A recording of discussion with the Silver Nickel company, Neal Hawkins & John Rothermel. Also, Branden Haynes of Hawkmoon Resources. 

*This call is being recorded.*

Peter Bell: Test, test. Hello, it's Peter Bell.

Neal Hawkins: Hey Peter. Neal Hawkins here.

Peter Bell: Hi, thank you very much for calling.

Neal Hawkins: I talked to John he should be joining us in a couple minutes here. You got all the information I sent you with the what we have currently and what we're looking for.

Peter Bell: Yes, thank you.

Neal Hawkins: John's here. Okay, we are being recorded.

Peter Bell: Correct.

Peter Bell: And it looks like Branden Haynes, as well. Branden are you there?

Branden Haynes: Yes, I'm here. Hello everybody.

Peter Bell: Branden, please meet John Rothermel and Neal Hawkins.

Neal Hawkins: Good to speak with you both, again. It's been a little while since we talked and a lot has happened since the last time we spoke.

Peter Bell: Guys, I've sprung this on you -- inviting Branden onto the call -- because he's had some success raising money as a private junior mining company this year. He is on the path to having a new public company and lots of deal flow. Back and forth. I sent him the prices and some of the property information. I've talked to him about some of the opportunities I see there. The question is those prices you shared -- the project valuations. For deals with public companies, are you open to doing share based transactions?

Neal Hawkins: Well, what exactly would be share-based transactions? A participation in a company or a JV?

Peter Bell: Let me ask a different way. Are those dollar amounts you sent firmly in cash, or is it possible to do deals in shares? Transactions with these things based on the valuations of partner, whether private or public, for shares rather than for cash? To what extent is that something you guys have talked about and are open to doing?

Neal Hawkins: Well, if I like the company or whatever it is then it would be something we'd be interested in pursuing. Yes, we would at least consider taking some participation in it as part of the price. Sure.

Neal Hawkins: I have no problem with that, either. I think both of us would be willing to do that to get some of these properties developed, which we think would be be good for everybody.

Peter Bell: And development spends massive amounts of cash, right? I joke that "exploration is a terrible business, the only thing worse is production." Development and production are very expensive ways to make money. Talking about these kinds of dollar amounts in a production scenario -- your price list is very small relative to operations. Like, you'd spend this in some mines in a day. Or in an hour! They're spending a lot of cash.

Neal Hawkins: Yes, I think we all realize it cost a lot more to get production going that it does for exploration.

Peter Bell: And the way the junior mining business works is doing things on hypothetical valuations, equity in companies that are being built. Again, further to the point about any and all fair transactions -- are there any scenarios where you would sell properties entirely for shares?

Neal Hawkins: Well, I would say yes. We'd be open to it. Like I said, if it was a company that was willing to come in and do something with it to get it moving then let's make a deal. We have a lot of different properties. I'd say we're all for going ahead.

Peter Bell: Thank you. I am thinking about some of the earlier stage projects that may be more appropriate for higher risk deals, versus some of the ones that are closer to mines. All your properties have old mines on them, I believe. I can understand that you would want more cash in some scenarios than others.

Neal Hawkins: We would discuss it. I'm not gonna say we would jump at all of the deals, but we would definitely be open to listening. Anything anybody wants to propose to us.

Peter Bell: And what I told Branden was that you guys have some good exploration ground, but his company already has one, another, and a third lead on some pretty hot stuff in Quebec for exploration assets. He seems to have them in spades out of the gate here. The thing that I've pointed him to in your properties list is the "Cumberland Mine" the "Pine Flat" project. The non-compliant tonnage number that it has included in the description there jumps out at me. I was telling Branden that a property like that could look really good on your balance sheet. If you can buy that as a new junior in addition to these other exploration things that you have, then it can be wild. These patented claims with old mines are fun, but to have some clear view on a non-compliant resource -- that's something I'd like to offer up for discussion, Branden.

John Rothermel: We have a couple like that. Two or three more. Cumberland is definitely one of them. I would point out the Pinafore was taken pretty along, as far as exploration and development. Also the Troy properties are pretty well advanced.

John Rothermel: That means they've had drilling. And a lot of geophysics. Some of them were subjects of a master's thesis and drilling. There's been a lot of money spent. They're basically beyond the first steps of exploration. For example, the Pine Flat needs a deep hole to verify the master's thesis that it's just the upper levels of a large porphyry. It would take one hole to prove or disprove that. And the same thing with the others. Basically, there's been years of work -- geophysics, geochemistry, drilling. For Pine Flat, some of that patented land is worth between $5,000 to $10,000 per acre. If you're looking at a million dollar project, a lot of that's recoupable just in the real estate.

Peter Bell: And that residential location -- it's not prohibitive to mine development?

John Rothermel: No. Arizona is really a difficult state I get Canadians all the time who come out here and the first thing they say is, "I didn't know that it was so rugged! Steep! Rough!" Up here it is rough. Ask David Lowell!

John Rothermel: The way that thing is running is opposite of what they all figured it was. The creek called Pine Flats has the disseminated chalcopyrite exposed in cuts that I have put in. That's away from the residential property. There is some residential property, but it's not like Prescott where it's $50,000-100,000 an acre. It's still fairly reasonable because it's eight or nine miles from a small town.

Peter Bell: Arizona! It's amazing to think about Tim Marsh and his deep hole at PERSEVERANCE. Just off the highway at Kingman. I've driven over that highway and i never would have thought that someone like him would be so doing something like that there. Now he's taking a shot on it.

John Rothermel: Yeah. It's a deep one. What we're talking about is not deep like he's talking about.

Peter Bell: They're down over a thousand meters at PERSEVERANCE. They stopped the hole and started up again below 1,000 meters. That's not the kind of stuff that Brandon's talking about doing, either. Things can change quickly, but your ground with old mines -- that can bring a clear view of ounces of gold or pounds of copper in a non-compliant resource. To have something that looks like a porphyry deposit already -- if he could put that into a new public company, then it gives it more "mass". The start of a metals inventory for Branden's company.

John Rothermel: Well, I'm just waiting for the rain to stop so I can go up again. I ended up basically cleaning out some flat spots, re-doing the roads, and putting drainage systems in there. As far as the expense, goes that property connects right to a county road. Water levels are 90-foot deep.

Peter Bell: A road! A road. A county road -- it's a pretty rough then, eh?

John Rothermel: Well, it's one of the few that a car can make it over. It's maintained because it's residential. The Yavapai County likes it because there's approximately 150 people living out in that general vicinity. It's a recreation road for the Prescott National Forest.

Peter Bell: Is that Chino Valley or Paulden, north of Prescott?

John Rothermel: No. This is southeast of Prescott by eight miles.

Peter Bell: Oh. In the park, then?

John Rothermel: Yes, this is one of these weird things where it's is it in the park -- the National Forest, Prescott National Forest.

Peter Bell: Mount Union is there?

John Rothermel: Yes, close to it.

Peter Bell: Branden, please can I put it to you -- what do you think about a project in a National Forest like this?

Branden Haynes: Well, you're going to run into First Nations claims and environmental groups. We've had cases up here in British Columbia where drillers couldn't even get to their machines because they had a line of First Nations in front of it blocking it and turned into a PR nightmare.

John Rothermel: Let me get into the Indian situation. I worked on the reservation. I work with the Yavapai Apaches. Prescott was affected by the Yavapai Apache Tribe. They claim no ground in that area, not by the Cumberland mine.

Branden Haynes: Do they have written and filed with the state? They can turn around and say, "oh it is actually our land..." They can move the goal posts.

John Rothermel: No. There are certain areas that I can see as religiously significant. The religious area for the Yavapai Apache is not by the Cumberland mine. They were more to the north of Prescott. It would have been north in the Granite Mountain.

John Rothermel: From Pine Flat all the way to the Crown King area -- that's nothing but old mining areas.

John Rothermel: There's been mines operating off and on for 150 years in those Bradshaws.

John Rothermel: No Indian interest anywhere near that area. Never has been.

Branden Haynes: Okay, good. Here in British Columbia, the province is 150% owned by First Nations. They run off a history of oral tradition, which means there's nothing in writing.

Peter Bell: Branden -- this is the thing. This is why you go for patented mining claims in the state of Arizona in the United States of America.

Neal Hawkins: That's just what I was going to say, Peter. We have private land. This is not government land that they can lay claim to. This is not something they can interfere with.

Branden Haynes: Thanks, guys. I apologize. I realized halfway through my monologue that these are patented claims in the United States.

Peter Bell: But the question remains -- can you have a project in the middle of a forest? A National Forest -- is it possible? It is a valid question, it's a National Forest.

Neal Hawkins: If you were to get a public input on a project starting off in the Pine Flats then you're not going to get anything from the Yavapai Apache. Years ago back in the 1870s, they used to raid some of the miner settlement south the Crown King. That's the only thing I know about the Yavapai Apache.

Peter Bell: The United Nations might have something to say about it, though? The WEF -- some globalist environmentalist foundation could take an interest in the area?

Neal Hawkins: Our projects are not like Resolution -- it is not a huge project that is needing thousands of acres of government land where you get interest and a lot of complaints. I don't think ours would be near that size or scope to draw any interest.

Peter Bell: But you want it to be economically interesting, though?

John Rothermel: Working with the Forest Service and knowing the Prescott National Forest, I've never seen an indian in the Bradshaw mountains. It's tough out there.

Peter Bell: But the bureaucratic are your biggest resistance.

John Rothermel: The biggest problem that you can ever get if you're talking about mining is environmental organization. Prescott, itself, is not a friendly mining community. The mayor likes mines, but they have got a real problem. Pine Flats isn't the most perfect situation, but it's a hell of a lot better than anything else in the area. Freeport has that Copper Basin, but they'll never develop that because it's too close to Prescott!

Peter Bell: Bradshaw City? Crown King? Is that close to Pine Flats?

John Rothermel: To the north, you're looking at maybe 12 miles.

John Rothermel: Cumberland Mine is on the north part of the Bradshaws. Crown King is on the southern flank of the Bradshaws. We have that area, the Tiger mine, the Grey Eagle mine. Basically, most of the major ones from Pine Flat to the south.

Peter Bell: I'm looking on Google Earth and I see some old adits in the exposures. It's looks pretty prolific. That's a windy road, too.

John Rothermel: The main road from Prescott to Crown King is the Senator Highway.

Peter Bell: I think I can see it goes straight for about one mile out of ten. Neal, you say not big enough to cause any commotion but does that mean that it's not big enough for the market to care either? 25 million tons of copper ore at surface is interesting.

Neal Hawkins: When I speak about "big", I'm talking about something the size of Resolution, which draws national attention. Then you get the big environmental groups and anybody else coming out of the woodwork. I'm sure you've heard about the problems they're having. We're not talking about anything that is eating up that much public land -- that's the thing about it.

Peter Bell: But it's in a forest. It's in a forest, nonetheless. A National Forest -- is it permitable?

John Rothermel: Permitable! Ha.

Peter Bell: Patented ground, right?

John Rothermel: Forest Service guys -- the first thing I tell them is "Don't come out here and act like we're intruding on your National Forest. The US Forest Service came about in 1905 and these claims were patented before Barney Bruins even owned any land. As far as a National Forest -- if anybody's johnny-come-lately, it's you guys."

Peter Bell: I appreciate it! I appreciate the education. Thank you.

John Rothermel: I know the public lands -- I worked in what was called the Mining and Recreation Division. I used to sit in there when they would be talking about permitting, getting initial permits, doing the environmental impact statements, and doing ammendments to the statements. I know exactly what the laws and rules are. I worked closely with the public lands association that helps small miners. One of the cases that they had was on my Ranger District, which was a legal case. It saidyou have specific rights, as far as access to that property. Patented claims! I can give you the case numbers and everything else, but it was done because a mill was sited on a National Forest. It went to the Ninth Circuit and they won that -- in a liberal ninth circuit.

Peter Bell: Was that in the 2000s?

John Rothermel: Yes, within the last 15 years.

Peter Bell: No overturns? Any challenges or anything that you know of?

John Rothermel: No. No. No. You're not a guest. Basically, those are real property rights. Patented claims have real property rights.

Peter Bell: Branden, I'm not a legal scholar but if you've seen title in Canada then there's some language about the Queen that you don't see in these legal agreements concerning property in the United States. The language is fundamentally different. These patented claims -- the thing that I've been pointing to, Branden, is that these patented claims can be really valuable. One of the key things I see in them is permit-ability, like "accelerated timelines". Quicker to get them into production, right? If you want to add something to Hawkmoon that has been drilled off to some degree, then look at these. These patented claims are develop-able. It's amazing to see one in the middle of a National Forest, where a county road is maintained. This is so fortuitous. The only question I would ask about that for you Silver Nickel is whether there other ones like this in the area -- or is this really the only patented claim in this camp of the Bradshaw mountains?

John Rothermel: Bradshaws, at one time, had quite a bit of mining. At one time, it probably had a hundred and fifty different small mines. There were a lot patents done. Basically, all you had to do was five hundred dollars of work and pay for a mineral survey and to get a patent. If you didn't want a patent, you'd have to do a hundred dollars worth of assessment. Well, if you're gonna be there any length of time then you'd decide. I talked to a lot of old-timers who said, "My great-grandfather he had mines because it got to the point where it was cheaper to patent them than pay the assessment work!"

Peter Bell: Okay. So, there's a bunch of them out to here.

John Rothermel: As an exploration geologist, I would say -- you get 300 exploration geologist in a room and ask them to raise their hand if they ever found a mine that went into production. I think not a single hand will get raised. A lot of them go all their lives and never find a producing mine.

Peter Bell: Well, watch out for Branden and his company -- he's got a guy who's already found something. A young guy who found something in Quebec. Brandon's giving him funding to go and find more stuff, too!

Branden Haynes: Thanks, Peter. Our geologist, Thomas Clarke, discovered a deposit to the south of our claims in Quebec. That deposit has a mill and there they're going to be processing much of the work from Osisko to the north. They also have a potential working mine in the next year or two. Tom feels that our area in Quebec shows similar potential as Bonterra. His mantra is, "I only do showings."

Peter Bell: Yes. Branden, he said that to me he only stakes showings with roads. He said, I only stake showings and only if there's a road nearby. I was blown away. It reminded me of you, John.

John Rothermel: It's also true that when you get a geologist who finds a mine -- they likely find another. The one that does one discovery usually ends up discovering several. A few do most of the finding and the rest basically work for juniors, keep moving on, and finish their careers without really finding a mine. Or they just join into a operating company. In the Bradshaws, I gotta be perfectly up front. It's very rough country. The roads -- not so much on the Pine Flats -- but in other parts of the Bradshaws are really bad. They're difficult. Steep terrain. That's the reason they have mines and ore deposits still available. The easy stuff is gone. You can't drive up to an ore deposit in Arizona, stake a claim on it, and have it assay worth a damn. It just doesn't exist.

John Rothermel: It's true. There are holes everywhere.

Peter Bell: And that's why I point out Pine Flat, John. This is one where you can drive your car close by! And it'll run at ore grades because it's an old mine site. There's a view to this many million ounces, say.

John Rothermel: And the other thing is you're working out of Mayer, which is an old community town. It has smokestacks from its mining days and everything else. It is surrounded by mines. Most of the people live on patented mining claims. It's different from Prescott, where you've got all these liberals that destroyed their big cities and are now moving into Prescott to retire. They're bringing their garbage views with them.

Peter Bell: I see Mayer in the foothills of the mountain. The road going up to it and back up into the hills. Branden's not a geologist here, but he's focused on deals. He's got a geo and is letting him loose on a project in Quebec. He's got other stuff in Canada. To talk about something that has some concept of a resource at it -- that 25 million tons at Pine Flat that's mentioned in the property description. What kind of standard is that based on? John, geologically speaking what is that 25 million tons about?

John Rothermel: That's the one where they drilled-out the latite.

John Rothermel: What I'm concerned about is that I have the Cumberland mine a quarter mile to the north. At the Cumberland mine, other geologists talk about how the Cumberland had a $90 ore when gold was $20 an ounce. They say that's in a quartz vein system. Well, it's not a quartz vein -- it's a pebble dike. It's a pebble dike from the gas phase of the Laramide intrusive. In other words, it's like Yellowstone. If you get volcanic or magma activity below the surface and it hits groundwater, then you get these explosive events. That's what the Cumberland is! I was following those dikes and they run down towards the Cumberland. And down towards Pine Flats. At Pine Flats, I have exposure of the porphyry rock. They want to drill at that depth. The gold is not a quartz vein -- at porphyries, you look for those breccia pipes that feed off of the systems. Dr. Marsh, who you're talking about, he said you got a free hole there!

John Rothermel: Back in the 1880s when that mine was operating -- it operated from 1880 through 1920 -- was the last article written on it. It got the geology wrong about the area to the north. It mentioned the fact that low-grade porphyry was found in the Cumberland, which went down 300 foot deep. That breccia -- that pebble dike feeds into a copper for porphyry. And that's not the main drill target!

Peter Bell: And that's the 56 acres of patented ground that you have at the Cumberland group?

John Rothermel: Right.

Peter Bell: Is that where you have the 25 million tons or is that on the unpatented claim?

John Rothermel: That's to the south of us.

John Rothermel: The reason I want my theories to be looked at carefully is because it takes us more completely away from the existing buildings that are up there. If we can find the copper away from the developed section of Pine Flants.

Neal Hawkins: Branden, I should explain a couple of things about us. John and I have been in business together for well over 25 years. Now, John's been looking at many properties in Arizona for much longer than that. We are the company -- it's just the two of us. We are the company. We don't run any debt. We're self-funded, so we're very selective on what we hold. We do favor patented property because we just don't see any sense in going in and picking up thousands of acres of government land and then when nothing shows up, which happens 99% of the time, you lose all that money. Like I said, we're very selective about what we have invested in. We've evaluated hundreds of mines. We've probably done more than that in Arizona and these are the few that we are holding right now.

John Rothermel: Pine Flats, anytime you guys want to look at it -- let us know! We're quite amenable. I like that property a lot. A lot of work done -- for good terrain, good water, and it's one of the better projects you'll find in Arizona.

Peter Bell: I wonder about the numbers, the non-43-101 resource numbers. Old drilling -- was that 20 meter spacings or 50 meter spacings? Was there any plan to old drilling at Pine Flats?

John Rothermel: Everything that you're mentioning was documented. There was a master's thesis where he had access to all the drill cores. He did a lot of work! He had a lot of geophysics done, as well. He worked closely with the oil people that had been there prior to him. He got some help from David Lowell, who's the guy basically given a lot of credit for finding the copper mines down in Chile -- billionaire explorer. He goes through the details of the holes at Pine Flats -- the grades and everything else. It's not like this is historic data that hasn't been backed up. It has been backed up by actually having access to the cores.

Peter Bell: That's important.

John Rothermel: It is.

Neal Hawkins: Do you have any questions about any other projects that we might answer? And can you tell me if you'd like any information that we might be able to furnish or anything?

Branden Haynes: I'm working through the process where we have a qualified property of merit which satisfies the requirements to list on the Toronto Stock Exchange, +200 investors which we will be able to get, and directed working capital in the bank accounts of $200,000 minimally. Obviously that doesn't go very far in mining. What we plan to do is a small valuation raise of $500,000 at ten cents to get us listed at a qualifying transaction of ten cents. Then, once we are publicly traded announced a $1.2 to $1.5 million dollar raise where we can acquire a larger project and put drills on the ground. That's the go-to-market and forecasted plan for the next year. Your copper project is pretty good. The copper price is holding around $2.50. Is there enough ounces in the ground that we could attract a major? That's the end result for any explorer -- to secure a transaction with a larger producer.

John Rothermel: Well, the thing that I liked about the report on Pine Flats was that he was saying that they should put a deep hole. At the Cumberland, I'm going to be preparing a drill site -- leveling-out the area and fixing the roads up so a pickup truck or whatever can go from the county road to get up there. You don't have to go to deep compared to historic records. Drill the Cumberland! Those breccia pipes -- when they're bringing up gold like that then watch out! The gold is coming up in those lithic fragments, which are exotic rocks that are down in the main body and are being blown up by the heated steam -- there's gold in them. It was a free-milling gold operation at one time. If you've got potential for drilling a copper deposit, but also picking up a nice gold by-product then makes it a lot better.

Neal Hawkins: Branden, would you like us to send all of what we've got?

Branden Haynes: I do want to see any report you gentlemen wanna send me. I can certainly review them with Peter and our geologist Thomas Clarke. The reason why Peter was bringing up shares in the beginning is because we, as a company, are trying to attain a treasury balance of at least $500,000. Currently, the balance of our bank accounts is about a $100,000. Essentially, we've got a ways to go and a large a large portion of cash out on a property doesn't make sense right now. Our objective is to go public and we can do that since we already have a property of merit with an upcoming 43-101. Now after we are publicly traded, these exploration companies like us live and die by exciting news and being able to announce something in your state, which is a big state for for mining, with good grades and excellent resources sitting there is a good move. It stands to move the needle and move our stock price. Obviously, you gentlemen would have shares at that point and would see the results of that. The timeline that we're looking at is Q1 of next year. I don't know if that changes the complexion of the discussion, but that's all the eggs in the basket right there.

John Rothermel: Keep us informed. Hopefully the Cumberland will still be available! If it is, then we will be glad to talk to you about it.

Branden Haynes: And how much cash are you wanting for some of these projects? I emailed Peter some of that information with basic prices for all of our properties. I should point out, Branden, that we've got a number of others that might interest you if you look a little further. There's one called the Virgin Lady... if the the first one works out, which we feel it would, then we can start looking some others. We could help make a very large company out of it.

John Rothermel: First thing to do is get your stuff lined up. I've been in the business myself, I understand what it's like to get some startup time. You don't want to deplete your cash flow. Don't forget, by letting you do some activities, I gain knowledge! I'm just as interested in taking a shot as far as putting a hole down on the Cumberland -- I think that's a free hole.

Neal Hawkins: We're not after immediate money. We look at these as long-term projects.

Branden Haynes: What would an option agreement look like upon signing, and say over the course of three years? What do you guys generally the rule of thumb for that?

John Rothermel: As a show of good faith, we want to see something down and maybe something on three annual payments. We use that money basically to stay up on top of that because our property tax bill on all our claims is around forty thousand dollars a year.

Branden Haynes: It's about forty thousand a year for one property?

Neal Hawkins: No. No. We probably pay taxes on several thousand acres.

John Rothermel: So, something like an extra $10,000 could alleviate a portion of that. And then you'd have a work commitment.

John Rothermel: I can't guarantee what's going to happen. At this point, I'm working on opening up some of the Bradshaw properties to the South. I'm going up to the Cumberland and putting sights on that one. Cumberland, I think, can move. And if the Cumberland doesn't go, I can still do good just selling the 56 acres. Some guy might want to build cabins there! That would be the last big piece left. That was the one that held most of the mining potential, which is why it didn't get moved off already.

Peter Bell: And to clarify -- before, you'd said that all of your projects are anchored by old mines. Is that correct?

Neal Hawkins: That's correct.

Neal Hawkins: I can't think of anything where we have just government claims. This is our philosphy. Get the private land and then government claims around it if we need them to protect it.

Peter Bell: All of the private land that you have covers old mines, is that correct?

John Rothermel: Yes, historic mines.

Peter Bell: That's a pretty important thing to keep in mind, right.

John Rothermel: I know most of the mines. I've been in them. Especially in certain counties like Yavapai County. My brother was the geologist for the State Land Department they own 12 billion acres. Basically, what we were doing was -- through the years -- going out and visiting properties. When they were good, we would acquire them. When the metals would go into the tank, that's when I would buy. I kept cash money around to pick those things up.

Peter Bell: How many of them, John, have modern drilling work? Any view to a resource? They're all old mines -- great. Which ones have modern drilling at any kind of a reasonable density?

John Rothermel: I can tell you of six that I think probably have good drilling done that we have right now. Those are the ones that I would like to prioritize for Branden to look at, Neal.

John Rothermel: A lot of those are the bigger ones -- the copper ones.

Peter Bell: I figured they would be. Branden's got some explorations zingers in the company already and he doesn't really have the ability to spend in US dollars quite the same as he does in Quebec. But if we could put something that has some historical drilling on it, then the analysts can do their geo-statistical modeling of the drill density and ore intercepts to come to a rough estimate of what a 43-101 resource might look like.

John Rothermel: For these projects, I have reports where they were contemplating taking the property further. Reports were saying what needed to be done next.

Peter Bell: Of course! A geologist always wants to tell you what needs to be done next. That's the way it is. It's always the way it is. And this is it -- if there's already been some successful drilling then it can really help Branden's new company. If there was just one project to pick from Silver Nickel for him, I would say -- please look at something with a non-compliant resource.

John Rothermel: Yes, you guys can cherry pick one that fits with your project. You can always come back and see what else we have that might be of interest. There's always the possibility of an increased cooperation, depending on how things work out.

Peter Bell: Deal flow, deal flow, deal flow! Keep coming back to things that work -- that's one thing that Branden's already figured out. He's had success with these guys in Quebec and he's already doing that himself with these guys in Quebec. You'll be happy to know he's making good decisions in his first time in the CEO role. Branden, you're doing great. Good work.

Branden Haynes: Thank you very much. I appreciate the compliment. Hawkmoon Resources! The name comes from my dad's company Nighthawk Electric and our boat the Moontide, our sailboat. I've been told that it's a reference to a Hunter's Moon where a hawk can hunt at night.

Peter Bell: Branden's been working in Quebec and he met Chief Happy Jack recently? Welcome to Quebec! It's a world away from where you are down in Arizona.

Neal Hawkins: I know it is. Been there a few times. As I said before, Branden, anything information you need -- please let me know.

Peter Bell: Thank you for the call. Neal and John, always appreciate your time. Thanks for calling in. Goodbye.

Watch the full video on YouTube here, https://youtu.be/g4cGSqGbf8U