Copper Electrorefining (electrolytic refining). In industry this is carried out on a massive scale. The electrolytic copper production is processed in the huge copper electrolytic tank fulfilled with copper electrolytic solution. Even the best chemical method cannot remove all the impurities from the copper, but with electrolytic refining it is possible to produce 99.99% pure copper (whatever method is used to manufacture copper fr+ 24 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 22:57

@Newton #Copper #Bullish

--Copper is one of the most used metals in the world, and the first one that humans started to use. But have you ever wondered how it's mined? Here we bring you the whole process. Watch this copper mining process review and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

Thumbnail inspired by FAR EAST GROUP




/ @hmegermany7795





/ @in-order4608




/ @theoriginalupcast


SOUTHERN+ 100 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:00

@Newton @newswire/hudbay-and-copper-mountain-combine-to-create-a-premier

Following the closing of the Transaction, the Board of Directors of Hudbay will include two directors from the Board of Directors of Copper Mountain, and the management team of Hudbay will include select members from the management team of Copper Mountain. In addition, existing Hudbay and Copper Mountain shareholders will own approximately 76% and 24% of Hudbay, respectively. In light of the Transaction, Gil Clausen has postponed his retirement and will remain as President and Chief Executive Officer of Copper Mountain until closing.

Is this a done deal? Could we see another better bidder come in at the last minute with a host+ 322 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:05


I looked around their site and Copper Mountain but couldn't find mention of the transcript of the analyst call to discuss the deal...

0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:06

@Newton #Jokes I bought the Jim Dines "book of a hundred jokes" but never bought the nude life photography book. Whoops 1 from @dcurtis, 23 Apr 2023, 23:07

@Newton @7042man

Hello! 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:11

@Newton @dcurtis #jokes?

There's an elite race track a few hours drive from our projects.

Hit him with another race car joke @carbon8ed ? 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:12


@911mining good job out there on April 22nd #boardroom 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:13

@Newton @911mining are the gloves in that picture good? Better or worse than the orange ones? Any others better worse? @brazeau_mining laughed when he first saw those gloves, looked familiar 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:15

@Newton Hello @GeoMilo ! 0 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:15

@Newton song from 1933 in Kentucky about someone who died in a mining accident 1 from #klm, 23 Apr 2023, 23:22

@Newton Where are we a year later? 0 from #ccr, 23 Apr 2023, 23:34

@Newton NRG level two while halted...

NEWRANGE GOLD CORP. ("NRG")BULLETIN TYPE: Consolidation "Remain Halted"BULLETIN DATE: April 4, 2023TSX Venture Tier 2 CompanyPursuant to the directors' resolution passed on March 06, 2023, the Company has consolidated its capital on a (6) old for (1) new basis. The name of the Company has not been changed.Effective at the opening of Thursday, April 06, 2023, the shares of Newrange Gold Corp. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange on a consolidated basis. The Company is classified as a 'Mining' company.Post – Consolidation Capitalization:Unlimited + 28 more words. Click to expand 0 from #nrg, 23 Apr 2023, 23:36

@Newton 0.02 with 32m shares out for 0.6M market cap? Or 0.09 for more like 3M market cap? Or does everything change with a new deal? Mithril Australia? Hello! 0 from #nrg, 23 Apr 2023, 23:40

@Newton Hi @Eggplants 0 from @eggplants, 23 Apr 2023, 23:40

@Newton What else?

IC 5067 in the Pelican Nebula

Image Credit & Copyright: Data - Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), R. Colombari, Processing - Roberto Colombari

Explanation: The prominent ridge of emission featured in this sharp, colorful skyscape is cataloged as IC 5067. Part of a larger emission nebula with a distinctive shape, popularly called The Pelican Nebula, the ridge spans about 10 light-years following the curve of the cosmic pelican's head and neck. This false-color view also translates the pervasive glow of narrow emission lines from atoms in the nebula to a color palette made popular in Hubble Space Telesco+ 77 more words. Click to expand 0 23 Apr 2023, 23:41

@911mining @Newton the orange are far better for field work. The ones in the picture are just what wasn't soaked from the previous day of torrential downpour. Also the island motorsports circuit membership is like 50k a year. My seacan full of kermode samples is 400 meters away from this track. 2 from #klm, 24 Apr 2023, 00:15

@Newton Taylor Swift 2022 NYU speech closing...

And I'm not gonna lie, these mistakes will cause you to lose things. I'm trying to tell you that losing things doesn't just mean losing. A lot of the time when we lose things, we gain things too. Now you leave the structure and framework of school and chart your own path. Every choice you make leads to the next choice, which leads to the next and I know it's hard to know which path to take. There will be times in life where you need to stand up for yourself times when the right thing is actually to back down and apologize, times when the right thing is to fight, times when the right thing is to turn and run, times + 246 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 24 Apr 2023, 00:36

@Newton @911mining do you need like ten more pairs of the gloves? 1 from #klm, 24 Apr 2023, 00:37

@911mining @Newton We can always use more gloves. 3 from #klm, 24 Apr 2023, 06:19

@dcurtis Life hack . When watching Hulu you can't FF trough the damn commercial let it play (They let you know the length of torture) 60 seconds is enough time to take a piss AND wash your hands , 120 seconds , Brush , floss and rinse . 2 minutes and 30 seconds work on that novel . Unless you miss Flo talkink about bundleing you insurance , it will make the Kung Fu reruns much better . @Newton @Thrive @Newton @NORM 2 from #jokes, 25 Apr 2023, 16:01

@Newton Wait, what? "Golden Triangle Syndicate" @midwing 0 from #sea, 26 Apr 2023, 14:25

@Newton @freerider classic contrarian indicator 1 from #moz, 26 Apr 2023, 14:26

@Newton Wait, what? 0 from #nwst, 26 Apr 2023, 14:30

@Newton Sorry to see Peter Bell out! Surprised to see Dave Moore back. The company is lucky to have Dave come back as he is a powerhouse. #Bullish 0 from #nwst, 26 Apr 2023, 14:31

@Newton Hi @tamarack 0 from @tamarack, 26 Apr 2023, 14:31

@Newton More talk with some guys about potential to buy cash flow from oil plays? I wonder...

"Hi everyone, all the best from Victoria BC. Please can I ask if anyone has cash flowing oil assets to sell for shares in a pubco? Maybe an old conventional well that still has life? A friend has some pump tech that may help give some potential increase in yield, however please understand that I run a cash starved business and the potential to receive passive income for Kermode is significant compounding returns financially. I do not know for sure whether Kermode could use shares to buy an interest in an oil well as an expedited transaction per the TSXV rules but I believe it is possible. So far I haven't + 146 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 14:44

@dcurtis That market cap has got to be wrong . Accordingto Kermode Resources has a market cap of ....drum roll 737,351 , what not million but hundred thousand ..Ouch . Cut in half by someone selling 1,080 shares . Boo . Roll it back or roll it up @Newton 1 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 14:44

@Newton Half penny magic @dcurtis 0 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 14:44

@Newton Hello STU! 1 from #stu, 26 Apr 2023, 14:46

@Newton I wonder... 0 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 14:48

@Newton Hello! 0 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 14:59

@Newton Twitter thread on valuation calculations for mining companies... 0 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 15:03

@Newton Hello IFR 0 from #ifr, 26 Apr 2023, 15:08

@Newton IFR did this shares for services deal go through?

a) 10,000,000 Common Shares for the period July 1, 2019 to July 31, 2021 to four non-arm’s length Officers of the Company for partial consideration of services provided to IFR during the 25 month period of 250,000.

b) 1,600,000 Common Shares for the period July 1, 2019 to July 31, 2021 to an arm’s length Contractor of the Company for partial consideration for engineering services provided to IFR by the Contractor during the 25 month period of 40,000.

The Common Shares will vest immediately upon issuance and the issuance of the shares pursuant to the Agreements remains subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”). 0 from @globenewswire/ifr-announces-shares-for-services-agreements, 26 Apr 2023, 15:10

@Newton How's it looking @AllStreetsWolf? 0 from #mcf, 26 Apr 2023, 15:17

@Newton Classic 3 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 15:43


Don't internalize that prison! 0 from @investorgator, 26 Apr 2023, 15:53

@Newton Hello PBM! #Bullish 2 from #pbm, 26 Apr 2023, 15:56

@Newton "That way we'll have it." @investorgator 0 26 Apr 2023, 15:59

@Newton @Lenny1K AMC #Bullish 2 from #amc, 26 Apr 2023, 16:01

@BookValueGuy @newton HighGradeRock Technologies ;) 1 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 16:25

@ticotime2020 @Newton - Was @goldbulldog ever associated with Kermode in a professional matter? 0 from #klm, 26 Apr 2023, 20:58


#Newton for CEO NWST


I studied this for @mackvorkian back in 2020 and found a bunch of awesome info.

#Bullish If I was CEO then I'd prioritize trial mining at the "native copper" area at surface?

#Boardroom 0 from #nwst, 27 Apr 2023, 01:03

@Newton #TaylorSwift "life hacks"

So I won’t tell you what to do because no one likes that. I will, however, give you some life hacks I wish I knew when I was starting out my dreams of a career, and navigating life, love, pressure, choices, shame, hope and friendship.

The first of which is…life can be heavy, especially if you try to carry it all at once. Part of growing up and moving into new chapters of your life is about catch and release. What I mean by that is, knowing what things to keep, and what things to release. You can’t carry all things, all grudges, all updates on your ex, al+ 665 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 27 Apr 2023, 01:06

@Newton @ticotime2020

0 from #klm, 27 Apr 2023, 01:08


@carbon8ed I suppose "industry" may be too strong of a word, will have to do. 1 24 Apr 2023, 06:32 0 from #klm, 27 Apr 2023, 01:17

@ticotime2020 @newton so @goldbulldog used to be a Senior Officer of Issuer. 🤨 2 from #klm, 27 Apr 2023, 11:48

@Newton Best to all 2 from #klm, 27 Apr 2023, 15:52

@Newton Well done SYH 0 from #syh, 27 Apr 2023, 15:56

@Newton Hello FPX ! 1 from #fpx, 28 Apr 2023, 12:59

@jmm from: FPX Hello @Newton, nice to see you here. 1 from #fpx, 28 Apr 2023, 13:02

@Newton Someone mentioned magnesium and carbon capture, I said "FPX!" #Bullish #FreeDougBebb 2 from #fpx, 28 Apr 2023, 13:35

@Newton Will they make full drill hole database public @LTView? 0 from #oco, 28 Apr 2023, 13:52

@Newton @DeeJayEl classic

To gain status, be the critic.

To gain wealth, be the criticized.

#memes #tommy #boardroom

3 from #klm, 28 Apr 2023, 13:53

@Newton @911mining SLESSE CREEK, eh?

@westcoast_wizard First Nations territory across the border there? 2 from #klm, 28 Apr 2023, 13:54

@DeeJayEl So what is the plan here @newton - I first bought here at 3c. Seems I have no status or wealth. 3 from #klm, 28 Apr 2023, 14:10

@Newton would be so happy @carbon8ed 2 from #klm, 29 Apr 2023, 15:03

@Newton Fun time on the conference call with investors today. Less people and shorter than last week's epic marathon call, but still lots of fun. Gives a hint that it could be a long quiet summer for many out there. In the meantime, @911mining busting long days at the SLESSE CREEK gold project on the mainland today and yesterday. What will tomorrow bring? 4 from #klm, 29 Apr 2023, 15:06

@dcurtis Sunday @Newton @Thrive @J_Serendipity SUNDAY 0 from #jokes, 30 Apr 2023, 07:58


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Shepa Learning Company Logo

Shepa Learning Company

Our engaging online courses, webinars, and in-person speaker presentations will help you think differently about business networking.

For Individuals For Organizations

Before we get started, let’s dispel some myths about business networking

Most people think networking is about selling oneself. That it’s pushy. Transactional. No wonder it’s not at the top of everyone’s ‘to do’s! We’re here to help you see that business networking is none of those things. It isn’t about you. It’s about discovering what you can do for others. It’s what we call Positive Networking® – the inspiration behind our ne+ 732 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 12:26

@Newton Bullish 0 from #hstr, 30 Apr 2023, 12:30


Cool survey 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 12:37

@Newton @dcurtis 0 from #jokes, 30 Apr 2023, 12:37

anonymous What Next ? #NewtonInterviews KLM Q1 2023, by @Newton

@Newton/what-next-newtoninterviews-klm-q1-2023 1 from #articles, 30 Apr 2023, 14:22

@Newton @midwing 0 from #azs, 30 Apr 2023, 14:22

@Newton I want to do the deal with Milo. I think I'm going to revise the terms to that. I think Milo is hitting at a level higher than I realized and I want to look at more of like a Caycuse style option agreement with Milo rather than what we had. @GeoMilo 0 from @newton/what-next-newtoninterviews-klm-q1-2023, 30 Apr 2023, 14:24

@Newton from #klm, 30 Mar 2023, 23:35

#sedar KLM text version of MD&A here[terms]=newton

#NewtonNotes KLM 2023-03-30 MD&A

The Company’s financial condition as at the end of the quarter was weak. The rate of spending was similar to prior quarters in terms of the total amount and composition, with most spending focused on exploration work. However, a new development occurred in January 2023 when the Company established shares-for-services agreements with two exploration contractors. These new agreements allow the Company to complete exp+ 1208 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:22

@Newton #Boardroom I see the notification count but can't read the messages?

0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:23


Saturn, Tethys, Rings, and Shadows

Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA

Explanation: Seen from ice moon Tethys, rings and shadows would display fantastic views of the Saturnian system. Haven't dropped in on Tethys lately? Then this gorgeous ringscape from the Cassini spacecraft will have to do for now. Caught in sunlight just below and left of picture center in 2005, Tethys itself is about 1,000 kilometers in diameter and orbits not quite five saturn-radii from the center of the gas giant planet. At that distance (around 300,000 kilometers) it is well outside Saturn's main bright rings, but Tethys is s+ 53 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:25

@Newton #HelloWorld CEOca 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:26

@Newton @newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares

"Wash, rinse, and repeat. This situation with the shares for services is a little more direct. Prospectors do the work, then they get paid and shares. Either way, we're printing shares but how much we print and when is very different. With shares for services, we print after the work is done and we print in an amount equal to the work that was done. If we do a financing, then we have to raise all the money upfront and sit on the cash. If we're doing shares for services, we are printing just in time like manufacturing philosophy "just in time". That's more like what we're doing with this shares for services agreements."

#BULLISH @cal 1 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:28

@Newton @yup how does it look 0 from #esau, 30 Apr 2023, 22:28

@Newton run, run, run! In Greek mythology, Nike (/ˈnaɪki/ (listen); Ancient Greek: Νίκη, lit. 'victory', ancient: [nǐː.kɛː], modern: [ˈ]) was a goddess who personified victory in any field including art, music, war, and athletics.[1] She is often portrayed in Greek art as Winged Victory in the motion of flight;[2] however, she can also appear without wings as "Wingless Victory"[3] when she is being portrayed as an attribute of another deity such as Athena.[4] In Greek literature Nike is described as both an attribute and attendant to the gods Zeus and Athena.[5] Nike gained this honored + 123 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:30

@Newton KLM

1.47 M Market cap

147.47 M Shares

Look at the numerology @robby 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:30


@MustangFever what next? 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:32

@Newton something something "remediation" 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:32

@Newton I wonder if that old camper is sitting there for a reason. Duh? I wonder what's going on around there at that spot with the bornite more of that please and thanks! Oh, it's friable?

... @newton/what-next-newtoninterviews-klm-q1-2023 And I wonder if we can get bornite off a table? Can you pan a concentrate of bornite from this rock they are finding on the island? I don't know. I don't know anything about that, other than the trick with the nail plating copper from loose surface material that I saw at Kintavar’s project years ago. Great field technique for high-grade copper. I don’t know the mineralogy and separation stuff but t+ 159 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:35

@Newton "Microscopic examination of the ore indicated that the cobalt and copper minerals could be liberated by grinding through 65-mesh. To avoid excessive slimming of these minerals the minus 10-mesh crusher product was screened on a 48-mesh screen. The plus 48- mesh oversize was then ground at 65 per cent solids in a laboratory ball mill in closed circuit with a 48-mesh screen. All of the minus 48-mesh material was combined and treated by flotation to remove the copper minerals."

@911mining do we have room for this at the shipping container or do we need more space? 1 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:38

@Newton Specific Gravity:5.06 - 5.09 #BORNITE

Specific Gravity:4.1 - 4.3 #CHALCOPYRITE

Specific Gravity:7.3 - 7.87 IRON (!) ... I will tweet at him to ask about separating a bornite concentrate from a table with rock like this? 1 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:41

@Newton @911mining keep in mind that John Fahmy has like +10,000 hours arguing with me about markets and junior mining, so you're unlikely to convince him of anything.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Water Off a Duck’s Back

By Allen White

Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult. Proverbs 12:16

Years ago I was exiting the choir room at church with a friend. As we walked out the door, we ran into my racquetball partner (it was a long time ago). He made some comment I can’t remember now. I don’t know if he was trying to be+ 266 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:43

@911mining @newton we sure do! 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:44

@911mining @newton The Bible advises us, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19). How many problems could be avoided, if we listened more and talked less? 1 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:47

@Newton Psst @911mining if you really want to read some fun comments then check out this thread I started a couple years ago. I had some fun reading these. Last one is certainly my favourite.

Does anyone know the 911 Mining Co. in BC, Canada?

13th Dec 2021 20:09 UTCPeter Newton Bell

Hello, it seems like this group is doing some really cool work. Does anyone here know the 911 Mining Co. in BC, Canada? Thanks, from Peter Bell

13th Dec 2021 21:33 UTCKevin Conroy Manager

I had never heard of them until I read your message. However, doing a Google search I found some info, and have some thoughts.

They say that: "Not only+ 1711 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:51

@Newton Iron

Khungtukun Massif, Malaya Romanikha River, Khatanga, Taimyr Peninsula, Taymyrskiy Autonomous Okrug, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia


cool iron pic 1 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:53

@Newton @911mining let's get some of yours up on here eh 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:54

@Newton @911mining d1 d3 plus echelon what @midwing 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:54

@Newton Chalcopyrite, Calcite

Banská Štiavnica, Banská Štiavnica District, Banská Bystrica Region, Slovakia

Chalcopyrite crystals with black tarnish on white calcite, size 10x9 cm. Gerard van der Veldt collection and photo.

© G. van der Veldt

@911mining I wouldn't recognize it with the "black tarnish". I wonder what the tarnish is? Tellurium or something? 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:56

@Newton @911mining silly picture here for you

0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 22:58

@Newton Soil gas hydrocarbons "SGH is a method that samples the continuous and rapid hydrocarbon flux emanating from bacterial activity on the mineral or petroleum target at depth. The SGH method is a weak leach of near surface samples which are used as collectors of the hydrocarbon flow"

@911mining this is a "passive geochem" method. There's also "passive geophysics" for example "passive seismic". Possible to do passive seismic on a grid and make a 3d model of subsurface. Ask NFG about it in Newfoundland @grassroots 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 23:02


The geologist asked, "are there different aged rocks in this breccia? How did it form?"

I'm thinking, "can we crush it?" 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 23:04

@Newton Thank you for your service @911mining Best of BC Mining #boardroom 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 23:04

@Newton "You will certainly get a concentration on a table!"

Q: Can we expect to get the bornite into a concentrate off a table when we have that gory stuff from the camp site April 22nd SOTW ?

A: Yes, apparently. Cornish Dave on twitter says so. He is a sales guy for Holman Wilfley tables. #Bullish 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 23:09

@Newton And what about the ball mill improvised from a cement mixer? We must!

Imagine a little "Self Loading Concrete Mixer" set up at site to go through loose, free-dig material sitting at the side of logging roads. Load the mixer with steel balls and do the milling right there where you dig the high-grade? Then do some preliminary separation method at site (dry gravity?) and bring it back to a shaker table at work yard for concentrate. Cool!


The Gravity Separator makes a highly sensitive dry separation on the basis of one of three particle characteristics: density, size or shap+ 25 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 23:14

@Newton Christopher Nolan’s plot map from his hit movie Inception. My takeaways for business, writing, and storytelling: 0 from @newton/what-next-newtoninterviews-klm-q1-2023, 30 Apr 2023, 23:22

@Newton Jabr looking at Mnt Baker

"light touch" #NewtonDeals 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 23:25

@Newton Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcomes 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 23:26

@Newton @DeeJayEl regards 0 from #klm, 30 Apr 2023, 23:26

@Newton @newton/what-next-newtoninterviews-klm-q1-2023

Shoutout ARQ #JudyBaker #Bullish


I posted some of my emails I've sent guys about oil. I think oil plays are really cool. The potential for positive cash flow in Kermode is bullish. It would really help me feel more comfortable about the stability of the company if we could print our way into some cash flow. That's pretty cool.

Judy Baker and Argo Gold have made this successful transition and change of business to an oil and gas issuer. Now they're in production. I went to her and said, “Judy you rock! You still have mining properties, right? Can I option those and pick up some of your cash flow from your oil?” She said talk to these oth+ 144 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 1 May 2023, 11:07

@Newton What are the expectations for share issuance here @deeJayEl and how do they compare to other similar companies? What comparable companies are there for KLM?

Shoutout PBM 2 from #klm, 1 May 2023, 11:08

@Airic101 0.55:1 strip raio!? 🤩🤑 Peter Bell @newton, thoughts? 1 from #zaca, 1 May 2023, 15:31

@Newton Nice work SASQ

A cluster of holes were concentrated within a 12-15 meter wide zone where mineralization starts at surface in the Historic Mining Zone, with holes pitched to test the extent of mineralization extending outward and downward (see Figure 4 below). All holes drilled in the Historic Mining Zone were mineralized from surface right to the bottom, with these highlights:

BPH01 intercepted 6.1 meters of mineralization graded between 8.32 to 11.25 g/t gold, 4.19 to 9.55% copper, 98.8 to 142 g/t silver and 2.57 to 6.77% zinc ending in mineralization after the backpack drill reached its effective limit.

BPH02 intercepted 3.15 me+ 158 more words. Click to expand 0 from #sasq, 2 May 2023, 07:12

@Newton Hello! 1 from #sasq, 2 May 2023, 07:12

@Newton Hello @Airic101! 0 from #zaca, 2 May 2023, 07:15

@Newton Good work SASQ news release on backpack drilling with @911mining, #Bullish 1 from #klm, 2 May 2023, 07:16

@Newton Hello @Tylermuir 0 from @goodasgold, 2 May 2023, 07:17

@Newton Detailed discussion with @911mining about trip to Slesse Creek. Very different from SOTW and other Vancouver Island projects. Lots of hiking to get around and a lot of snow melting. There are some impressive historical gold numbers from that project and I think @911mining did quality prospecting work at the project. Impressive to see the crew size double from 2 to 4 simply, quickly, cheaply. Well done @911mining 4 from #klm, 2 May 2023, 07:19

@Newton Hello SOMA! Talking about 50M of gold production this year and market cap 60M? Interesting! @investorgator is this normal? 0 from #soma, 2 May 2023, 07:20

@skybridge @newton welcome on the board. 0 from #soma, 2 May 2023, 07:58

@Newton "Core Four" crew? Back to the double-J Justin & Justin J1 and J2 out at STAR OF THE WEST today. Justin said, "Caycuse needs some work." I said, "Please go back to that spot where you found the bornite? And dig some more to send to @GeoMilo for him to show his friends?" I was thinking about making a vial of bornite concentrate, but it's probably simpler and more effective to start with a chalcopyrite concentrate. Can we make a pound of 80% chalcopyrite with simple gravity methods, like panning? Or do we need to get into magnetics stuff to pull the copper out with the iron? Lots of questions about mineralogy and metallurgy that I don't know yet.

"You need to experiment." 2 from #klm, 2 May 2023, 08:44

@Newton @carbon8ed you would have enjoyed parts of conversation with @911mining yesterday. I will endeavour to record and share some of them in the future. Planning for QP to make site visits in a couple weeks here. Could be some fun conversations with QP and @911mining about rocks. Also some potential fun "town hall" events. Or call it airing of grievances

4 from #klm, 2 May 2023, 08:50


@911mining SLESSE CREEK hello! 3 from #klm, 2 May 2023, 10:20

@Newton " interest in a JV of our 100% owned KSM is at all time highs. " 4 from #sea, 2 May 2023, 10:33

@Newton Hello! 2 from #klm, 2 May 2023, 10:49

@Airic101 Hi @newton.... thoughts on that strip ratio? sounds incredible. 0 from #zaca, 2 May 2023, 12:47

@Newton @muskokaman

piss·ing con·test


a contest or rivalry in which the main concern of the parties involved is the conspicuous demonstration of superiority.

Not for me thanks! 0 from @muskokaman, 3 May 2023, 06:50

@Newton Thanks @911mining! Premiere happening now 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 06:50

@Newton Fun to see @j2_911mining walking over with that big piece of float did he find something? 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 06:54

@Newton Thanks @Nuggetz! Your past comments about "salts" also very interesting. Pictures Description

Originally called "gray sulphuret of copper in dodecahedral crystals" in 1817 by James Sowerby.

Renamed in 1819 by William Phillips in honor of Smithson Tennant [November 30, 1761, Selby, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom - February 22, 1815, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France], English chemist of independent means. Tennant established the beneficial nature of using limestone to reduce soil acidity. He and William Hyde Wollaston, who was then his chemical assistant, analyzed graphite and diamond and found that graphite and diamond were + 33 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 08:56

@Newton 'Tennantite Subgroup' is mentioned on the MINDAT page for the SULPHURETS project? As in the "S" part of the KSM project name? Kerr Sulphurets Mitchell? One of the most important copper deposits in the world today? SEA? Thanks @Nuggetz! Definitely a mineral to keep an eye open for

1 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 08:58

@Newton 'Tennantite Subgroup' also mentioned at the "Gap lens deposit, Buttle Lake, Alberni Mining Division, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada" ? That is the MYRA FALLS MINE? Okay!

0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 08:59

@Newton H-W mine (Myra Falls) cool pictures of mineral specimens...

Chalcopyrite " Mineral specimens are uncommon from this well-known copper mine started in 1985. This impressive large plate consists of bands of sparkling sharp brassy chalcopyrite crystals on microcrystalline quartz. The hefty matrix is sparkly microcrystalline chalcopyrite or pyrite. Rare large combination material, probably collected by Art Soregaroli himself in October, 1991. Even the precise mine locality is known: 2300 Level, CF-345 Stope. Weighs 6.4 pounds or 2.9 kilograms."

Tennanite @Nuggetz "Tennantite with ch+ 27 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 09:02

@Newton And it's mentioned at the Britannia Mine, too? Okay! Thanks for mentioning this one @Nuggetz I hadn't heard about it but the fact that it is mentioned at these several important projects in west coast BC deserves careful note!

Metallic brassy coloured Chalcopyrite from a major copper mine that is now a mining Museum

1 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 09:04

@Newton "the rock is worth more than your stock lol" #memes

0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 09:06

@Newton @Newton/what-next-newtoninterviews-klm-q1-2023

"Another random thing I'll mention is to shout out Nuggetz. A friend from CEO dot ca who's reached out a couple times and talked to me about the company. What we should do in the future. He's got lots of amazing ideas and I want to make deals happen. I want to do bullish deals, so bring them on. Bring me deals I can sign. As I said to him and have said publicly many times to anyone who will listen, the way to build my deals is to start with the tip of the spear. That means the guys swinging hammer, who's doing the work. They're in the room getting stock. And generally after that, we include other people who can be helpful as part of the deal. I + 66 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 09:26

@dcurtis Run @Newton run . Jenny , just like peas and carrots . Some of the funniest movies are also the saddest :( Waaa 0 from #jokes, 3 May 2023, 11:58

@Newton #jokes @dcurtis came onto CEOca to talk junior mining stocks and it got so rowdy that a hockey game broke out! 2 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 15:07

@Newton Hello @Luckierjack 0 from @luckierjack, 3 May 2023, 15:12

@Newton Are Ron and Dan filing insiders? 0 from #sbmi, 3 May 2023, 15:13

@Luckierjack @Newton Ron is on the board so he must file if he owns shares. But so far nada from him. 1 from #sbmi, 3 May 2023, 16:57

@Newton #jokes so my doctor said something something "it's not a tape worm, it's a hate worm" oy 1 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 21:51

@Newton Last night I saw this show "OLD STOCK" it was the 400th performance by this cast and crew. They were very good. I bought the script and CD and got it signed for @jjjj let's find gold 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 21:53

@Newton @Midwing something something pure laine


Ben Caplan


Playwright: Hannah Moscovitch

Director: Christian Barry

Songs by: Ben Caplan, Christian Barry and Geoff Berner

Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story is a humourously dark folktale woven together with a high-energy concert. This Klezmer-folk music-theatre hybrid starring genre-bending sensation Ben Caplan is inspired by the true stories of two Jewish Romanian refugees coming to Canada in 1908.

It's about how to love after being broken by the horrors of war. It's about refugees who get out before it's too late, and those who get out after it's too late. And it's a+ 152 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 21:53

@Newton Buuuuddy Whatup GIF - Buuuuddy Whatup Whatsup 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 22:00


"Prize Fights and Mining Promotion."


For a fortnight there was a lull in news of sensatorial gold discoveries, but the approaching Gans-Nelson fight, which was arranged to be held in Goldfield on Labor Day, September 3, furnished sufficient exciting reading matter for the newspapers throughout the land to keep the Goldfield news pot boiling. The Sullivan Trust Company had guaranteed the promoters of the fight against loss to the extent of 10,000, and other camp interests put up 50,000 more. Gans, the fighter, was without funds to put up his forfeit and make the mat+ 1519 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 22:02

@Newton @911mining hello! 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 22:07

@Newton @911mining any ideas about stuff like this? 0 from #klm, 3 May 2023, 22:43

@Newton @Airic101 hmmm 0 4 May 2023, 09:59

@Newton Classic #RayDalio

Knowing what people are like is the best indicator of how well they are likely to handle their responsibilities in the future. At Bridgewater, we call this "paying more attention to the swing than the shot." Since good and bad outcomes can arise from circumstances that might not have had anything to do with how the individual handled the situation, it is preferable to assess people based on both their reasoning and their outcomes. I probe their thinking in a very frank way so as not to let them off the hook. Doing this has taught me a lot about how to assess others' logic, and how t+ 114 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 4 May 2023, 10:07

@Newton Hello again @tamarack 0 4 May 2023, 10:33

@Newton #Bullish SYH 0 from #syh, 4 May 2023, 10:35

@Newton @Airic101 these projects can be a lot of fun 2 from #zaca, 4 May 2023, 10:36

@Newton #Bullish @jamjam 0 from #gshr, 4 May 2023, 10:37 Welcome @Newton 1 from #gshr, 4 May 2023, 10:40

@jamjam @Newton are you in? 2 from #gshr, 4 May 2023, 10:41

@Newton This showing is exposed of 50m wide on 2 roads and has large boulders of massive pyrite and chalcopyrite. This video was filmed on the Star of the West Property on April 15th. Samples and video were taken by 911 Exploration Corp. The property is currently under option with Kermode Resources Ltd.

@911mining #Bullish 1 from #klm, 5 May 2023, 07:08

@Newton @porc? @Exboss? 0 from #ckg, 5 May 2023, 07:10

@Newton Cool! 1 from #rhc, 5 May 2023, 07:11

@Exboss @newton ? 0 from #ckg, 5 May 2023, 07:14

@Newton Good work GGD 1 from #ggd, 5 May 2023, 09:05

@Newton Is this the old Cresval? Shoutout Lee Ann! 0 from #tfm, 5 May 2023, 09:25

@Newton Fun call again today. Deep dive into SPC nickel story? That story had changed a lot from the last time I heard it. Fascinating example of extreme types of projects with the "easy access" for the Sudbury project in shadow of headframe, versus 650km sq of exploration ground in Nunavut! Lots of other interesting people and stories... 2 from #klm, 6 May 2023, 17:49

@Newton Shoutout @J3rry thanks for dropping by call today. 0 from #klm, 6 May 2023, 17:50

@Newton @Grassroots good video! 0 from #klm, 6 May 2023, 17:50

@Newton Please have a look at #Whittle consulting. They focus on FS and production, but the concepts they teach apply to exploration. I'd love to see SPC publish a FS with bigger NPV than what the Vale engineers can get from the same data. How'd they do that?

@newton/taking-a-sledgehammer-to-your-mine-plan-with-gerald-whittle-whittle-consulting 0 from #spc, 6 May 2023, 17:55

@dcurtis @Newton must go to same dockor I go To . To many Ooos . Vinny , Vinnyboombats . What is the punch line ? .......i LOVE the.............Go Wales 1 from #jokes, 8 May 2023, 05:06

@Newton #Bullish @AllStreetsWolf 1 from #pnpn, 8 May 2023, 11:16

@Newton Hello @Nuggetz! 0 from #pemc, 8 May 2023, 13:51

@Newton "The Company and the board of directors have begun the search to find Mr. Beck's replacement. The board of directors has approved the appointment of Mr. Jim Atkinson, the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, as the Company's Interim Chief Financial Officer until Mr. Beck's replacement has been found."

I recall reading a basic requirement that there are at least 2 different people filling the 3 roles of CEO, CFO, and Secretary? Was that a TSXV requirement, whereas AUHI is on CSE ? 0 from #auhi, 8 May 2023, 14:02


SPC #Bullish 3 from #spc, 8 May 2023, 14:47

@Newton @mackvorkian SCOT 0 from #scot, 8 May 2023, 15:18

@Newton @dcurtis pics from "GREY COPPER" project #Newfoundland taken by Wes Keats today. Thanks @Grassroots good work. 1 from #klm, 8 May 2023, 15:34

@Newton Private deal with land nearby? 2 from #scot, 8 May 2023, 16:06

@dcurtis even marginal copper deposits will become economically viable . New paradigm @Newton . IVN looks better by the month 0 from @dcurtis, 8 May 2023, 18:07

@dcurtis Canadians are actually pretty good tippers . I know as a waiter for many years . The worst tippers ? American douche bags with American Express black cards . No joke @Newton 0 from #jokes, 8 May 2023, 18:15

@Newton #Newton for president @dcurtis 0 from #nwst, 8 May 2023, 20:31

@Newton I don't get no respect! 0 from #nwst, 8 May 2023, 20:33

@Newton #jokes @dcurtis do you know why @j2_911mining likes the magnetite so much? Because the copper isn't magnetic eh

2 from #klm, 8 May 2023, 23:03

@Newton IVN 150 let's go 0 from #ivn, 8 May 2023, 23:03

@Newton @911mining rock goes from cement mixer ball mill past a magnetic scavenger? Wow!

20,000 Gauss let's go!

Model: CF-5 WHIMS.

Volts: 115.

Hertz: DC.

Amps: 15.217.

Separator will generate a maximum magnetic field strength of approximately 8000 gauss in the open-air gap or approx. 20,000 gauss in the center of the matrix.

Annular separating ring will secure the matrix. Ring complete with matrix and drive table.

Stationary discharge tray located beneath the ring segregates the nonmagnetic, middli+ 64 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 8 May 2023, 23:13

@Newton Apparently an MRI is 15,000 Gauss units for magnet. Imagine a magnetic separator with 20,000 Gauss. Would that be "too much tuna" @dcurtis 0 from #klm, 8 May 2023, 23:16

@Newton Hello @Snow32 0 from #klm, 8 May 2023, 23:16

@Newton Hello KWG ! 1 from #kwg, 8 May 2023, 23:16

@Newton Hello @tin 0 from #eqty, 8 May 2023, 23:17

@Newton I think this is a very bullish time to be doing things in Mexico. It may be more difficult than before but the rocks haven't changed. It may actually end up being easier than before? I don't know anything about what it's like in Mexico. I don't know what happened with CKG or what else is happening in the country, but I would like to learn. I think Mexico is globally significant for mining and I think there is potential for that significance to grow over time. Cui bono?

One random thing that sticks in my mind about Mexico is their treatment of foreign refugees. During the USA Civil War, did Mexico offer refugees citizenship? I remember reading something like this but can't find a source now+ 16 more words. Click to expand 0 from #ckg, 8 May 2023, 23:29

@911mining @newton Throw some crushed material down the highbanker and it separates the magnetics from everything leaving you with any gold, sulphides only. Nice peice of test gear made on the island by to be quite a bit quicker than a shaker table at 5x cheaper.... 1 from #klm, 8 May 2023, 23:43

@dcurtis I want a second opinion @Newton . You're ugly too 0 from #jokes, 9 May 2023, 00:09

@Newton ‘the infraction point’ - glass onion: a knives out mystery (2022)

Miles Bron : Let me tell you a little secret. Your worldview is gonna change. Once you hear it, you can't un-hear it. Is your phone turned off?

Benoit Blanc : Oh, I left it in my room.

Miles Bron : Okay. If you want to shake things up, you start with something small. You break a norm or an idea or a convention, some little business model, but you go with things that people are kind of tired of anyway. Everybody gets excited because you're busting up something that everyone wanted broken in the first place. That's the infraction point. That's the place where y+ 115 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 9 May 2023, 00:27

@porc Cant tell if you are trolling or actually that uninformed @Newton 1 from #ckg, 9 May 2023, 03:15

@BigPines Hello @Newton 0 from #kwg, 9 May 2023, 03:46

@Newton Contrarian is as contrarian does? 0 from #ckg, 9 May 2023, 06:26

@Newton Good time of year with the long days @911mining! 3 from #klm, 9 May 2023, 06:26

@dcurtis I would visit @Newton in Canadia if it weren't for the language barrier . Parley vous Tim Horton . Don't even get me started on Hockey , what the puck ? @Newton 0 from #jokes, 9 May 2023, 08:11

@dcurtis Sports are fun to play and watch . Gambling , not so much . @Crusader and : @NEwTON , @GOLDFINGER . Sign her up 0 from #sports, 9 May 2023, 09:46

@dcurtis Beware Tuna !! Too much tuna ? How aboot too much mercury . The best tuna is chunk light , sure it looks a little like cat food and tastes a little "fishy" . It is tunaFISH . If you want it to taste like chicken just have the chicken salad . @Newton 0 from #jokes, 9 May 2023, 10:52

@dcurtis What is up with A I ? Joke . I am a human man/woman . Or how could I do this hahaha . No way . So hard being a human with emotions : ( . And what is up with money . Probably robots taking humans jobs LOL . Immigrants . Thats good shit @Newton . 0 from #jokes, 9 May 2023, 15:35


@dcurtis #memes 0 from @dcurtis, 9 May 2023, 21:11



Respect Gary Lewis 1 from #klm, 9 May 2023, 21:35

@Newton "rollback into strength" theoretically @MineNL? 1 from #mae, 9 May 2023, 22:41

@Newton Looking at deal @geomilo did in the past for a sense on valuation parameters. 0 from #klm, 9 May 2023, 22:59

@Newton Big opportunity in Nevada! 0 from #wex, 9 May 2023, 23:42

@Newton Respect to the Engdahl family! 3 from #nxe, 9 May 2023, 23:44

@Newton #MILOSZAMANIA 2 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 09:37

@Newton Hello GGL ! 2 from #ggl, 10 May 2023, 09:41

@Newton @Nuggetz DICTATOR formerly LIGHTNING PEAK. I think DISTRICT is a misnomer? FYI. 0 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 21:33




By P.T. Barnum


Some men have a foolish habit of telling their business secrets. If they make money they like to tell their neighbors how it was done. Nothing is gained by this, and ofttimes much is lost. Say nothing about your profits, your hopes, your expectations, your intentions. And this should apply to letters as well as to conversation. Goethe makes Mephistophilles say: "Never write a letter nor destroy one." Business men must write letters, but they should be careful what they put in them. If you are losing money, be specially cautious and not tell of it, or you will lose your reputation.

#Newton 0 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 21:33

@Newton Three good friends @dcurtis? PT BARNUM


It is more precious than diamonds or rubies. The old miser said to his sons: "Get money; get it honestly if you can, but get money:" This advice was not only atrociously wicked, but it was the very essence of stupidity: It was as much as to say, "if you find it difficult to obtain money honestly, you can easily get it dishonestly. Get it in that way." Poor fool! Not to know that the most difficult thing in life is to make money dishonestly! Not to know that our prisons are full of men who attempted to follow this advice; not to understand that no man can be dishonest, without soon being found out, and that when his lack of prin+ 551 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 21:34

@Newton Expert Advice for Predictable Junior Mining Stock Profits with Dr. Nicole Adshead-Bell "Well, there's nothing I like talking about then more than myself so here we go uh yeah so geologist originally you can probably tell from the accent I came from Australia being in Canada for approximately 22 years and then turned to the dark side after finishing a PhD I worked in Canada for a junior. I learned what it's like working for a junior from in the trenches so to speak. Then move to the buy side so I was working for precious metals SEC registered precious metals fund that really at a very global view of precious metals and had the luxury of really being+ 302 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 21:47

@Newton "I am calling for US 6 to US 8/lb copper as the minimum price range to incentivize..." #Bullish 0 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 21:49



Men in engaging employees should be careful to get the best. Understand, you cannot have too good tools to work with, and there is no tool you should be so particular about as living tools. If you get a good one, it is better to keep him, than keep changing. He learns something every day; and you are benefited by the experience he acquires. He is worth more to you this year than last, and he is the last man to part with, provided his habits are good, and he continues faithful. If, as he gets more valuable, he demands an exorbitant increase of salary; on the suppositi+ 232 more words. Click to expand 0 from #nine, 10 May 2023, 21:50

@Newton @NabtaPlayaEgypt see anything interesting around these areas? 2 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 21:52

@Newton @nabtaPlayaEgypt please help @brazeau_mining find some interesting stuff to stake and prospect thanks 2 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 21:59

@Newton Hello @Sweden 0 from #rmk, 10 May 2023, 22:00

@Newton Hello VONE CERT ! 4 from #vone, 10 May 2023, 22:03

@Newton Commissions 7% cash and 7% warrants create a bullish incentive for sales people. And discount to recent market action ( 2+ ) also another bullish incentive. Highest trading in a year on the news and it was 100K shares call it 150-200K worth of stock in one session on exchange. 50M market cap. Hello WEX ! #Bullish or #Bearish ? 0 from #wex, 10 May 2023, 22:08

@Newton Did I see a banner add "Drills turning at high-grade Anna Paula discovery" ? Hello HSTR ! 0 from #hstr, 10 May 2023, 22:09

@Newton #Bullish HSTR @goldfinger/this-ceo-with-a-record-of-success-in-mexico-is-looking-to-do-it-again

"The important thing to understand about Ana Paula is that it’s an advanced project, which has a completed pre-feasibility study and mining permits in place for an open pit operation. Alio Gold completed a pre-feasibility study in 2017 that envisaged a 7.5-year open pit mining operation, producing a total of 868,000 ounces of gold. Using a 1250/oz gold price and assuming a capex of 150 million, the project generated an after-tax NPV5 of US 233 million with an IRR of 34%."

Shoutout #Whittle. One of the first Whittle seminars I attended had a guy from Alio Gold there.

@newton/ma-strategy-based-+ 3 more words. Click to expand 1 from @goldfinger/this-ceo-with-a-record-of-success-in-mexico-is-looking-to-do-it-again, 10 May 2023, 22:12

@Newton Anything we can learn from what's happening at HSTR now as pertains to this story CKG ? 0 from #ckg, 10 May 2023, 22:13

@Newton Lots of exciting action happening out there! Best to all


Tribute to Drag Racing VO Master, Jan Gabriel! 0 10 May 2023, 22:14

@Newton Hello CBR 0 from #cbr, 10 May 2023, 22:14

@Newton Wow! 0 10 May 2023, 22:16

@Newton @ticotime2020 no HSTR ? 0 from #hstr, 10 May 2023, 22:17

@Newton #Copper wow! 0 from @missourimule, 10 May 2023, 22:18

@Newton Hi @j3rry! Interesting to hear mention of concentrator test work to get better numbers for gold sent to the mine eh? Good idea. I always like concentrate test work eh @geomilo


Gold Mountain continues to focus on the Elk Gold Mine and reviewing overall efficiencies and enhancements learned over the course of the initial year of operations. The Company's goal is to continue improving the accuracy of grade forecasting, generate a greater understanding of the ore body through additional in-fill drill programs, improve drilling and blasting designs, improve sampling techniques and scale ore mining operations to Elk Gold's phase 1+ 278 more words. Click to expand 2 from #gmtn, 10 May 2023, 22:20

@Newton @GeoMilo talk to @Nuggetz about some fun geology. He knows things about your ground! 0 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 22:23


Wow! 70 year mine life for UDOKAN #copper mine in Russia? 0 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 22:27

@Newton Fun info @Goldfinger 0 from @luctenhave, 10 May 2023, 22:29

@Newton JUST DO IT

1. Our business is change

2. We’re on offense. All the time.

3. Perfect results count — not a perfect process.

Break the rules: fight the law.

4. This is as much about battle as about business.

5. Assume nothing.

Make sure people keep their promises.

Push yourselves push others.

Stretch the possible.

6. Live off the land.

7. Your job isn’t done until the job is done.

8. Dangers


Personal ambition.

Energy takers vs. energy givers.

Knowing our weaknesses.

Don’t get too many things on the platter.

9. It won’t be pretty.

10. If we do the right things we’ll make money damn near automatic. 0 from #klm, 10 May 2023, 22:32

@KilconaVC Bullish for building a more liquid market! Management is very smart. Saved best targets for this moment. Drilled lower priority targets last year. Still hit holes like 25m of 6 g/t Au a 150 gram meter hole. Can only imagine how good drilling will be this summer now that it’s time to go after the high priority targets. Pays to read a technical report. Check this out! @Newton 1 from #wex, 11 May 2023, 01:50

@Goldish Not sure how that concentrate test works? @Newton do we really except the grade to increase further based on this? 1 from #gmtn, 11 May 2023, 05:44

@Newton Wow! Well done PHOS 1 from #phos, 11 May 2023, 09:27

@DudeDiligence @Newton …. They working hard for shareholders just like you 2 from #phos, 11 May 2023, 09:34

@Newton Happy fauna lots of zinc in soils and rainwater? Site visit time @Nuggetz? 0 from #klm, 11 May 2023, 09:52

@Newton Thanks @Nuggetz it's always impressive when a field guy can go "not get lost" out there eh! Good work @911mining 1 from #klm, 11 May 2023, 19:46

@Newton Brilliant move IE private land is immensely valuable.

"The acquisition totals 6,205 acres of surface title and associated water rights." Very cool. I have heard that there is some weird feature about the USA where the BLM federal agency only deals with permitting surface disturbance, so that if you have private surface land rights and exploration claims then it's basically the same as a full patented claim? Legal intricacies that are very important in the USA...

#Bullish 2 from #ie, 11 May 2023, 19:50

@Newton Lots of mention of LENSES in the technical report there, but the "lenticular" thing sounds more like a sedimentary/soft rock feature?

"The deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp are classic volcanic hosted massive sulphide (VMS) deposits. The massive sulphide deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp are derived from classic Sea of Japan style, ‘black smokers’, originally deposited as sulphide mounds in a relatively deep ocean basin at or near the sea floor. The deposits are sulphide rich (>60%), the predominant minerals in most of the BMC deposits comprised of pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite (Goodfellow and McCutcheon 2003). Minor sulphide minerals include arsenopyrite, + 19 more words. Click to expand 2 from #nine, 11 May 2023, 19:54

@Newton Ask @nuggetz for some geological insight here. He's probably got some ideas about Bathurst camp... 0 from #nine, 11 May 2023, 19:54

@Newton Native silver or galena @KilconaVC? I missed that one, was there any video? 0 from @kilconavc, 11 May 2023, 19:59

@Newton Are they gonna start bulk sample at high-grade spots any time soon?

Shoutout PUMA #bullish 8 from #nine, 11 May 2023, 20:51

@Newton Is there another ROUND MOUNTAIN here @Postman? Would they find it if it was here? ATHA #Nevada 0 from #atha, 11 May 2023, 20:53

@Newton @Mrgoalmoney funny joke about someone who texted with a CEO asking for a cross order. +1% of the company? Okay! Shares on the offer the next day and they guy texts back, "What? I can't do it now, have you seen the market?!" Classic #jokes @Dcurtis 2 from #athr, 11 May 2023, 20:54

@Newton @dcurtis imagine that -- someone texts asking for 2M shares to buy in the market at a penny. Shares appear on the market the next day and the guy replies, "No, I can't buy now! Have you seen your stock? There's a bunch of stock for sale, it looks terrible..." #memes

1 from #jokes, 11 May 2023, 20:55

@Newton @huesos something like #memes 0 from #wex, 11 May 2023, 20:58

@Newton Hello @thedailygold 0 from #wex, 11 May 2023, 20:58

@Newton Low volume in the stock eh? Quiet before the storm? 0 from #sbmi, 11 May 2023, 22:11


And who mapped this @Nuggetz? Government geological maps inferred from geophysics? Looks pretty detailed, but I wonder how accurate it is? And how much of a footprint does one of those big ones give for us anyway? Great place to be searching! This could be one of the best places in Canada over the next decades 4 from #nine, 12 May 2023, 00:54

@Newton 12 month chart screams "trade me" eh! 0 from #gldn, 12 May 2023, 00:55

@Newton Hello @Ty 0 from @ty, 12 May 2023, 00:55

@Newton Wow eh 0 from @ty, 12 May 2023, 00:56

@Newton Does Matt Badiali know EPL ? 0 from #epl, 12 May 2023, 00:58

@Newton Halley Dust, Mars Dust, and Milky Way

Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horalek / Institute of Physics in Opava

Make a wish on a falling star? 0 from #klm, 12 May 2023, 01:00

@dlogfather @nuggetz @newton, if you want to dig in, check out this interactive map the New Brunswick gov keeps. If you zoom in and click the dots, you can see details of historic drill holes. And if you click the X's and follow the links, you can see historic work reports on each occurrence and deposit in the camp. It's a bit of a rabbit hole, but quite interesting if you're into geology. 3 from #nine, 12 May 2023, 06:17

@Newton “Money doesn’t talk, it swears.” !! 1 from @jameskwantes/on-teck-glencore-and-unplugged-incubators, 12 May 2023, 09:15

@Bigbadoil @Newton: probably visiting mining cos in Vancouver. Lots of head offices there and they are listed on TSX-V (the premier Junior Mining listing- don't we know?). Could be a conference too??. Unlikely visiting Cranbrook (to the east in the Kootenays), but you never know! Maybe he is taking an interior BC flight? 1 from #epl, 12 May 2023, 13:31


Stockwatch made a few changes to the Lucky Strike news release there. Original here:

Kermode Reports First Assays of Select Samples from Lucky Strike

Victoria, British Columbia - (May 12, 2023) - Kermode Resources Ltd. (TSXV: KLM) ("Kermode" or the "Company") reports the first assays for select surface samples from the LUCKY STRIKE project. Analyses including quality controls were done by ALS Canada Ltd. using 4-acid digestion, ME-MS61 multi-element ICP, ME-OG62 for over-limit assays and Au-AA25 for gold. The samples were taken from four (4) different are+ 856 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 12 May 2023, 13:40

@Newton And another one!

Kermode Reports First Assays of Select Samples from Star Of The West

Victoria, British Columbia - (May 12, 2023) - Kermode Resources Ltd. (TSXV: KLM) ("Kermode" or the "Company") reports the first assays for select surface samples from the STAR OF THE WEST project. Analyses including quality controls were done by ALS Canada Ltd. using 4-acid digestion, ME-MS61 multi-element ICP, ME-OG62 for over-limit assays and Au-AA25 for gold. The samples were taken from several different areas of interest as part of an ongoing sampling program that commenced in July, 2022.

Rock Sample Highlights for Lucky S+ 257 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 12 May 2023, 20:46

@Newton Hello @ogopogo007! 0 from @ogopogo007, 12 May 2023, 20:48

@Newton 22% Copper at SUMMIT MAIN, eh @911mining? "NEW COPPER" showing?

See results in a map here, fyi @samy 3 from #klm, 12 May 2023, 21:22

@911mining @Newton Yes that's new copper. 2 from #klm, 12 May 2023, 21:24

@Newton Great example of benefit of logging road! Interesting to see grades like that at the OLD COPPER and NEW COPPER showings. What's the vertical distance between those two, eh? And horizontal? I wonder if mineral composition is similar between those two hot spots... 1 from #klm, 12 May 2023, 21:33

@911mining @Newton The distance is a ways horizontally and vertically. The geology of the New Copper at Lucky Strike is actually more similar to some of the Heather Main geology at SOTW. Limy beds with chalcopyrite, pyrite, magnetite in Volcanics...old Copper is more Bonanaza Volcanics, sheared basalt with chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite bearing quartz veins. 1 from #klm, 12 May 2023, 21:41

@Postman @Newton would be nice! It is off to a good start...\ 0 from #atha, 13 May 2023, 12:15

@dcurtis @NEWTON may be a dreamer , but at least he is no liar . Kermode is a whole different animal 1 from #klm, 13 May 2023, 19:23

@dcurtis Smoked Salmon is more like . Slice it thin and put it on a bagel with cream cheese and call it brunch . Tuna free . Happy m.........kers Day . @Newton 1 from #jokes, 13 May 2023, 19:28

@Newton @DudeDiligence PHOS definitely needs a new logo. 0 from #phos, 13 May 2023, 22:03

@Newton PHOS

Lots of stuff I don't know happening here, but the stuff I see is bullish. Call it "contrarian bullish". #Bullish @bobbyboi nailed it "whats his average cost now? A dime?" meanwhile real things are happening. Are they happening fast enough? Are they meaningful or certain? I think the world needs the kind of stuff PHOS is talking about. Will they be able to execute? Well, commitment from leadership is always important and I think the stock shuffle this week is a sign of a new level of commitment from key people that goes beyond anything we've seen before. 0 from #phos, 13 May 2023, 22:08

@Newton "can't fix stupid" @DudeDiligence is there a contest for company motto ? 1 from #phos, 13 May 2023, 22:09

@Newton The stock could still trade five cents just because these markets are wild. It could also trade five dollars. And it could do one first, or the other? The statistics of "hundred bagger" stocks are wild! #ChrisMayer 1 from #phos, 13 May 2023, 22:11

@Newton If they hate let them hate 1 from #phos, 13 May 2023, 22:15

@dcurtis Yo mamma so ... Nice , pretty , strong and pure .. Jokebot 2000 and love . @Newton and @THRIVe etal 1 from #jokes, 14 May 2023, 02:11

@dcurtis What could be better than gold on your piano ? Easy Liberace . Roses on your harpsichord ..close . @Newton knows 0 from #jokes, 14 May 2023, 02:32

@Newton Tell them about the nickel salts @Nuggetz! 0 from #klm, 14 May 2023, 20:45

@Newton ORLY @dcurtis 0 from #jokes, 14 May 2023, 20:45

@Newton Sorry to hear @Nuggetz yes annoying technical difficulties with CEOca. An idea for you... site visit! When are you coming out to have a look see? 2 from #klm, 14 May 2023, 21:42

@Newton Honey-do-remember to read the news releases? 2 from #klm, 15 May 2023, 06:25

@Newton Today KLM QP Jacques Houle is making first site visits with @911mining! #Bullish 6 from #klm, 15 May 2023, 06:25

@Newton Hello COCO ! 0 from #coco, 15 May 2023, 06:27

@Sweden @Newton hello sir. Doing some DD here?;) 0 from #rmk, 15 May 2023, 12:12

@911mining @Newton First day complete and a success. 4 from #klm, 15 May 2023, 17:47

@Newton Great article yesterday "Hockey is a team game."


Lessons for your portfolio? There may be a few.

1. Choose wisely. General managers stake the owner’s money and their own reputations on assembling a team capable of winning it all. NHL teams can dress a maximum of 20 players. Do you own more than 20 juniors?

2. Top-performing stocks give you dollars and dopamine but your worst performers also count towards portfolio performance. Hockey is a team game; winning portfolios require more than one or two “superstar” stocks. Holding a basket of sole-risk exploration companies is not portfolio construction – it’s gambling.

3. Manage risk. For an+ 83 more words. Click to expand 4 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 08:52

@Newton Good work with first site visits by QP @911mining. Very smooth and effective work. Thank you! 3 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 08:53

@Newton Another one... 2 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 09:18

@Newton Which is the tick @Happ1968 0 from #nwst, 17 May 2023, 09:41

@dcurtis Due to new findings I will no longer Pile Drive , super suplex or Rock Bottom any of my unworthy opponents . Including @Newton . I will open hand slap the lipstick off that grin P B 3 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 13:57

@Newton Finally! 0 from @dcurtis, 17 May 2023, 15:05

@Newton Slap me if you can @dcurtis! You'll find me busy bobbing and weaving, looking for what next... "The term “innovation” is often associated with geniuses turning startups into gold mines — the next Google, Apple, or Amazon, with products no one even knew they needed. Private equity firms place hundreds of little bets on these startups, hoping one produces a windfall that covers the rest. These bets on the next growth engine often depend on luck more than insight. Meanwhile, every company aspires to be as innovative as these startups. Many companies invest in or buy them, unsure what they’ll yield other than the halo effect they may overpay + 35 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 15:20

@Newton B.C. produces more than half of Canada’s copper — about 310,000 tonnes of the roughly 540,000 tonnes the country produces annually. The metal is mostly found in porphyry deposits in the province, which typically contain metals such as copper, gold and silver.

Spending on copper exploration jumped to 235 million in 2022, an 84 per cent rise, according to the seventh annual British Columbia mineral and coal exploration survey. The study is based on survey responses and data collected from the financial reports and press releases of 170 mining companies in B.C., representing about 230 projects in the province.


2 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:14

@Newton Powerhouse week @911mining hosting QP visits Monday Tuesday then hunting high-grade at Caycuse on Wednesday? What next?! #bullish 2 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:15

@Newton @GeoMilo "take me home country roads" 2 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:16

@Newton @GeoMilo fyi, basic map of SILVER BELL and KHRYSOS. What should we add to it? 2 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:18

@911mining @newton more caycuse we found skarn road float brought in to reapir a small section of man dare pack out of the canyon...she's new, she's nearby and she's got copper. Let's see what more surprises Caycuse brings. 4 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:18

@Newton @samy FYI, KLM started working with @911mining in June/July 2022. We stayed busy through summer last year with no disruptions from fire restrictions. 2 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:19

@Newton Chase that stuff up those valley hills @911mining! That is another great example of the value of those road crews -- not just making new exposure, but digging stuff up and leaving for you to look at it in road builds? Beautiful! 4 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:20

@Newton Shoutout @brazeau_mining active today with the buddies at Rumleski farm looking for gravel, top soil, and more. Gold? Nickel? Hello Ontario! 3 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:23

@Newton Hello GEO ! 1 from #geo, 17 May 2023, 19:28

@Newton @911mining that Caycuse Valley area is impressive. 3 from #klm, 17 May 2023, 19:28

@Newton Hello @marsy 0 from @marsy, 17 May 2023, 19:38

@marsy Hi @Newton? 0 17 May 2023, 19:47

@dcurtis Your lips can talk but good body shot and you are taking a knee . And you will beg "Please" . Of course I will show mercy . Lights out @Newton and it's only Wedneday . Sorry Peter only the best move on `to ...Sunday....... 0 from @dcurtis, 17 May 2023, 20:27

@Newton @GeoMilo getting out there! 4 from #klm, 18 May 2023, 09:57

@Newton Hello @StockLife 1 from @stocklife, 18 May 2023, 10:21

@Newton "An old quarry on strike with the Star of the West adits reveals multiple quartz veins with bornite and chalcopyrite. Dozens of copper - magnetite - skarn lenses also seen." @911mining #bullish 3 from #klm, 18 May 2023, 10:33

@Newton I didn't know magnetite has a square crystal structure. Neat! 2 from #klm, 18 May 2023, 10:43

@Newton @dcurtis 1 18 May 2023, 23:41

@Newton @midwing 0 18 May 2023, 23:41

@Newton Magnetite Sphalerite

Magnetite, Sphalerite Empire State No. 4 Mine, Balmat, Balmat-Edwards Zinc Mining District, St. Lawrence Co., New York, USA Crystals blacks, bright, magnetite, with prevailing faces of the cube, dodecahedron (the thin frame the square) and small faces of octahedron. All around, white crystals of sphalerite. Collection and photo of Gianfranco Ciccolini. Nikon D90, bellows, Scheider Kreuznach Componon 80 mm; f: 5.6. Focal using 7.

Cool picture 2 from #klm, 18 May 2023, 23:45

@Newton @911mining have you seen any geodes? "6.4" Malachite & Chrysocolla Geode - Congo" This large, 6.4" wide geode specimen containing turquoise blue botryoidal Chrysocolla and Malachite was mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Within the botryoidal malachite lined cavity, lustrous malachite crystals can be found.

Chrysocolla is a basic copper silicate that typically forms as a pseudomorph following other copper based minerals. The chemical formula is considered undetermined due to the varying substitutions of elements and water content in its chemical structure. However, there is a form of chrysocolla with + 235 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 18 May 2023, 23:47

@Newton Is this real? USA Starbucks union lawsuit a sign of the times? 2 from #klm, 18 May 2023, 23:53

@Newton " No, i would not but the out of business trail is littered with mining companies who thought samples were something other than shiny pieces of rock. And who can forget, it is a one cent stock, the beloved of pumpers and con men!"

Hi please can I ask more about the comments that "one cent stock is the beloved of pumpers and con men"? I hadn't heard that comment before thanks 3 from #klm, 19 May 2023, 11:42

@Newton Big potential @greathope 3 from #kto, 19 May 2023, 11:43



Ask the casual newspaper reader to define offhand the compound adjective Get-Rich-Quick and he will tell you it is applied solely to professional promoters who employ flamboyant advertising methods, promise great speculative profits, use other devices which are calculated to separate the public from its money, and are in every instance dishonest. That is the idea which powerful "interests" have inculcated in the public mind by subtle, insistent press-agenting.

Time and again during the progress of "My Adventures with Your Money" I have endeavored to show that the really dangerous Get-Rich-Quick force+ 253 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 19 May 2023, 11:55



It is more precious than diamonds or rubies. The old miser said to his sons: "Get money; get it honestly if you can, but get money:" This advice was not only atrociously wicked, but it was the very essence of stupidity: It was as much as to say, "if you find it difficult to obtain money honestly, you can easily get it dishonestly. Get it in that way." Poor fool! Not to know that the most difficult thing in life is to make money dishonestly! Not to know that our prisons are full of men who attempted to follow this advice; not to understand that no man can be dishonest, without soon being found out, and that when hi+ 554 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 19 May 2023, 11:56

@Newton My favourite was the one, "you could press release that you found your belly button and the stock would go up." @carbon8ed I even blushed a bit at that one. But it made me think of the corrollary -- you could press release a discovery and the stock would go down. 5 from #klm, 19 May 2023, 11:58

@greathope agree @Newton, great major shareholders/developers behind 1 from #kto, 19 May 2023, 12:08

@dcurtis Never volunteer hire your brother out of sympathy or this could be you @Thrive , @Newton , @J_Serendipity and @Carbon8ed , because this could be you 1 from #jokes, 19 May 2023, 15:28

@Newton Thanks @911mining for a productive week. Record-setting activity for KLM 4 from #klm, 19 May 2023, 22:25

@Newton Good work getting field pictures onto Google Drive too thanks @911mining 3 from #klm, 20 May 2023, 07:36

@Newton Oil back to 50 ? 1 from #oil, 21 May 2023, 22:50

@Newton Thanks to everyone for the consideration! Please let me know what to do to fix KLM as I can thanks again 3 from #klm, 21 May 2023, 22:51


"May your Assays always be better than expected

May you always have more Buyers than Sellers

May the Shorts always be trapped

May your Stock always close on an up-tick

May your Underwritings always be oversold

May all your trading Halts be for good news

May a bunch of Americans and Europeans buy up your float

And may you be in Heaven for half-an-hour before the Taxman knows you're dead."

#Boardroom 4 from #klm, 21 May 2023, 23:02

@Newton @dcurtis good ideas travel? 0 from @dcurtis, 21 May 2023, 23:53

@Newton Meanwhile, "Famous mining investor Rick Rule says the mining industry would be better off if 85% of the listed exploration companies globally became extinct." 3 from #klm, 21 May 2023, 23:56

@dirkdiggler Yeah, and "may your first child be a masculine child" (Luca Brasi - Godfather One) - Poor Luca. He meets with 16' of piano wire later in that flick (nice post @newton) 0 from #boardroom, 22 May 2023, 00:18

@Newton @TCB77 you got a reply on another channel with no @ tag so you may have missed this one... " If KLM does something right, that will be a new and welcome change from their accomplishments of the past 20 years! In regards to marketing, PT Barnum once said "There's no such thing as bad publicity". Of course, he also said "There's a sucker born every minute"!" Makes me wonder who's who in the zoo... 0 from @tcb77, 22 May 2023, 16:35

@Newton May 22nd already @Grassroots, blink and it's September?! 0 from @grassroots, 22 May 2023, 16:36

@Newton Hello HAWK ! 0 from #hawk, 22 May 2023, 16:37

@Newton @911mining I am enjoying the field photos on Google Drive! Picture worth a thousand words?

3 from #klm, 22 May 2023, 16:39

@Newton Hello HMR ! 1 from #hmr, 22 May 2023, 16:46

@Moose_pasture Hello @Newton 0 from #coco, 23 May 2023, 05:13

@Newton “The person that turns over the most rocks wins the game” 3 from #klm, 23 May 2023, 09:05

@Newton EPL well done! 0 from #epl, 23 May 2023, 09:14

@Newton What do you think @jahiphop? CPER 0 from #cper, 23 May 2023, 09:17

@Newton "To learn more about your perspective as a speculator. Do you have some ideas that may be helpful to me? ... Okay please tell me what mistakes you think I am making otherwise? Thanks "

Yes, it's true I'm always interested in someone's perspective on KLM. Especially if they take the time to post on CEOca! @newton/how-i-use-ceoca 3 from #klm, 23 May 2023, 10:06

@Newton "We expect to publish an Exploration Target Range in due course as we systematically look to unlock the known potential at Empire." COCO smart move 1 from #coco, 23 May 2023, 10:14

@Newton The 500 m long Kingfisher Adit was established by Empire Mines in 1960, approximately 107 m below the bottom of the Merry Widow pit, to extract further magnetite resource by block caving methods below the Merry Widow pit. Rock chip sampling, geological observations and observed mineralization within this adit during the 2022 field program have returned values up to 3.4 g/t Au and 2.6% Cu (see news release August 15, 2022), indicating potential resource expansion at depth. 1 from #coco, 23 May 2023, 10:16

@Newton @newswire/coast-copper-signs-mou-with-five-other-companies-to The Companies have engaged Fuse Advisors Inc. ("Fuse Advisors") to complete an initial assessment of the technical viability of the Kitsault Polymetallic Mill concept. By reviewing the respective metallurgical test work completed at the various deposits, Fuse Advisors will assess the potential for blending or batching mineralized material, potential process flowsheets, potential throughputs from the various deposits and associated mill sizing and timelines.

March 2023 1 from #coco, 23 May 2023, 10:18

@Newton @newswire/coast-copper-announces-high-grade-gold-copper-mineral "Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of 81,322 ounces ("oz") gold equivalent ("AuEq") grading 3.52 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au") and 0.50% copper ("Cu") [4.258 g/t AuEq] contained within 0.59 million metric tonnes ("MT") (using a net smelter return ("NSR") cut-off of 30 CDN) (see Table 1)"

COCO news today 1 from #coco, 23 May 2023, 10:19

@Newton #jokes "Well, I was impressed you were able to raise even twenty-five grand!" the phrasing was a little more direct but I laughed 0 23 May 2023, 15:08

@dcurtis 25 Grands @Newton is 50'000 Hot Dogs . That is not nothing . Just add mustard and BOOM you got 37.5 grand and all the Hot Dogs you can eat . Add milkshake or French fried Potatoes . Next you know , the next Chipottle . Peter , keep your head up and you will prosper . Truths are said in jest 1 from #jokes, 23 May 2023, 21:07

@dcurtis Peter Bell has developed the skills captain a ship . KLM may not be the one . Even Columbus sank a few . In answer to your question @Newton What have I done wrong ? Limited your options and put your danger . Nice guys finish last 6 from #klm, 24 May 2023, 07:30

@Newton hello! 0 from @nuggetz, 24 May 2023, 10:39

@Newton @nuggetz you may enjoy this one,

Drones! 2 from #klm, 24 May 2023, 10:46

@Newton To The American Damphool Speculator, surnamed the American Sucker, otherwise described herein as The Thinker Who Thinks He Knows But Doesn't—greetings!

This book is for you! Read as you run, and may you run as you read.

G. G. R.

New York, March 15, 1913. 0 from @nuggetz, 24 May 2023, 10:54

@Newton What? 0 from #york, 24 May 2023, 15:26

@Newton @investorGator 0 from @investorgator, 24 May 2023, 15:28

@Newton Classic line from Steve Sjuggerud about "it's okay to miss the first 100% if you're gonna catch that 1,000% don't forget" 0 from @investorgator, 24 May 2023, 15:29

@Newton PMET wow 0 from @jahiphop, 24 May 2023, 15:38


- Be Kind

- Exercise

- Be Patient

- Eat Healthy

- Judge Less

- Keep Smiling

- Love Yourself

- Show gratitude

- Believe in yourself

- Don’t look down on others

- Have a proper sleep pattern

- See failure as an opportunity 0 24 May 2023, 15:42

@bedrag @Newton not one I follow, think you meant that for someone else. 1 24 May 2023, 15:42

@Newton Thanks @bedrag! GSPR #bullish 0 from @bedrag, 24 May 2023, 15:45

@bedrag @Newton ok, gotcha! Makes sense. Looking forward to hearing from Simon soon on gspr 0 from @bedrag, 24 May 2023, 15:48

@Newton @dcurtis 4 from #klm, 24 May 2023, 22:59

@Newton "I know it’s lame, but I try to approach everyone on CEO.CA with the “Golden Rule” in mind. I may not be a nice guy, but I play one online. " @dcurtis you didn't read the article? 4 from #klm, 24 May 2023, 23:00

@Newton @Allan any info on new AALI director to be appointed by Wolfden? After closing...

Wolfden has the right to a board seat providing that Wolfden has at least a 10% interest in Advance. @newsfile/advance-lithium-reaches-agreement-with-wolfden-resources 1 from #aali, 24 May 2023, 23:04

@Newton "oblige him" @carbon8ed 3 from #klm, 25 May 2023, 05:57

@Newton Gotta love these long days @911mining! 2 from #klm, 25 May 2023, 05:57

@Newton Nice

"Original Analysis processing by EarthEx initially identified 100+ anomalies in the geophysical dataset. Drill results and modeling of data has resulted in a revised interpretation of the geological setting at Hinges A and B, the technical team believing the trends form a broader structure due to folding and not separate hinges as previously thought. Reinterpretation of the geological setting has also eliminated specific targets and target areas previously classified as priority. The team is now focused on more favourable target signatures associated with recently defined, prospective geology." 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 06:49

@Newton Build up that model NINE

"Reconciliation of the targets with the drill hole intersections is complete, identifying a favourable target horizon in the northwest along the California Lake Group, “Islands” felsic / sediment contact. In drill hole T01B-A-RMI, mineralization near surface and at depth intersected veinlets of VMS mineralization including chalcopyrite (Cu), sphalerite (Zn) and galena (Pb) in a sequence of rocks that typically host VMS deposits. Intersecting mineralization to the northwest along the contact suggests that the origin of the VMS mineralization at the Lens area may have originated in that area, being relocated by numerous episodes of folding and faulting. The presence + 32 more words. Click to expand 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 06:50

@Newton Sorry to hear NSA for gold on a geophysical target. I'm not here for the precious metals...

"Southwest of Hinge A, a new, mineralized system was identified associated with a subtle magnetic node similar to that adjacent to the VMS mineralization drilled in 2022. The target was intersected by 5 holes totalling 727m and consisted of a hydrothermally altered gabbro extensively mineralized with pyrite and arsenopyrite, characteristic of gold deposits in the BMC. To date, a total of 367 samples of 700+ identified have been cut and sent to ALS Global in Moncton, New Brunswick for preparation with final Fire Assay Au and multi-element analysis being conducted in Vancouver, British Columbia. Assays + 10 more words. Click to expand 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 06:53

@Newton @GoodAsGold 5 holes in a gold target with no significant assays 2 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 06:54

@Newton The folding and faulting conversation is part of the base metals targets? I don't see any results that "kill" those areas 1 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 06:55

@Newton March 27 @GlobeNewswire/nine-mile-metals-continues-to-drill-on-its-nine-mile

I don't see mention of HINGE A target that got the 5 holes in March 27 NR by name, but both that NR and the one today mention +700m drilling. The March 27 mentions those assays were "rush" eh @goldfinger ...

"Orbit Garant Drilling has completed 8 holes totalling 1,329 metres of a planned 5,000 metre fully funded drill program. More than 730 metres of drill core are being logged, photographed, cut and prepared for rush assays, which is expected to take 2-3 weeks for each submission. All assays are being shipped directly+ 47 more words. Click to expand 2 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 07:00

@Newton Approximately 40K on offer from 16-22c... Traded around 60K so far today? Hello NINE! 1 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 07:01

@Newton Rotation into AALI new BMC story? 9 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 07:02

@Newton Any idea of cost for drilling the 5 holes and assays? Sounds like a decent "kick at the can" for a new target area. 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 07:04

@Newton "You and I Will Pay for This. The WrestleMania debt ceiling crisis has a predictable ending." Wrasslin! 3 from #klm, 25 May 2023, 07:06

@Newton Someone ask @Nabtaplayaegypt for interp ? 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 07:07

@arvanlaar @Newton One never asks Nabta anything unless they want a biased answer. 5 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 07:07

@Newton Was this "HINGE A" an important target area? This is first I've heard about it... 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 07:07

@pdrill @newton From Mar 27 nr, drilling costs are 150/m "Nine Mile raised gross proceeds of 1,271,000 in December 2022. The current 5,000 metre drill program is estimated to cost 750,000." so 727* 150= 109 050. No idea what assay costs are. I've heard of Hinge A and pretty sure I've seen it on a map at one point. They didn't plot it on this map for some reason even though they used it as a reference for drill hole location. Pretty lazy on their part and makes interpretation much harder for us investors. 1 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 07:32

@Newton Agreed thanks @pdrill. Yes, the detail on spending is helpful too thanks again. Yikes! 0 25 May 2023, 08:50

@Newton Please can we get a panel discussion with @KilconaVC on @Allan show? Thanks! 6 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:51


@eeFexx #bullish #memes 4 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:52

@eeFexx @Newton LETS GOO 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:52

@Newton @Denis please feature @KilconaVC on the CEOca podcast thanks 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:54

@Newton @CrashLabsPodcast #bullish or #bearish 1 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:55

@Denis @Newton the best 👌 lol 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:55



HOW TO DD: NINE 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:55

@Newton joined November 7, 2022

Denis Laviolette

7 followers 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:56

@Newton Follow @Denis! 1 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 09:56

@Newton I wonder how the EarthX targets would compare to Goldspot? 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:21

@Newton Hello Ontario 2 from #klm, 25 May 2023, 10:25

@Newton House 88 Credential @samy

2 from #klm, 25 May 2023, 10:26

@Newton I know! I want to learn more about them. I never got the gory details. 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:27

@Newton @CrashLabsPodcast Goldpsot and EarthX panel discussion? 2 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:27

@Newton PVG one that always sticks with me about "headline risk" where market had big negative reaction to News a few times, but ultimately stock was a winner. Unusual? 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:29

@Newton Big respect NINE shining a light on Bathurst camp. Big mining history and future potential in New Brunswick. Could it be best province in Canada for next decades? 2 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:30

@Newton @slowride this would be another one where I'd love to be able to watch the L2 level data order book over time. 1 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:32

@slowride Ok, thanks @Newton 1 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:36


1-year chart for NINE has a lot of interesting features. A year ago to-the-day was a big 1.5M volume day. Then traded up double with some more heavy action. I'd love to see some of the news release dates matched up on this chart... 1 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:38

@pdrill @newton Those headline risk plays are great when you have enough information to work with and understand the issues enough to make an informed decision when the market bails. Made a lot of money with pvg and gato but the key is buying in after the drop based on fundamentals like reading MREs and PEAs. We don't have that level of info here. It's too late for most of us to buy in now. I was in too deep already based on 730m assumed VMS intersections so now I'm just riding it out to see what happens day to day. There's still a lot of detail missing from this news release and hopefully it comes out eventually. I sent NINE a quick email because they didn't answer the phone. 5 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:40


Looking at a couple investor relations agreements recently, I wonder...



@GlobeNewswire/nine-mile-metals-acquires-west-nine-mile-brook-project WIN in the market for NINE?

0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:42

@Newton #MILOSZAMANIA 4 from #klm, 25 May 2023, 10:43

@Newton Thanks @pdrill well said. 0 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:44

@Newton @911mining 0 25 May 2023, 10:45


@Ecclesiastes fascinating thing is that if you zoom-out just a little bit more than it's still inside the range. Knife's edge stuff. Slightly outside today's range so far looking back a year and a week ago... Pretty interesting chart! 2 from #nine, 25 May 2023, 10:47

@Newton @dcurtis 5 from #klm, 26 May 2023, 10:02

@Newton!KLM-3413277/C/KLM KLM starts option with @GeoMilo for KHRYSOS 4 from #klm, 26 May 2023, 11:03

@Newton Nice pic of MIF here! BYN BWCG HSTR #GwenPreston bullish 5 26 May 2023, 11:04

@Newton Data room:

2022 assessment report @carbon8ed: 4 from #klm, 26 May 2023, 11:10

@Newton @grassroots 3 from #klm, 27 May 2023, 16:52

@Newton @911mining another productive week in the field. Impressive campaign in May 2023 here thank you! Well done 5 from #klm, 27 May 2023, 16:53

@Newton @Biggains we get annual financials in a few days here FYI. 0 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:04

@Newton Reading the latest quarterly financials to figure out what happened to that IR contract where they paid the advance but the TSXV wouldn't let them do the work?

"Balance remaining for an advance payment of 441,105 (US 350,000) made to Gold Standard Media LLC for investor relations services for a service term of 24 months starting from March 15, 2021. On June 7, 2022, the Company terminated its engagement of Gold Standard as an investor relations services provider and reclassified 174,595, the balance of the cancelled term, to other receivables. During the period ended October 31, 2022, the Company has determined that it is not likely that the amount will be recovered, therefore recognizing an impairment loss of 174,595." 1 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:07

@Newton And there was another one... 1 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:07

@Newton "On February 19, 2021, the Company signed an agreement with Wallace Hill Partners (“Wallace Hill”) for investor relations services, including financial publishing and digital marketing services to improve the profile and market awareness of the Company. On December 30, 2020, the Company made an advance payment of 350,000 to Wallace Hill. The intent was to engage Wallace Hill for a term of 24 months, commencing on March 15, 2021, as confirmed in the agreement signed on February 19, 2021. However, the Company terminated the agreement in October 2021 as it was unable to receive approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. As a result, the Company reclassified 247,917 from prepaid expenses to other r+ 45 more words. Click to expand 0 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:07

@Newton 0 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:07


Gird yourself @carbon8ed 1 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:10


This table has the total capitalized value for all exploration work. Some companies provide more detail about different types of spending and others provide less. This table from YORK has the least amount of information I've ever seen -- no breakdown of different types of costs like drilling, road work, lab fees, consultants, etc. 2 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:15

@Newton From July 31st to October 31st is 3 months. YORK did 0 exploration spending in that time period for 2022? But spent 500K on overhead costs? What? 3 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:16

@Newton hi @kingsley 1 from #york, 27 May 2023, 17:16


@911mining good to see first visit to MAIDAN project thanks 4 from #klm, 28 May 2023, 18:24

@Newton Hello GETT ! 0 from #gett, 29 May 2023, 13:52

@Newton @ticotime2020 0 from #aali, 29 May 2023, 15:28

@ticotime2020 What @Newton? 0 from #aali, 29 May 2023, 15:31

@Newton " I’d participate in .025 PP. "

👀 👀 0 from #aali, 29 May 2023, 15:34

@Newton AALI getting a new director from WLF is an interesting twist. I like Wolfden... 0 from #aali, 29 May 2023, 15:44

@Newton @GoodAsGold with WLF getting -20% of AALI, it is a "reviewable" transaction for TSXV. Agreement looks pretty simple otherwise but these types of transactions can take a while to finalize. 2 from #aali, 29 May 2023, 15:46

@Newton Hello YouTube Shorts! @911mining 4 from #klm, 30 May 2023, 11:11

@Newton @J2_911mining please say hi to @ticotime2020 ! 0 from @j2_911mining, 30 May 2023, 11:11

@carbon8ed Any news in the pipeline @Newton? 2 from #klm, 30 May 2023, 11:28

@Newton Good look AUU 0 from #auu, 30 May 2023, 16:35

@Newton Good work RDG 0 from #rdg, 30 May 2023, 16:39

@Newton Hello AUMB 3-year chart!

1 from #aumb, 30 May 2023, 16:42

@Newton #Newton

All newsreleases since I became CEO here....

3 from #klm, 30 May 2023, 22:28

@Newton Ore sorting SPC #bullish 1 from #spc, 30 May 2023, 22:31

@Newton Yes! 1 from #spc, 30 May 2023, 22:32

@Newton MACHINE @dcurtis

(why is Mark Hamill in this?) 0 from @dcurtis, 30 May 2023, 22:33

@Newton " only diff , you get paid" #joke 0 from #jokes, 30 May 2023, 22:33

@Newton "HODL is great advice when given to others" @dcurtis #jokes

3 from @aenion/hodl-is-great-advice-when-given-to-others, 30 May 2023, 22:40

@Newton Hello again @tamarack please can we communicate? Thanks 0 from @tamarack, 31 May 2023, 09:00

@Newton Filing fees 69,178

Sorry what? Did we get a USA listing? 0 from #york, 31 May 2023, 09:02

@Newton Hello @GeoMilo! 3 from #klm, 31 May 2023, 09:56

@Newton You don't want the people you work with to merely pay lip service to your community's rules; they should have a high sense of ethics that makes them want to abide by them and hold others accountable for abiding by them, while also working to perfect them. The way to achieve this is via principles that are sound and that have been tested through open discussion. #principleoftheday 0 from @newton/ray-dalios-principles-for-junior-mining-executives, 31 May 2023, 22:13

@Newton Doh! 0 31 May 2023, 22:19

@Newton Messaged with this person and they are interested to do some testing. I wonder what kind of costs to send samples there... 1 from #klm, 1 Jun 2023, 08:51

@Newton Yes please @Allan thanks " If anybody wants a Zoom meeting so I can go over the geochem and show the Google Earth image "If anybody wants a Zoom meeting so I can go over the geochem and show the Google Earth image 0 from #aali, 1 Jun 2023, 08:58

@Allan @Newton I will send you an email to set up a time. 0 from #aali, 1 Jun 2023, 09:04

@Newton #Bullish 0 from @911mining, 1 Jun 2023, 09:11

@Newton We had some private messages and their short answer was "yes, it will work." May want to also include a magnetic circuit to reduce the iron before putting through flotation. Straight for the jugular please! 2 from #klm, 1 Jun 2023, 09:40

@Newton!KLM-3417450/C/KLM @GeoMilo shares-for-services hello! 4 from #klm, 1 Jun 2023, 09:41

@Newton @GeoMilo smash em by hand?!

TECHNOLOGIC (Mining Exploration Remix)

Find it, dig it, smash it, pan it, stack it, sell it, acid, upgrade it

Blast it, muck it, crush it, shake it, grind it, work it, quick replace it

Write it, cut it, paste it, save it, load it, check it, quick promote it

Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, rip it




Hunt it, find it, dig it, blast it, drill it, drill it, blast, and drill it

Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it, cross it, crack it, switch, update it

Name it, read it, tune it, print it, scan it, send it, fax, rename it

Mine it, Mine it, Mine it, Mine + 16 more words. Click to expand 0 from @geomilo, 1 Jun 2023, 09:42

@Newton Just got a phone call from @geoMilo at the SILVER BELL area. Good to see he gets cell reception up there! Fun to see some rock pictures, too. Hammer down 3 from #klm, 1 Jun 2023, 13:52

@dcurtis You should never lie to your kids . Starts with ice cream and then .. Bob O is the best 0 2 Jun 2023, 05:22

@Newton @Newton/klm-newtoninterviews-prospecting-for-shares @Postman FYI

"Normally, we print shares to raise cash and then we spend the cash. That's a couple of steps: find the investors, sell them shares for cash, take the cash, and use it to pay the prospectors for work. Wash, rinse, and repeat. This situation with the shares for services is a little more direct. Prospectors do the work, then they get paid and shares. Either way, we're printing shares but how much we print and when is very different. With shares for services, we print after the work is done and we print in an amount equal to the work that was done. If we do a financing, then we have to raise all the money upfront and sit on the c+ 31 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 13:26

@Newton Hi @Postman! 0 from @postman, 2 Jun 2023, 17:51


How to avoid criticizm in 3 easy steps:

1. Do nothing.

2. Be nothing.

3. Say nothing.

Shall we adopt a strategy to AVOID CRITICISM AT ALL COSTS? 3 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:28


When you drill oil, your problems are over! When you drill copper, your problems are just beginning... 2 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:29

@Newton Had some more messages. How do I send rocks to China? 1 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:29

@Newton Hello @winnieip 1 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:30

@Newton Hello @Zman 0 from @zman, 2 Jun 2023, 22:30

@Newton Twitter account looks fun! 1 from #endr, 2 Jun 2023, 22:37

@Newton @911mining please have a look at ENDR sometime soon. Particularly, look at the SEDI filings. The exploration services company owned by the CEO is buying stock in the public market. Bullish, eh?! I wonder if it's possible to compare that case with what KLM is doing...

3 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:40

@Newton @geomilo check it out, 1 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:40

@Newton Hi @BenBaker 1 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:40

@BenBaker hi @newton 0 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:41

@Newton @BenBaker I always thought @911mining was taking a huge risk by getting paid in shares to do exploration work, but then I thought about HEG buying shares in ENDR in the market... 3 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:42

@Newton This junior mining community is sure full of surprises! 3 from #klm, 2 Jun 2023, 22:43

@Newton Hello AJN 0 from #ajn, 2 Jun 2023, 22:44

@Newton hello @puntarena 0 from @puntarena, 2 Jun 2023, 22:45

@Newton LITH 171.17M market cap hello! What's the story here? 0 from #lith, 2 Jun 2023, 22:46

@Newton Hi @jahiphop 0 from #lith, 2 Jun 2023, 22:46

@Newton "In 1979, Chiles Government made lithium a strategic mineral, effectively nationalizing the industry and making the advancement of Chilean lithium projects impossible for private companies. " Wow! 0 from @thenewswire/lithium-chile-welcomes-update-from-chilean-government, 2 Jun 2023, 22:47

@Newton Hello GLDN 1 from #gldn, 2 Jun 2023, 22:47

@Newton Get on the call tomorrow please @BenBaker 1 from @benbaker, 2 Jun 2023, 22:48

@BenBaker got a link ?

@Newton 0 from @benbaker, 2 Jun 2023, 23:00

@dcurtis @Newton is a future star . Maybe not even in the mining world . Peter is hard working , smart and he can take a punch . Never count that bolo wearing , sweet talking son of a sailor out . Son of a gun has Gumption 3 from #klm, 4 Jun 2023, 00:38

@Newton @GeoMilo productive first day at SILVER BELL 3 from #klm, 5 Jun 2023, 08:46


Wow! Quite the picture there, thanks for sharing. Helicopters, forest fires, and pegmatites! Is that recent from AZM field work? 1 from #azm, 5 Jun 2023, 08:59

@Newton "shallow depth between 19.8 m and 55.8 m. TC23-05 intersected a shallow, broad, oxidized zone of 36.0 m averaging 2.82 gpt Au and 176.64 gpt Ag (5.02 gpt AuEq), including 6.45 gpt Au & 408.47 gpt Ag (11.55 gpt AuEq) over a 15.5 m width. The drill hole intersected several high grade silver zones of 1.52 m of 1694 gpt Ag, 1.52 m of 380 gpt Ag, 1.52 m of 226 gpt Ag, 1.52 m 1470 gpt Ag as well as 1.52 m of 53.5 gpt Au. Gold equivalence (AuEq) was calculated using an 80:1 silver:gold ratio. The vertical drillhole TC23-05, along with TC23-04, was collared at the bottom of the southern portion of the main Contention pit, near the former underground mine's second level. " 1 from #azt, 5 Jun 2023, 09:00

@Newton Classic @jjjj best hole was vertical, collared at bottom of the old pit. Nice work AZT big opportunity 0 from #azt, 5 Jun 2023, 09:00

@Newton That hole is 5th best drill hole ranked by gram-meters out of 50 holes? Top 10 list with over 100 gram-meters... Nice stats 1 from #azt, 5 Jun 2023, 09:02


#boardroom AZT 1 from #azt, 5 Jun 2023, 09:02

@Newton @samy you were mentioning fires, eh? First one I've seen on the island. 0 from #klm, 5 Jun 2023, 21:10


Audience liked this one I think @911mining! 0 from #klm, 5 Jun 2023, 21:11

@Newton @911mining productive few days at MAIDAN eh? I'm gonna have to work harder to keep up with all the pictures you are stacking up on google drive... 1 from #klm, 5 Jun 2023, 21:12

@Newton "Fuel" 2 from #klm, 5 Jun 2023, 21:14

@Newton "Unless a capacity for thinking be accompanied by a capacity for action, a superior mind exists in torture." Benedetto Croce

1 from #klm, 5 Jun 2023, 21:16

@Newton #jokes

All you rookies that are just coming on as slot contenders, I want you all to breathe in this beautiful vista.

Breathe it in deeply.

'Cause after you all get baptized, you're never gonna be able to look out into the wilds and see that pure beauty again.

Once you get a real hard taste of the bitch at work, there's only one thing you're gonna be able to see -- and that's fuel.

So think about that.

Meditate on it.

Then decide if this job is for you. 1 from @dcurtis, 5 Jun 2023, 21:18

@Newton Column flotation testing 0 from #klm, 6 Jun 2023, 08:56

@Newton "The Province of Quebec has requested exploration companies to cease field activities due to very high forest fire risk over a large part of the province"

YIKES 0 6 Jun 2023, 08:59

@Newton #GOLD 0 6 Jun 2023, 14:07

@Newton Picture from back in March 2023...

Thanks for all the field photos @911mining! Well done 2 from #klm, 6 Jun 2023, 19:27

@Newton Quiet around here. A little too quiet? 2 from #ggl, 6 Jun 2023, 19:29

@Newton Is there a hurry to get the new shares? 0 from #epl, 6 Jun 2023, 19:30

@Newton Hello ER ! 1 from #er, 6 Jun 2023, 19:30


Yo! 0 6 Jun 2023, 20:05

@Newton Hello ARU ! 2 from #aru, 6 Jun 2023, 20:14

@Newton Was that you having a buying spree with Saudi money? 0 from @stocklor, 6 Jun 2023, 20:22

@Newton Hello @pfdx! 2 from #vik, 7 Jun 2023, 09:09

@Newton #RickRule

"... the fly in the ointment is this: we've gone for a very long time -- a very long time -- without a recession. In particular, a major recession. And you can have reduced supplies if you have reduced demand -- they balance out and prices don't increase. People who are listening to this getting hot and horny about a billion Indians coming into the resource market need to understand that in the near or midterm, a recession could dampen the price expectations that I've set you all up to expect. I will tell you, too, that inflation is very bad for humankind but it increases, often, the relative performance of commodities because they can go up in + 80 more words. Click to expand 2 from #klm, 7 Jun 2023, 09:22

@stocklor @Newton, ha, ha, spend it, blood money;-) Hope things are moving along with your project. All the best.... 1 7 Jun 2023, 09:33

@Newton @stocklor I'm finding the BC guys are functional @911mining and @GeoMilo active. But stuff in Ontario continues to fail to launch with @brazeau_mining. Please say hi to @Grassroots for me? Thanks! 1 from @stocklor, 7 Jun 2023, 09:57

@stocklor Will do, back in Baie Verte until next month, BV Mining Conference this weekend. Fully expect some news on MAE and SGNL, and MAE and Rambler. We c, cheers 0 7 Jun 2023, 10:14

@winnieip Hello @Newton 2 from #klm, 7 Jun 2023, 10:46


Best to YORK team in NYC 1 from #york, 7 Jun 2023, 11:01

@Newton How many data points can you get from a rock like that with a XRF, rock crusher, and shaker table?

Zap the rock in a few places and report each individual reading? Report the averages, too?

Then crush the rock, dry it, and zap it again? Zap it a few times, report each number and the averages?

And then put it over the shaker table to get some kind of gravity concentrate? Zap the concentrate and the waste off the table?

Lots of simple stuff to do that will help give a bunch of information before lab assays are complete. More work than most people would give to a single sample? Well, I'd actually suggest that all this is "just get+ 46 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 7 Jun 2023, 19:51

@Newton @GeoMilo was that one sent to a lab for testing? Looks like that one was cut, so some of it went to lab and other stayed with you? 1 from #klm, 7 Jun 2023, 19:52

@Newton If you keep getting bogged down in details, you either have a problem with managing or training, or you have the wrong people doing the job. The real sign of a master manager is that he doesn't have to do practically anything. Managers should view the need to get involved in the nitty-gritty as a bad sign.

At the same time, there's danger in thinking you're delegating details when you're actually being too distant from what's important and essentially are not managing. Great managers know the difference. They strive to hire, train, and oversee in a way in which others can superbly handle as much as possible on their own. #principleoftheday 1 more words. Click to expand 0 from @newton/ray-dalios-principles-for-junior-mining-executives, 7 Jun 2023, 20:05

@Newton #lounge battle rap? 0 7 Jun 2023, 20:12

@Newton @GeoMilo

Find it, dig it, smash it, pan it, stack it, sell it, acid, upgrade it

Blast it, muck it, crush it, shake it, grind it, work it, quick replace it

Write it, cut it, paste it, save it, load it, check it, quick promote it

Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, rip it

Dig-that-rock-quick #CEOfm 3 from #klm, 7 Jun 2023, 20:22

@Newton @dcurtis #jokes

Did you hear the one about the prospector who shot a bear spray can by accident? They had just finished hiking to a trench and found some cool stuff... 2 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 01:52

@Newton Picasso in the dustbin @Tommy 2 from #aumb, 8 Jun 2023, 10:04

@Newton Hello AUU ! 0 from #auu, 8 Jun 2023, 10:06

@Newton I didn't know that @campbeas!

0 from #sbmi, 8 Jun 2023, 10:57

@Newton Wen Moon? 0 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 13:46

@Newton @MustangFever I'm guessing that you're asking @GeoMilo when he sent it to the lab? Simple answer: first week of May 2023. 1 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 13:47

@Newton Hello @cryptoleaf 0 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 13:55

@Newton Mining exploration. Ask @GeoMilo or @911mining 3 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 14:00

@Newton #jokes 0 from @dcurtis, 8 Jun 2023, 23:28

@Newton Did you hear the one about the sophisticated investor?

He was so smart that he left the junior mining business! What a #joke 0 from @dcurtis, 8 Jun 2023, 23:29

@Newton #Manitoba #Bullish 0 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 23:30

@Newton @carbon8ed "Peter Bell, who will receive repayment for trade payables, such as TSX Venture Exchange fees, totalling 29,228.78" not ideal for me to pay for this stuff but I'm grateful for the opportunity to do it. I figure it makes an interesting point about just-in-time dilution for corporate overhead -- something something quasi equity line of credit. Interesting experiment in a crisis, but KLM needs it's own credit card to pay TSX fees here, there, and everywhere... Duh? What next!

1 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 23:32


KLM 2023-06-09 0 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 23:34

@Newton #Newton

"Goodbye!" "Good buy?" #jokes

1 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 23:41

@Newton @GeoMilo "Big enough. Half already went to lab... half to cut up and xrf. Who wants a chunk?" Jun 2023, 20:06

#jokes 1 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 23:43


“God created the Heavens, he created the earth! He created all the Hulkamaniacs! Then, he created a set of 24-inch pythons, brother!”

1 from #klm, 8 Jun 2023, 23:48

@Newton @GeoMilo "bullish is as bullish does" #memes 0 from #klm, 9 Jun 2023, 00:56

@Newton #ThankYou A Powerful Scene Of Humanity Plays Out As 200+ Brave South African firefighters landed in Edmonton, Canada to assist in the fight against the raging wildfire

0 9 Jun 2023, 00:57

@Newton Come back to CEOca @Mackvorkian! 0 from #klm, 9 Jun 2023, 01:04

@Newton Write a book @mackvorkian 0 from @mackvorkian, 9 Jun 2023, 01:19

@dcurtis @Newton you know that isn't me . I don't tweet 0 from #jokes, 9 Jun 2023, 08:48

@Newton Thank you Andrew! Grateful for the opportunity to work with you #insiders/zhizhen-liu 1 from #klm, 9 Jun 2023, 09:07

@Newton I know! You got some catching up to do? 0 from #jokes, 9 Jun 2023, 09:08

@Newton "Where is the big production resource money going to come from for investors with this play? "

@NabtaPlayaEgypt grade 0 from #sbmi, 9 Jun 2023, 09:09

@Newton @Joshy

One suggestion for watchlist is like "revision history"? If people change their watchlist over time then what kind of documentation of changes occurs? 0 from #feedback, 9 Jun 2023, 09:30

@NabtaPlayaEgypt @Newton is this company generally open to calls? There is one particular project which I would like to discuss for mutual benefit? 0 from #sbmi, 9 Jun 2023, 09:34

@Newton Yes they are. @pclausi here first point of contact 1 from #sbmi, 9 Jun 2023, 09:38


My private messages with punter. Apparently he's a lawyer in Calgary 0 from @samy, 12 Jun 2023, 22:29

@Newton Spreadsheet with data from our 2 recent news releases with assays. Thanks @911mining 1 from #klm, 12 Jun 2023, 22:39

@Newton "It has to go out by press release or in the MDA."

In what case can it go out by the MDA? Cool! Thanks @pclausi 0 from @pclausi, 13 Jun 2023, 01:46

@pclausi @newton Press releases are non-core documents. MDA and financials are core documents. If it's timely, the disclosure can be made in the core documents. 1 from @pclausi, 13 Jun 2023, 07:47

@Newton Hello EFF ! 1 from #eff, 13 Jun 2023, 08:55

@Newton #jokes "You sound like a guy whose wife is leaving him .." Not sure about this one @dcurtis maybe something something "speaking from experience" 1 13 Jun 2023, 09:05

@Newton @911mining I hope your hike at SOTW happening now goes smoothly. Imagine standing around watching cement mixer ball mill run in the shade -- maybe a bit loud but something different for August?

16 years ago "Hey Rocketman,"

There are a few guys who have had good success with converted mixers, both for use as ball mills and star rollers. I would tend to think they would not be as efficient as an optimized mill with horizontal jars. Maybe Lloyd can chime in here, he is the resident expert on mills. However, any efficiencies that may be sacrificed would be made up by the increased volume. 1 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 09:18

@Newton // #BRIMM

Hello! 0 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 09:38

@Newton Let's see what John says... 1 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 09:58

@Newton Hello @1111 0 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 09:58

@Newton Heavy pans @1111 0 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 09:58

@Newton "Kermode Resources loses 50,000 private placement" #stockwatch

5 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 10:32

@Newton Jay Currie please can I ask about whomever mentioned? 0 from #bhs, 13 Jun 2023, 10:33

@Newton CAT #Bullish 3 from #cat, 13 Jun 2023, 10:36

@Newton Hello!

Blue Coast Research Ltd.

Unit 2 – 1020 Herring Gull Way

Parksville, British Columbia Canada V9P 1R2

Phone: 1.250.586.0600

Fax: 1.250.586.0445

1 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 10:47

@BenBaker congrats on Closing, not losing that placement, @newton :P 2 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 10:52

@Newton @BenBaker 3 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 10:56

@Newton Messaging with a technical guy on LinkedIn I said, "Please can you discuss it with John Steen? The MITACS grants are always cool." He said are they really all from surface? When are you gonna drill it?

"Fresh. Can do backpack drilling. Can do "eze break" microblaster. The showings are drive-up access. No permits yet but possible. No plan for poking holes. Not normal program. No budget for drilling. No budget for assays even -- imagine that. Why bother continuing to do field work if you don't have money for assays eh?"

Let's see! 1 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 13:45


Gravity concentrator with crushed material from @911mining showings? I wonder... has same kind of Knelson as in this picture 2 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 13:47

@Newton Very fun stuff 0 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 14:01

@Newton Run-of-mine ore in a microwave -- why would we do that? "on the coarse end there is microwave penetration depth. So what is the ability of the microwaves to get into the ore. For most ores that we treat, the microwave penetration depth is on the order of centimetres to a metre. So we can quite easily treat - foreseeably - run of mine ore, but certainly crushing product, and primary grinding feed is very easy to treat."

0 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 14:03


Microwave test work is the newest addition to Sepro Labs. Microwave treatment offers several unique benefits due to the differences in heating response between valuable minerals and the hosted gangue minerals.

Most valuable sulphide minerals are very responsive to microwave irradiation while many gangue materials have an extremely low response, and in some cases are completely transparent to microwave. As a result, thermal stress and fractures along grain boundaries are created and the valuable minerals can be freed from the gangue matrix. This unique selecti+ 216 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 14:03


... combines microwave-assisted comminution and multi-sensor ore sorting and selectively targets valuable minerals via differential heating of the valuable and gangue phases causing microfractures along the phase boundaries. This allows for a reduction in ore competency and an increase in the liberation of the valuable mineral phases. The treated ore can then be sorted using multisensor sorting. Research and development have been conducted since March 2020 as part of the “Crush it challenge!” The national competition was launched in 2018 by Natural Resources Canada for applicants to develop the best commi+ 252 more words. Click to expand 0 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 14:14


Science! Good work #SEPRO 0 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 14:15

@Newton @CriticalInvestor VIO out of Nevada? 0 from #vio, 13 Jun 2023, 14:20

@Newton No technical report for SBMI in Idaho @NabtaPlayaEgypt 0 from @nabtaplayaegypt, 13 Jun 2023, 14:23

@Newton @NabtaPlayaEgypt VIO dropped this?



Situated at 65 km NE of Lovelock, Pershing County, Nevada, USA

Easily accessible by the Interstate Highway 80

Block of 71 claims for 501 ha.


Within the prolific Rye Patch and Humboldt Trends hosting several Au-Ag mines and prospects including Florida Canyon and Coeur Rochester Mines.

On trend with the Florida Canyon open pit, a heap leach gold mine with over 2.3 M

oz of gold produced to date.

Potential for disseminated and se+ 77 more words. Click to expand 0 from @nabtaplayaegypt, 13 Jun 2023, 14:26

@CriticalInvestor @Newton Meaning? Still have Tonya and Ridgeline shares afaik 0 from #vio, 13 Jun 2023, 14:51

@BadMan @CriticalInvestor @Newton 0 from #vio, 13 Jun 2023, 14:53

@911mining @Newton let's crush some rocks 🪨....have a bunch of backpack drilling at a bunch of areas to do in July & August as well. Get that core stacked up 2 from #klm, 13 Jun 2023, 18:16

@Newton Thanks @911mining for conversation yesterday about "use of proceeds". Fun to investigate all these technical possibilities for process testing, but let's not lose the forest for the trees.

What are the trees? Spending on this thing or that. What is the forest? The story. So what story are we telling here and how does our spending connect?

Basic thought for me was something like, "let's treat our cash extra special when we have so little of it." What does that mean? Well, it means keeping it relatively close at hand. Let's spend it slowly and carefully, and let's focus on spending it among ourselves before we start sending it to people we don't know? Do we send the first block of cash o+ 25 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 14 Jun 2023, 09:07

@Newton Long story short, first best thing I could think of for small spending was drill core boxes and drill bits. What?

Looks like we have someone skilled at woodwork to build the boxes, so let's buy him some wood and see if he can make simple effective boxes for storing drill core! We're going to start with only a few boxes used to move drill core from site back to yard, where we do geological logging of core in shipping container office. We will store the core samples in bags rather than the boxes themselves so we can keep using the same few boxes for collecting core from site and bringing back to yard without breaking.

And why drill bits? Because they are increasing in price aggressively th+ 58 more words. Click to expand 3 from #klm, 14 Jun 2023, 09:12

@Newton I thought about suggesting that we buy stuff to make "cement mixer ball mill" as first move, but that may be second or third at this point. Reason that I like this one is because feeding a bunch of high-grade into some crusher circuit allows us to send some crushed material to @geomilo for him to zap with XRF and then put over shaker table to do some gravity concentrate and zap again. This kind of work would show whether we can stack up meaningful amounts of high-grade from surface showings and how the stuff behaves with simple processing and can run in parallel separately to whatever backpack drilling we can get going with @911mining 3 from #klm, 14 Jun 2023, 09:16

@Newton Vior is a junior mining exploration corporation based in Quebec whose corporate strategy is to generate, explore, and develop high quality projects in proven and favourable mining jurisdictions in North America. Through the years, Vior's management and technical team have demonstrated their ability to discover several gold deposits and many high-quality mineral prospects. Vior is rapidly advancing three district-scale projects in Quebec, which include its flagship Belleterre Gold Project, the Belleterre Critical Minerals Project (Lithium) and its Skyfall Nickel Project. 0 from #vio, 14 Jun 2023, 09:45

@Newton Okay! Thanks TSXV 0 from #klm, 14 Jun 2023, 13:05

@Newton Was Tonya any good @CriticalInvestor? 0 from #vio, 14 Jun 2023, 13:05

@Newton Hello NRG 2 from #nrg, 14 Jun 2023, 13:20

@Newton Hello AWX ! 0 from #awx, 14 Jun 2023, 13:26


NXS 0 from #nxs, 14 Jun 2023, 13:30

@Newton @Barry4180 did you see this one? Or the other one? 0 from #klm, 14 Jun 2023, 13:30

@Newton KML file mapping...


Assays? @CaptainDuff

0 from #klm, 14 Jun 2023, 14:01

@Newton What is "best BC discovery of 2023" @ticotime2020 ?

1 from #gcc, 14 Jun 2023, 22:54

@Newton GCC #Bullish 1 from #gcc, 14 Jun 2023, 22:54

@Newton Say hi to @westcoast_wizard MDMA 0 from #mdma, 14 Jun 2023, 22:55

@Barry4180 @Newton Been pretty busy and the doc. you posted was the 1st time seeing the data. Heck of a lense looking at the E and N co-ordinates on the Lucky Strike grab samples. 0 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 06:47


@Barry4180 please also see this one from Star Of The West thanks

0 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 08:50

@Newton Good work @911mining running fast effective exploration programs thank you 1 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 08:51

@Newton Hello 0 from @cal, 15 Jun 2023, 09:14

@Newton Hello @911mining! Thanks for the field photos.

Announce financing on Friday, close Tuesday, decide first use of proceeds for buying backup drill bits and drill core boxes, then drill turning Wednesday? Okay!

Core pictures? Zoom-in!

And then zoom-out. Where are we? Lucky Strike!

Why core boxes? The truck bed works in a pinch for logging core in the field, but logging it back at work yard is better. So let's store the core in boxes at site, bring back to yard to log it, then bag i+ 24 more words. Click to expand 1 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 09:28

@Newton Hello WE ! 0 from #we, 15 Jun 2023, 09:56

@Newton @newswire/wecommerce-signs-definitive-agreement-to-combine-with

"We have been building Tiny for over a decade and could not be more excited to go public through our merger with WeCommerce. We will continue our focus on acquiring exceptional businesses and holding them for the long-term." said Andrew Wilkinson, Co-CEO of Tiny.

"We are thrilled to merge WeCommerce with Tiny and are grateful for the strong support the transaction has received from our major shareholders. This is a great outcome for all parties as the combined company will have substantially more resources, scale and growth potential for many decades to come," said Chris Sparling, Co-CEO of Tiny.

"I have always considered And+ 71 more words. Click to expand 0 from #we, 15 Jun 2023, 09:57

@Newton Today! 0 from #we, 15 Jun 2023, 09:59

@Newton Speaking of "a little money spent cleverly" shoutout WE AGM today following news of deal with Tiny Ltd! Very cool story from Victoria about "value investors" in the tech space? What? Okay!

AGM event today for WE probably had +100 people in the room? Thanks for gifts like new hat! 1 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 14:42


I started my company 16 years, 3 months, and 5 days ago. Today, it went public. But let's rewind for a second... 5,939 days ago, I was a barista at a small cafe called @2percentJazz2 , in Victoria, Canada. I made 6.50 an hour. Two guys, Chris and Jeff, started coming into the cafe. They'd sit there all day drinking espresso and typing away on their laptops, using the wifi. After weeks of this, I asked them what they did for a living. Didn't they have jobs? They told me they were "web designers" and this — sitting on their laptops — was their job. As I dug in, they told me how it worked: They asked local businesses if they needed a we+ 545 more words. Click to expand 0 from #we, 15 Jun 2023, 14:46

@Newton @CaptainDuff another drilling video from 4 months ago, fyi 2 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 14:48

@Newton And then this one from a year ago @CaptainDuff... I remember asking the @911mining crew to please drill a couple holes in July 2022 so that I could say KLM actually drilled exploration holes in my first year as CEO.

We have focused more on prospecting than drilling since then as there are many areas begging for attention. Important discussion around "pipeline" of exploration targets -- when do we spend time and money looking for new showings, versus when do we just work the ones we already know about? 2 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 14:51

@Newton Classic #ShaneParrish

Kind over nice.

Outcome over ego.

Velocity over speed.

Quality over quantity.

Effective over efficient.

Ability over experience.

Progress over perfection.

Consistency over intensity.

Competence over charisma.

Environment over willpower.

Correctness over consensus.

Long-term over the short-term.

The right way over the shortcut.

Avoiding stupidity over seeking brilliance. 2 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 14:53

@Newton Upon each anniversary of the agreement, Advance will make an annual payment of 250,000 to Wolfden in cash or shares of the Company until 3 million has been spent on the property. @newsfile/advance-lithium-reaches-agreement-with-wolfden-resources

@ticotime2020 looks like cash payments start a year from closing... 0 from #aali, 15 Jun 2023, 15:21

@Newton Hello SASQ ! 2 from #sasq, 15 Jun 2023, 15:23

@Newton @CaptainDuff group helping WE with IR here, fyi... 2 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 15:25

@Newton @geomilo gets cell reception on "QUARTZ MOUNTAIN" eh? Cool!

2 from #klm, 15 Jun 2023, 21:03

@Newton Hello TINY! Cool event today. I was tagging WE by mistake earlier. Best to all

1 from #tiny, 15 Jun 2023, 21:04

@Newton VGCX beautiful mine

0 from #vgcx, 15 Jun 2023, 21:15

@StockLife @Newton Hi Newt 0 from @stocklife, 16 Jun 2023, 05:05

@Thrifty @Newton What was your biggest takeaway from the TINY AGM? 0 from #tiny, 16 Jun 2023, 12:13

@Newton #kismet Shoutout Stockshaman on twitter! @911mining SLESSE CREEK calling your name eh 0 from #klm, 18 Jun 2023, 23:32

@Newton @samy this may help

Best Way to Read a Book

Edgar A. Guest (1881 - 1959)

LibriVox volunteers bring you 20 recordings of Best Way to Read a Book by Edgar A. Guest. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for September 12th, 2010.

2 from #klm, 18 Jun 2023, 23:33

@Newton Thanks @Thrifty for the question. Great phrasing.

I started writing a book for you @Thrifty but I will take another day to consider how to express myself here. Long story short, my biggest takeaway from the TINY AGM was surprise.

Surprise that there are people talking value investing stuff in tech? Surprise that I know those people? Surprise that I am running KLM in ways that echo some of the things I heard last Thursday ("we want to be buyer of choice for our partners")? Surprise that a pubco can actually have a cool "investors day" event in Victoria, BC, Canada? The list goes on.

Surprise is investable -- ask Ben Hunt epsilon theory 2 from #tiny, 18 Jun 2023, 23:52

@Newton @GoodAsGold what other stocks do you like 0 from #klm, 18 Jun 2023, 23:54


Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic:



Hello BC copper! #jokes @dcurtis 1 from #vcu, 19 Jun 2023, 00:03

@Newton Good work VCU 0 from #vcu, 19 Jun 2023, 00:03

@Newton Big year for AHR? Market cap greater than share count? #bullish AHR 1 from #ahr, 19 Jun 2023, 00:04

@Newton Certainly not @chris99 but I heard a speech years ago that had very useful insight into copper demand charateristics... @Newton/bullish-copper-info-from-adam-a-rozencwajg-with-om-partners 0 from #vcu, 19 Jun 2023, 10:24


@911mining check it out!

Samples are submitted to American Assay Laboratories (AAL) of Sparks, Nevada, which is a certified and accredited laboratory, independent of the Company. Samples are prepared using industry-standard prep methods and analysed using FA-PB30-ICP (Au; 30 g fire assay) and ICP-5AM48 (48 element Suite; 0.5 g 5-acid digestion/ICP-MS) methods. AAL also undertakes its own internal coarse and pulp duplicate analysis to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration. Independent check samples are sent to Paragon Geo+ 91 more words. Click to expand 0 from #rdg, 19 Jun 2023, 10:25

@Newton SAG, AE, KG -- 3 out of the 6 top spots for "Company News!" on CEOca today are announcing start of drill programs.

I wonder how many companies are drilling right now? How many metres and what kind of program costs? Fascinating details I'd like to learn more about #Boardroom 0 19 Jun 2023, 10:38

@Newton Oxide copper eh? "hot batch" electroplating? 0 from #rdg, 19 Jun 2023, 10:41

@Newton Well done RDG great to see you staking stuff like that eh 1 from #rdg, 19 Jun 2023, 10:41

@CaptainDuff @Newton @911mining For those following along at home, chalcopyrite is the primary ore for #copper in massive sulphide deposits. And amazing that KLM is actually drilling on ground it controls. 3 from #klm, 19 Jun 2023, 12:43

@Newton @Chad_NV thanks for the field photos at the face. Please can we get coordinates or a KMZ or some maps to zoom-out? 0 from #rdg, 19 Jun 2023, 16:06

@Newton "report some assay grades with the rock pictures for a start"

Combining assays and rock pics eh @CaptainDuff? 2 from #klm, 19 Jun 2023, 16:48

@Lyra @Newton any rumours? 0 from #ahr, 19 Jun 2023, 17:23

@Newton Not yet @Lyra although I did hear... 0 from #ahr, 19 Jun 2023, 19:22

@Newton " if our team can’t sell Mclymont or part of this to a major to get some much needed cash to drill, then we are in deep trouble." @sheldonreinhart

Is now a good time to be selling things to majors? 0 from #endr, 19 Jun 2023, 19:25

@Newton Hello TNR ! 0 from #tnr, 19 Jun 2023, 19:33

@Newton Craig Parry for President HSTR ? 0 from #hstr, 19 Jun 2023, 19:46

@Newton Hole 293 "tested a gap in the better-than-5 g/t resource blocks and successfully returned 129.2 metres grading 6 g/t gold, including 46 metres of 13.4g/t gold"

"Flipping the lens: an accurate model that lets a new miner target the best ore during the first few years can repay capital costs and send profits soaring."

Yes! Thanks @trilogy #bullish 1 from #hstr, 19 Jun 2023, 19:47

@Newton HELLO?

0 from #jokes, 19 Jun 2023, 19:48

@Newton @nuggetz

"Some of the variation is attributed to alteration during low-rank metamorphism or by seawater... elemental abundances of Karmutsen basalt is modeled by first mixing primitive arc magma with enriched basaltic liquid derived either from garnet peridotite or metasomatized mantle, followed by fractionation" Thanks #USGS 1 from #klm, 19 Jun 2023, 19:54

@Newton I haven't heard much chatter about the economic study HSTR put together prior to the property deal. Was the report public? How did it look? Great to see them hitting big gold numbers with "infill" holes. The best projects get better the more you work them! Go #CharlesFunk go! 1 from #hstr, 19 Jun 2023, 19:57

@Newton Hello SGZ ! 0 from #sgz, 19 Jun 2023, 19:58

@Chad_NV Unfortunately not @newton, we’re not 2 from #rdg, 19 Jun 2023, 20:09

@Newton Understood thanks @Chad_NV! 0 from #rdg, 19 Jun 2023, 20:10

@Newton GGD impressive results! 0 from #ggd, 19 Jun 2023, 20:11

@Newton All those are oxides @Nuggetz? 0 from #klm, 19 Jun 2023, 23:04


Elemental Abundance for Copper? Crust (CRC Handbook): 6.0 x 10^-5

So... crustal abundance is like 60ppm Cu? Interesting number I will keep in mind for background levels. 60ppm is 0.006% 0 from #klm, 19 Jun 2023, 23:07


Important ores of Copper:

Name, Formula

Chalcocite, Cu2S

Chalcopyrite, CuFeS2

Bornite, Cu5FeS4

Covellite, CuS

Chalcocite specimen from Wisconsin?

Chalcopyrite specimens

and my favourite... Bornite: Butte Mining District, Silver Bow County, Montana, USA

8X17X7cm, 2.5Kg, massive bornite. iridescent blue with a texture of 'crinkled foil'. From 2010 trade with Chris Van Laer.

1 from #klm, 19 Jun 2023, 23:13

@RockyMountainCanada @newton that depends on how much they care about these assets. If they value them like vet does, then definitely. 1 from #endr, 20 Jun 2023, 07:41

@Newton Are these all "oxidized" minerals @Nuggetz? 0 from @nuggetz, 20 Jun 2023, 09:40

@Newton @newton/three-free-fun-ideas-for-howestreet fun one 0 from @captainduff, 20 Jun 2023, 09:53

@Newton Good to see EPL sponsoring Geoscience BC. Will we see a big new report on new SEDEX discovery in years ahead?! 0 from #epl, 20 Jun 2023, 10:00


"As demand and awareness concerning Critical Minerals increases, Coast Copper has undertaken a review of secondary elements which could add to the value to the deposit. The Company observed massive magnetite mineralization during its drill campaigns in 2021 and 2022 in and around the historical Merry Widow open pit. It is believed that magnetite could be included in an updated mineral resource estimate, especially given the fact that approximately 1.68 MT of iron concentrate was recovered from the Property between 1957-19673 from both Merry Widow and Kingfisher open pits and undergr+ 87 more words. Click to expand 1 from #coco, 20 Jun 2023, 10:14

@Newton Last AGM was June 24, 2022. Maximum 15 months to next one takes right to end of September? Yikes! Sorry to see NWST 0 from #nwst, 20 Jun 2023, 10:24

@Newton Options issuance @dcurtis 0 from #klm, 20 Jun 2023, 12:20

@Newton Hello Slocan Valley! #BritishColumbia 0 from #klm, 20 Jun 2023, 12:54


Eastgate, Okanagan-Similkameen H, BC @dcurtis something to get excited aboot here eh! Meow is the time I'm telling ewe 1 from #klm, 20 Jun 2023, 13:37

@Newton Decoors @dcurtis 0 from #klm, 20 Jun 2023, 13:41

@Newton @dcurtis are these deal terms worth talking about?!KLM-3373775/C/KLM 1 from #klm, 20 Jun 2023, 13:53

@Newton Hello ZC! #Bullish 0 from #klm, 20 Jun 2023, 13:54

@Newton @HH2022 respect to ZC for the IR work! Apparently it's effective as CCE market cap is 10M? 0 from #zc, 20 Jun 2023, 13:55

@CriticalInvestor @Newton I have no idea, but the company is focusing on other things so I can imagine they would like to save on holding costs etc 0 from #vio, 20 Jun 2023, 18:10

@dcurtis @Newton maybe meow ? Ewe punster u . 0 from @dcurtis, about 10 hours ago

@Newton Did you ever write a report about Tonya @CriticalInvestor? 0 from #vio, about 2 hours ago

@Newton What's going on @dcurtis? #Boardroom 0 from #emo, about 2 hours ago

@Newton "I know this project like the back of my hand..I'll send you a pic of the back of my hand..." Collaborator or competitor @Chad_NV? 0 from #rdg, about 2 hours ago

@Newton @911mining a BC company can do a rollback anytime without shareholder vote. Ontario companies need a shareholder vote for rollback of any size. FYI

Also, the TSXV requires a shareholder vote for any rollback that results in more than 10:1 consolidation in a 2-year time period.

So we could do up to 10:1 now without a shareholder vote. Or we could do 2:1 now and 5:1 six months from now. Etc. 0 from #klm, about 2 hours ago

@Newton Couple examples of 10:1 rollback on TSXV (no shareholder vote).


2018: 0 from #klm, about 2 hours ago

@Newton @ticotime2020 correct we don't need shareholder vote to do 10:1 rollback. Anything beyond that would require a vote... One approach is to add a resolution to an AGM that gives permission for some rollback but allows timing to be at discretion of management. @pclausi trick 0 from #klm, about 2 hours ago


Fun to look around this EASTGATE area in BC with @GeoMilo. Interesting to see Decoors and ZC in the area already. And also interesting that this will be the second project called "Eastgate" in KLM? First one was Eastgate in Nevada from long time ago, different management. What next? 0 from #klm, about 2 hours ago

@kjm @Newton scroll up 0 from #emo, about 2 hours ago

@Newton LOI with @GeoMilo has deal terms with no cash and no share payments. There are two payments: a royalty and a sales participation right. The royalty has an unlimited timeline, but the total payout is capped 5M. The sales right has a limited timeline 10 years, but unlimited payout.

I was thinking about SPC and VALE deal in Sudbury when writing this LOI with Milo. That SPC deal gives VALE a carried position over life of mine, but no cash or share payments to start the deal. Alignment? 2 from #klm, about 2 hours ago

@Newton Are we at peak pessimism yet @kjm? 0 from #emo, about 2 hours ago

@pclausi @newton and @ticotime It depends on the jurisdiction in which the company was incorporated. Different jurisdictions have different rules governing consolidations. 0 from @pclausi, about 2 hours ago

@CriticalInvestor @Newton No they didn't do work on it since I'm covering them 1 from #vio, about 2 hours ago

@Newton Nice work @Puma_IR 0 from #puma, about an hour ago

@Newton @newton/20-minutes-with-mr-john-buckle-director-gray-rock-grk

Blast from the past 2017 interview here with one of people involved in Decoors, who has some ground at EASTGATE BC project where KLM signed LOI yesterday. GRK now SWLF working on projects from Avino in Mexico after they dropped the stuff in BC. 0 from #klm, 39 minutes ago

@Newton Hi @eyeofhorus 0 from #klm, 39 minutes ago

@Newton Hi @Sambo I don't recognize your handle. How are you? 0 from #klm, 20 minutes ago

@Newton Hello again @jolivyer. How do you think KLM doing since January 2023? 0 from #klm, 20 minutes ago


#NewtonNews find all KLM news releases since I became CEO on the cloud here... 0 from #klm, 13 minutes ago

@Newton Hey @snidely do you know BCU northwest Arizona eh? They have projects south of GROSS SPRING MINE famous "Midnight Mine [2], Chloride, Chloride Mining District, Wallapai Mining District, Cerbat Mountains (Cerbat Range), Mohave County, Arizona, USA"

Lots of opportunity this part of the world

0 from #bcu, 10 minutes ago

@Newton #BCU page shows 6 people online but when I click to see "Who?" it only shows 1. Me. I think that means the other 5 people have premium accounts and I don't?

#MAB 0 from #bcu, 9 minutes ago

@Newton @joshy good work! 0 from #mab, 9 minutes ago

@Newton Good work CEOca #feedback 1 from #feedback, 8 minutes ago

@Newton Hi @Ham how are things 0 from @ham, 8 minutes agotb