We’re two months into the CEO.CA stock picking contest and there is definitely a storm brewing. It appears the average user is not performing as well as we had expected.
As of yesterday, at market close, the average user gain/loss was -9%. That’s not what we like to hear when the TSX Venture Composite Index is up 1.15% year to date, but do not fret, there are still ten months to go and a heck of a lot more news releases to come.
Still congratulations to the top three current performers:
1. @medvic1 (+138.7%)
2. @SeaOfGreen (+100.7%)
3. @Copperhead5 (+89%)
We'll have to wait and see if @HMcDuckHughes maintains the rightful seat on the throne. A sly little shoutout to @rawhide who’s only down 76.7%. We can understand it’s a tough market. Hopefully, you'll emerge from these rough waters and secure a spot among the top performers by year's end.
Let’s take a dive into the top 2024 stock contest picks posted in our previous article and below to see what their current returns are (as of Feb 29th close):
$NILI: -33%
$BIG: +2.44%
$MDMA: +23.33%
$VPT: -11.29%
$AMQ: +8.33%
$EMO: -11.11%
$GRAT: +3.57%
$HUT: -31.31%
$BRW: -47.47%
Below is a list of the top performers within the 2024 Stock Picking Contest. Although crypto-related stocks ($BLOX, $METX, $BTCW) are in the top 3, mining stocks and other categories are not far behind.
With PDAC just around the corner, the sentiment could change and bump some of those underperformers into winners. Keep checking in on the leaderboard to see where you stand: https://ceo.ca/?tab=stockpickingcontest&sub_tab=2024
Good luck to everyone, and may the markets favor us all.