“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” ― Ernest Hemingway
Spend most of your time figuring out what not to invest in, in this sector. The stories you should consider then become more obvious. Timing can trump almost everything though.
ADT.AX (June 2018) still stands out as one of my largest equity holdings. NGEX, MAI (bought first piece in Feb 2018 as Corex), AE, QTWO, LBC
Also holding/trading smaller quantities of FWZ, FDR, RIO, WRLG, NRC, RLT-P, MNO, TAR.AX, RCHR, MBL, RUG, BRON, KGC.V, MOG, VLV
And numerous private equity positions. 🤞
saskexplorer1 on the twitter.
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